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About imready86k

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  1. It seems the mod author locked the comments section. I'm making a request to patch the mod (fix it). In the wolves den quest (dungeon cave located North West of solitude) the game crashes once you have entered and alerted the enemies in there. I wanted to request someone adjust the 3x esp so that dungeon specifically doesn't spawn more than 2x. I think that's the only error I've found with the mod so far. If someone wants to patch the increased spawns mod for that, I don't mind reporting further dungeons that can't handle 3Ã as well. My setup doesn't alter dungeons so it's easy to figure out if 3x is doing CTDs to any dungeons. That's the only one so far, doing a completionist playthrough so the wolf's den being ctd bloated with too much spawn sucks. So far I've been able to complete everything else. Not bad news.
  2. Forgot to mention. Some areas, maybe all, shouldn't respawn specific resources. Dwemer metals.... Loot it, be done with it, no rinse repeat. What value is the mage guild dwemer ruin if another already spawns infinite scraps of metal every time you go back in? I see dwemer as OIL in the real world. An abundant, depleting resource. You start with a ton to loot, but by level 50, you looted the dwemer to death, and by then, ore deposits have respawned. You either need to discover a new dwemer ruin or mine from 30 day ore deposits to keep up the smithing.
  3. I've reached the dreaded Almighty richer than rich, bountiful stock, late game. It's nice but I still have plenty to do. Anyone who's interested, try this. Remove all ingredients and ore and ingots from vendors selling lists. Find it yourself! (And buff smithing leveling/ per item crafted/ to compensate). Besides why on Earth would a blacksmith sell resources, he'd lose business to the competition, if you need a real world reason. This amongst many... Other... Unworldly changes.. would make each save game live longer. Save games die every day. North Korea, starvation, lack of desire to search urns .. Being simple, a mod to remove "most" and/or select ingredients from being sold by vendors. Other mods might exist to supplement the following, but, generally... Tackling the enchanted weapons EVERywhere, fights the good fight against "queest rewards". Use Dark Souls as a resource for handling the "value" and abundance of items. I noticed from "Oldrim" mods focused on making everything expensive. The root of all riches is in numbers. Too much stuff. Expensive poor Skyrim is nice, however, your still in town by lvl 50, and walking past lonely urns (who have feelings, want to be touched, even by the mighty) in dungeons , and walking past ore deposits. Your still focused on using the anvil in town, to craft 300 bows made from urns.. it leads to.. gold, it's value, it's use. Gold should be a separate currency, designed to purchase "services". Yes, buy stuff too. But... Without all the ingredients and ores (except for iron so beginners have a chance)/ and bc iron is reused for orc items etc, and maintain s it's rarity later in smithing) but without those, gold builds up fast I'd predict. Training is a nice gold sink, but I'm sure there exists many mods already to add to the sink. Disabling fast travel, charging more for "mage teleportation grids" (Morrowind, etc), list can go on. Im requesting an overhaul :) Start simple with removing ability to buy crafting resources. And maybe move on to gold sink services that have "value", then tackle the abundance of weapons. To truly entwine skyrims quest rewards with skyrims "enchant it yourself" I recommend an overhaul to not allow any enchanted items to be WORN until that specific enchant has personally been found& disenchanted, and it will be labeled as unrecognizable (cannot be disenchanted) unless you found it somewhere special, like a dungeon, er Herm or a boss held it.. Then you disenchanted the boots of stamina... "Discovered the stamina enchantment for.. boots, specifically". You can now enchant boots with stamina... No you did not learn to enchant anything .. but boots, specially, with stamina.. specifically.. Do this and the world of Skyrim questing will be filled with PLENTY to do. Also make enchanting only level with disenchanting and disallow it to be legendary (reset to lvl 15). This will kill ambition to dread leveling it by enchanting massive amounts of items. Well I enjoy the disenchanting. Click click. I hate enchanting for the sole purpose of grinding to 100.. click scroll sounds gem click, click scroll boots, click scroll ..........item enchanted. I'll post this if anyone is interested. If the mod doesn't exist sometimes it's because the ideas weren't shared. Just a note. Skyrim always starts fantastic. It's even better because it enables people to go in and try new things which in turn influence the next game that may come out, assuming any of the ideas mentioned in post will turn silver to gold.
  4. First I wanted a compatibility patch for "Frost-fall" and "Dragon Souls: Death is Highly Overrated". The problem is when you die from freezing in Frost-fall, Dragon Souls will respawn you while still in freezing mode, so you die infinitely. I think the solution to the problem would be easy, maybe adding in a few lines of code, adding in a few conditional statements so Dragon Souls can recognize Frostfalls freezing stat, then reset it. The author of Dragon Souls explicitly says you can mod /use his mod with permission, so you wouldn't need to get permission from him to work on this compatibility patch. (He abandoned the mod) The second more difficult mod I request is hide, disable the m key from being pressed or changed, etc. Stop me from using the built in Skyrim map at all. There are a few mods which allow me to equip maps and look at road signs to get around, so if someone can successfully make the built in map completely unaccessable, that would be appreciated. Please any modder get back to me on this. I waited a few years hpping change would come... and it didn't. I'm back knowing that "Skyrim 2" wont be coming for a long time. So Skyrim still a good investment for modding, thanks to Elder Scrolls Online.
  5. I second this. I own this OLD GAME, the cd version. In fact.. I probably have the CD in my back pocket.. BUT I do not want to put the CD in the drive.. WHY? Starcraft 2 is in there.. I shouldn't have to explain why.. The point is that FOMM and FOSE used to work and I did nothing to my computer or game directory. Its just randomly not working now, telling me I need a disc. I get the feeling that some sort of hidden update was made, to make CD versions not work anymore with FOMM and Fose.. Yeah, I bought the game and not interested in buying it AGAIN from steam to fix this.. wouldn't that be silly. If anyone knows a fix let me know. Double clicking the exe yeilds a "you cant play your own game without a CD" error. Besides that is a terrible idea as I depend on fose for the already installed mods.
  6. This mod exists. I actually use it. Its called ummmm.... "Immediate Dragons" . NO JOKE, SEARCH IT
  7. -Check on the nexus for lower resolution textures. -Get grass on steriods, and follow the description for that mod to tweak the skyrim.ini for best performance. -Get Dynavision and Increase the dof to 1.1, then reduce the vanilla skyrim veiw distance settings for everything down to 75-85% from 100%. The dof blur will hide the fact that you cannot see grass/actors that far out. REMOVE MODS THAT INCREASE SPAWNS, add massive amounts of npcs to cities, roads, more. Here is a good EXAMPLE: Immersive Creatures increases spawns. Go into mcm menu and disable anything that increases spawns. Another example: SkyTest adds little passive creatures all over the exterior MARKET. These little creatures mean nothing until OF COURSE,, you install immersive creatures in conjunction with its added spawns... add in some ASIS,.. CIvil War... lets GET IN SOME ZOMBIES TOOO!!! KAAAAABOOOOM>@!!!!! CTD. FPS DROP.. Using these mods increases the risk of CTD's in bed with females, spreading the CTD disease.. to san franscisco. Also reduces fps. The other thing is scripts. You have to start a new game to remove old scripts, sure there are other ways, but I don't support them. Check out every one of your mods websites and look for people saying its "heavy" in scripts. make your own descisions on this.. some mods are worth keeping even if heavily scripted and that opinion is up to you./ I don't know what I talking about . DONT LISTEN TO ME.
  8. What were your ideas? Here's mine regarding atmosphere: Do you plan to add a T-Rex, from where.. or are you making it? In the first post I read you have a lot of ideas so I don't have a good idea of your "theme". I was thinking survival horror so I must be way off.
  9. I second this. The idea, is Jurassic park, a survival horror game. I'm on the same mission, to transform Skyrim into something else. I made Tropical Skyrim compatible with Frostfall, Requiem, Climates of Tamriel, just trying to get the authors permission to post it. We need someone to disable the ability to use the map. This forces you to pay more attention to your surroundings. We have quest information located on the esc menu, +Better Quest Objectives for those quests.. +Equipable Maps +Road Signs...We no longer need the map menu. JUST TRUST ME. Someone should make the mod to prevent using any hotkey to use the map menu. IT WILL CHANGE HOW you play the game XD. -I have forest fires all figured out.. no joke. If you got lost, turn around... your trapped like in Lion King. BURN. -Someone made an earthquake mod, but it has no real effect on gameplay, just for looks.. so if someone could make it dangerous,... XD -Acid rain... (the spell exists, youtube it) Metoer Shower. << Weather effects that happen. More survival. This goes slightly off course into more of nightmare Skyrim, (what I aim for) but for the Dinosuar part of this, disabling the map menu is a must. I'd presume someone who knows how to do it, won't have difficulty doing it,. Is there anyone known to be actively working on removing all people and civilizations from Skyrim Worldspace?
  10. "He means custom animations are freaking hard to do. Experienced modders tried for months-years to create proper custom animations for a four legged dragon to get a mod working. Everyone who tried gave up. It's that hard." I had a deadline of 1 month to work on this, start to finish, it was for college: It doesn't take a year to animate a T-rex, or dragon. Do you mean something else, like.... Skyrim will CTD with custom animations?..... Edit: Player seems to stick to black screen. It may be because this video is set to private. It should still work if you watch it on youtube directly.
  11. If anyone could be so kind as to disable the ability to use the map menu completely.. Like no matter what key you press, the map doesn't come up. I wanted this so that the mod "equipable maps" will be more viable, as well as the road signs mod, and the better quest objectives mod.,,
  12. I uploaded the compatibility patch to the nexus yesterday. It was deleted 5 hours later. It violates the terms of service, for not getting permission from the author. I also have a strike on my account now.
  13. It's possible to make enemies "jump" for you in case anyone wants to know. I forget the forum post but someone was working with the jumping, and made the npcs jump. They said they stopped working on it as it created a lemmings effect for cliffs, (1 enemy jumps after the other, after the other.. over the cliff. However, this would be a great mechanic for the wolves. Who really cares if they lemmings to try and kill you, if it means most of the time it is them hopping on rocks to kill you aswell.
  14. "How to add a stand-alone sound effect to a creature?" I can make decent sounding dinosaur noises, I KNOW THE SECRET! but CK doesn't love me. CK doesn't want me to figure out how to replace a wolf's sound effects with dinosuar sound effects, namely Encwolf. <That actor from Tropical Skyrim, which is replaced with a raptor model.. So I want to bring this raptor to life. I can make the dinosaur sounds.. I want this sound effect to only "effect" that wolf, not the other wolves,.. (as they look like wolves, not raptors), This is the last change planned for the Tropical Skyrim Compatibility Patch for Requiem, and Frostfall. This patch is NOT perfect but its better than nothing XD. some screenies below. HELP MEEEE Below shows the picture of the raptor, loook at his FACE he NEEDS LOVE. with sound. Do you love raptors? then help me when he eats your brains. http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o567/rescue86k/ScreenShot15_zpsecd82428.png http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o567/rescue86k/ScreenShot5_zpsea1a36f8.png http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o567/rescue86k/ScreenShot21_zpsff8f0f9f.png
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