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About jerlord

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    United States
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    Morrowind, Oblivion

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  1. Thank you, I fixed the problem. When I deleated all my content, I deleated the Editor.ini and the changes that needed to be added to it, when I repaired the editor.ini i was able to go through it.
  2. Ok i narrowed it down to the Update.ESM it wasn't the dragonborn.esm... however It's some kind of assertion error, File C:\_Skyrim\Code\TES Shared\misc\BGSlocalizedString.cpp Line 2860 Localization: Error Opening or reading Strings File. I've tried validating the Skyrim files like 3 times now, and the Workshop file, the workshop file has nothing that fails but something fails on Skyrim each time and downloads only to have the workshop not be able to to load it again. :( Which means I can't load Dawnguard, or Dragonborn, or any of my mods that require it. :/
  3. I was wondering if some enlightened and wonderious moder who is better at making things than my humble self, would make a mod that adds the Masks of the priests in Solstiem to Bromjunaar, alongside those priest Mask statues that are already there? Or make a similar haven for Solestiem and their masks... :yes: :thumbsup: Thanx for the consideration :)
  4. When I try to load Dragonborn into the Creationkit to create a mod, it causes the Creationkit to shut down... Anyone know how to fix this problem, and can help me with it?
  5. except there aren't... there are a few doors like some for Malkarth, High Throngar, Skyhaven temple, and so on that don't have non load door equivalent, even if they have two sides... High Hrongar hasn't any...but then Hrongar seems messed up to me all together @_@
  6. not wanting a teleport door.... i am wanting to make a teleport formated door into a regular door...
  7. Ok I have a problem, I am creating a house mod...well more of a palace... and I don't have any doors that work... IE almost all double doors are either teleport doors and don't have a back, (same with some nice looking single doors) or don't open all the way for the same reason...... :O anyone know how to make doors, or make them open all the way... and would like to share with this humble modder?
  8. Oh i dispise the silverbloods...but they get what is comming to them with the Foresworn.... >_> i'd like to see the king in rags put on the Mournful throne if you join Ulfric's side... just because the current rulers of Malkarth betrayed him...
  9. sorry...but no...just no undead nudes @_@ sooo wrong.... no wrinkly disecected undead body parts.... I find it disturbing enough that some Draugr have boobs and are female without that.... reminds me of a conversation my friend and I had about similar...I think I was saying to him where are the female something and he said something else, and I mentioned "Do you really want to see this Draugr naked...we both shuddered and the boobed Draugr...
  10. ack! it's Ugla...giant man woman of dooom!! lol, joke...nice outfit for the ladies...
  11. >_> of course now that I shut off Arcadia and Deus Mons it works just fine..... This goes to prove to me that even if someone say's a mod works you shouldn't download ones that add buildings to game unless you plan on starting over... which was my policy with Oblivion....same for updating mods...(which is something I don't like about Steam)
  12. Yes from what I understand the older games all took place during Uriel's Lifetime at the Closing (ie last 50 years) of the 3rd Era.... Actually much of the 1st and second Era are piecemeal covered in the books and resolved through events in the Games...the books and so on mention quite a bit of the first and a least some of the second Era (though might add several things are left out in odd ways) Including WHERE are the Falmer's old Settlements in Skyrim (this was their territory after all) And Many of these Cities have been around through all 4 Era's or at least 2 or 3 of them.... They're....smaller then I'd imagine them.... but then so was the Imperial city which stood from the Beginning of the First Era to this one...And Cyrodiil for being the Central provence was sparsly populated.... Though actually i can see reasons and explainations for many of these questions. There actually were a few cities and places that "Disappeared' that were mentioned in the books such as in Cyrodiil, Myr Corrup which spanned all three Era's up to the War between Kajiit and Valenwood in the 3rd Era. There's also mentioned a Fortress and a couple of towns not shown in Cyrodiil. Sutch I think was another one but I am not sure... I actually found the 4 centuries of the 4th Era to be....sparcely explained at best....or oddly explained in some cases....As with the Great Collapse... I am sorry, I am an ametuer Historian and a writer so these things nag at my subconcsious. Skyrim probably has a few "disappearing problems too...things mentioned in books and so on that don't actually appear anywhere in the game...or in the history of the game (ie some books) for instance there was a Witch Queen in Whiterun at one point....according to Oblivion's Empire Hand book...
  13. Well put it this way....who actually own's her "former" rival, and who bought out her supplier.... Her name starts with a K, and I don't think she likes Maven that much.... Which means by the end of the Theives guild Quests and the Dark Brotherhood, you've effectively crippled her if you don't like her...Her contacts that way are dried up, she no longer has either guild's Support... Plus there are a dozen side things you do to her through side quests....There are actually very few people, in that game I don't like and Maven, who works with the Thalmor (whom I despise)...kind of rubbs the wrong way but not badly so...... I'd rather kill the ideot in Whiterun who keeps asking me if i've been to the cloud District.... >_< Like my best friend say's I'd tell him "I am the Harbinger of the Companions, Archmage of the College of Winterhold, Listener of the Dark brotherhood, and Leader of the Theives guild. So shut it you pompus...." well you get my point. Ulfric Stormcloak, I don't dislike...at least he didn't try to have me executed right at the beginning of the game....to me he's the lesser of two Weavils... Besides What do the old Grey beards say to you....that More or less you are the King of Skyrim, in all but name.... Besides to his speech he gives his minion in his castle I don't think was something he nessarilly said to inspire and so on...It sounded like Ulfric Beleaved what he said.... he may be a racist Pig, but he's way less of one then the one's everyone here should hate, the Thalmor...
  14. how fast is your computer and is it up to the specifications for one.... for two it might mean that the game information from your saves are bigger then they were when you started for instance... I too have issues where my game will say "stopped working" while the game figures out what it's doing...but it pulls up within a few moments...
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