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About keylek3

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  1. Keylek, that's a nice avatar!
  2. *hug* They are just that...silly
  3. emmm.... i know you have had the avatar for aehile, but what is it about with all these silly hopping avatars?
  4. hi jess, hope you are alright... :)
  5. *HUGS* Hope you are well my friend
  6. thats not funny, i know friends with aids, if you are going to post on my profile again, please, think about what you are going to post, you dont know who you may offend
  7. It is very important.
  8. It's a small world! ;)
  9. i still find it funny when i think about it, i only live 40 miles south of you in bolton... XD... i sometimes think one of your aliens will drag me away in my sleep... lol, which i dont mind at all so long as they dont try and get a face humper on me... :)
  10. hey mavrosh! you have been quiet, you should go on yahoo every so offten, i am normally there so i am sure we could have a chat, i know i say this everything but your artwork is just getting better and better, and i trully mean that, like i have a look on your DA quite offten,

    anyways, i hope i see you on yahoo soon... :)

  11. I swear I am trying to find time to write you back! *hugs and kiss*
  12. i remember this happened to me due to i did not install the updates, have you installed the updates which came wih the dlc's? or have you instlled the most latest fallout 3 patch yet? they should make it work, if not, it is something else effecting it, like here is a link ot the lastest patch... http://fallout.bethsoft.com/eng/downloads/updates.html i hope this helps... :D
  13. hi to you too xan... :-D
  14. good news, i have managed to sort out the hard disk error, it was being caused by the ini file in my save file, it was basiclly a very old ini file which has been passd from computer to computer may times through system reinstalls and so on, but yet that is only one problem solved so far, the game is still freezing alot, like lasting a few mins before crashing competly, if anyone can help with that, please post your suggestions ------- edit: wait, he freezing has been fixed, i have been going through the ini file alot and i toggled it quite abit, it now works perfectly, but yet every so offten, but no where nea as offten the hard disk error pops up, whic makes no sence since i sorted that ou earlyer, so if anyone knows how to fix the hard disk error, you are welcome to say your suggestions, because it is about every 15 mins (exsactly nearly) so this is still something i want to get fixed
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