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  1. Heya,

    What's this about an Arcanum mod? I loved that game!

  2. Just because we have 10 fingers doesn't mean we should wear 10 rings. Mages technically could wear several layers of robes over each other, but...just...no. If you need a logical explanation, then as the previous post explained, you can't have magical items of the same type next to each other. Like magnets.
  3. Yep, that's the mod I had, an earlier version though, looks even better now. hnnggg I would kill for a Skyrim version. Maybe there's a way to contact the people behind it? Going to bed now, but will investigate tomorrow.
  4. +1 My temporary solution to this is to put Ingredients in one chest, Books in another etc. But this would be amazing.
  5. To compensate for the over-powering of characters for multiple rings, all you'd have to do is divide ring's power by the number of rings you're having. Two rings: halve their power Eight rings: could still work, but make them 1/8th as powerful
  6. I'm playing a Pure Mage, and Skyrim currently lets me have eight spells hotkeyed. Eight. Just within the Destruction tree, just with Fire/Frost/Shock, there are NINE spells I want hotkeyed. (Considering there's a short-range, long-range and AoE version of each.) In Oblivion I had a Hotkey mod, for example, that allowed me to have this set up: 1 = Fire Bolt Shift+1 = Fire Ball Alt+1 = Burning Touch etc. So I could have the three kinds of Destruction spell between 1-3. Feather, Night-Eye, Shield, Unlock, Water Breathing, Water Walking etc. I had all bound to my Numpad. Then there's the summons, the shields, the wards, the light spells, the soul trap, it really destroys immersion for me, to have to fiddle with the Favourites menu every 30 seconds because I want to be an efficient mage. I'd be extremely grateful if such a mod were released for Skyrim.
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