I'm trying to make a simple retexture to a vanilla clothing but it ends up Invisible. I extracted the meshes & textures straight from the Oblivion.bsa, converted .dds texture to .PNG,then created a new texture in Photoshop CS4, then re-converted new texture to .dds format. Then I applies the new black texture to the meshes, and save. The paths for meshes and textures are: Data/meshes/clothing/middleclass/02/m Data/textures/clothing/middleclass/02/m Now I will admit I am doing it manually, the Textures & Meshes are just being dumped into the Data folder, I'm not so sure how to make a .bsa just yet. Or even if that's what I should be doing. I have the textures/meshes in the Data folder and then I go into CS and take a Clothing, make new id and replace the meshes with the enw ones in the data folder. This is how i've made textures for New Vegas, and I'm not sure why it isnt working here. And I also am using some Body replacers, Roberts to be exact. I think maybe the meshes I extracted from the Oblivion folders does not have any sketons attached, in Nifskope it was just the model, and no lines/nodes attached. Here's my load order: And here's some screenshots. Vanilla Clothes I am moddng off of Invisible New Mesh New Mesh/Texure as seen in Nifskope.