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  1. From my current weapon mod, it has the classic Oblivion Paintbrush bug where the model will float when dropped and you can stand on it. I'm also not sure why the magazine and forward assist is removed from its places and moved somewhere else on the world model when equipped its normal. Any help with fixing this? Link to the mod if you want to take a look at the files specifically: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/86737
  2. Is it possible to mashup the barrel from the Service Rifle with the Marksman Carbine? Or stretch out the existing Marksman Carbine Barrel and also making it thinner in order for me to mount the Bayonet Model onto. I'm thinking something like this mock up. I'm trying to create a custom melee weapon that is a Two-Handed Marksman Carbine + Bayonet Attached, but I came to find out the Marksman Carbine Barrel is to short and stubby to mount a Bayonet too. And more specifically I'm working off this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55891/ (changes the Scope from an Overlay to an Iron Sight ACOG Cheveron Sight) so if I'd also need a working edited model but with this scope from this mod (as in extended barrel + edited scope, no Bayonet). I will not be publishing this Rifle+Bayonet Mod, Just a personal item, so I don't think I need permission as per the terms correct? If it's not-published.
  3. Any modelers around that might be interested in making the iconic Gerber Mk II Combat Knife? (Standalone)
  4. So I have to change the weapon models in NifSkope? Thanks, I'll try it. Because I know how to change the weapon type in the Construction Set, but the models are messed up. I didn't know hoe to edit the models themselves. I
  5. How would one make a Longsword (that sheaths at the hip) but when drawn, it is two handed? I'm sure it can be done somehow, I tried out that mod that lets you sheath 1Handers on your back and 2Handers on your hip, so something like this can be done, i just dont know how. I have a janky way of acomplishing this from my abandoned/put-on-hold Grip Changer mod that I was developing a few eyars back, but using it in game tis rather slow. So instead im thinking of instead making some two handed weapons (but in this case using Longswords) but they sheath at the hip like vanilla Longswords. Any ideas how this can be done? TL;DR - is there a way to make Longswords sheath at the hip in their scabbards, yet they are used in two hands like real Longswords? EDIT: Or how can I convert a Longsword to a two handed weapon properly, as in the sheath will be on your back, so I can just use the Sheath Swap mod
  6. I disabled WMX-DLCMerged and that fixed it, so I reinstalled it. Let me reinstall the rest of the mods and see if WMX was the only problem.
  7. Thanks for the refresher. Yeah it's been a while since I've played so I may have forgotten some things. I'll try it out and see what I get. If all else fails, its time for the uninstall reinstall......AGAIN -_-
  8. Got back into the game, reinstalled a bunch of mods. But now, the game won't get past the first menu screen to get to the main menu. I click start and it gets stuck here: Here is my Load Order: I've verified game integrity, but that didnt work. It said 1 file failed ot validate and will be reacquired twice. If all else fails, looks like I'll be disabling mods in order to find out which one is buggy. Before I installed only a few mods and it worked. For instance I started off with just Project Nevada, and that worked completely.
  9. Is there a way to make new Magic Effects in the CS? As we all know, Turn Undead Spells make the undead flee and it does not effect anything else (just counts as an Assault). But I am thinking of making a new Spell/Magic Effect using Turn Undead as a Base. That it will Damage Health for Undead Only. As in, if you cast the Spell at an Undead, it will Damage it's HP. But if you cast at anything else (NPC, Animal, etc) it will have no effect (Still count as assault as usual). And perhaps, also another seperate spell that effects Daedra in the same way.
  10. So I tried holding down the DownArrow for around 15 seconds and still nothing. Will look into other solutions and new scripts when I get the chance.
  11. Ah, that must be the problem. I am using Roberts Male V52 BAIN. where exactly would the clothing Meshes be packaged with that? because there is a lot of subfolders. Though there are lots of meshes in the data folder already, maybe they are from the body replacers.
  12. Hey thanks for the help. I will try some more things out this weekend (Busy w/ School)
  13. I'm trying to make a simple retexture to a vanilla clothing but it ends up Invisible. I extracted the meshes & textures straight from the Oblivion.bsa, converted .dds texture to .PNG,then created a new texture in Photoshop CS4, then re-converted new texture to .dds format. Then I applies the new black texture to the meshes, and save. The paths for meshes and textures are: Data/meshes/clothing/middleclass/02/m Data/textures/clothing/middleclass/02/m Now I will admit I am doing it manually, the Textures & Meshes are just being dumped into the Data folder, I'm not so sure how to make a .bsa just yet. Or even if that's what I should be doing. I have the textures/meshes in the Data folder and then I go into CS and take a Clothing, make new id and replace the meshes with the enw ones in the data folder. This is how i've made textures for New Vegas, and I'm not sure why it isnt working here. And I also am using some Body replacers, Roberts to be exact. I think maybe the meshes I extracted from the Oblivion folders does not have any sketons attached, in Nifskope it was just the model, and no lines/nodes attached. Here's my load order: And here's some screenshots. Vanilla Clothes I am moddng off of Invisible New Mesh New Mesh/Texure as seen in Nifskope.
  14. I edited the script and replaced all "Original.SetWeaponType #" to "SetWeaponType # OriginalWeapon" and still nothing. I attached the Quest Script to a Quest, and enabled it on start, made the priority 6, loaded up the game, and when loaded I press the DownArrow, and nothing. So far, my original Spell-Based GripChanging Works, except that it does not unequip any shields present, and it takes 1Spell to Change one way, and 1Spell to change it another way. So total it would take 4 Spells for all 4 Melee Weapon Types. IF i were to just go ahead and use the Spells
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