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Nexus Mods Profile

About MadHamlet

  1. Greetings, Just bumping this back up. Still looking for work. I remain, as always, Mad-Hamlet
  2. Greetings, I read your addition to the Nexus Archives. That looks...I mean...just...wow. Assassin 1: Nah Dorf, dis'll be an easy slash, stash n'dash. Assassin 2: Why? Hoo' da target? Assassin 1: Meh, just some minor maglin' visitin' mummy and daddy. She's asleep in 'er bed. Sugerplums n'all that. Assassin 2: Huh, huh, I like em' when der' sleepin'. Assassin 1: Right, I'll just ease this door open real quiet like an- SWEET BLEEDING MAK-***CRUNCH*** Assassin 2: Um, dat's no' sugerplum I've ever seen befo-***MANGLE*** Epic, epic, epic. I remain, as always, Mad-Hamlet
  3. Greetings, I've offered my services as a Lore Writer and Voice Actor for people doing mods. I wrote this snippet as sort of an 'advertisement'. Telling stories is a beloved past time of mine yet I have little technical skill, or patience truth to tell, in the area of making mods. Time is a factor as well. I just want to help with mods others have already thought of themselves. I've seen lots of great work lose a bit of flair due to poor writing and/or voice work. Anyhow, here's the snippet. I remain, as always, Mad-Hamlet
  4. Hi and welcome here =)
  5. Greetings, Ah, hey Pheelon. Well, as long as you're here than I have no compunction about linking to your mod so a 'sample' is available to prospective modders. (Image ...two I think) I remain, as always, Mad-Hamlet
  6. Greetings, I love mods. And I have a healthy respect for those in the community that do some great work in maintaining the vitality of various games free of charge simply because they love it. I would love to be part of mods as well. I'm a very creative writer. In terms of fleshing out background, coming up with stories and lore I'm happy as hell and I find I'm pretty darn good at it too; others even think so occasionally. I'm also interested in doing voice work for those mods that might require it. I've helped a little in a few DA:O mods already. Nothing well known but I'm very familiar with the lore and as passionate about modding it as much as anyone else here. Feel free to drop me a line if anyone is interested. I remain, as always, Mad-Hamlet
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