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Everything posted by neffero

  1. WOW! Someone who understands me and finally knows what I am talking about! I'll check this out, thanks! I'll post here if I find anything. people have been saying SkyRe and Requiem, but the videos I've seen hasn't been very positive, these PC's are still wailing on enemies to no end! UPDATE: Sorry my man, according to several comments on youtube and the nexus, this mod is very glitchy and rarely works, even without any other mods installed. WE MUST CONTINUE THE SEARCH Appreciate it! I tested Skytweak and it works perfectly except for the fact that some of my armors and weapons from different mods are gone. I do not know how to fix this as restarting wont work. The weapon that is gone is my Bow of the Dark One and some armors since the bandit I killed was completely naked despite wearing armor in a previous save.
  2. I THINK I FOUND IT! SKYTWEAK! Why doesn't this mod have MILLIONS of downloads? You can even tweak sneak detection cone, friendly fire, YOUR damage (so that you hit harder making it appear as though enemies have less health).
  3. WOW! Someone who understands me and finally knows what I am talking about! I'll check this out, thanks! I'll post here if I find anything. people have been saying SkyRe and Requiem, but the videos I've seen hasn't been very positive, these PC's are still wailing on enemies to no end! UPDATE: Sorry my man, according to several comments on youtube and the nexus, this mod is very glitchy and rarely works, even without any other mods installed. WE MUST CONTINUE THE SEARCH
  4. Just in case I wasn't clear, this isn't difficulty. Making enemies with a BAZILLION hit points is not difficult, it's a supplement, it's fake, it's not really hard it's just frustrating.
  5. Extremely sick of all the combat mods I've come across saying they are realistic when in reality, they are far from it. I usually play on master/expert (legendary on vanilla) and I must say that nothing is balanced, at least with deadly combat/duel - combat realism. I've tried both separately. Everything about the combat mods is fine and dandy except for health values. I'm at about level 20 now and with the enemies I come across, the ones that are supposed to be challenging, yet with proper strategy beatable, are unstoppable. An enemy takes about 2 hits minimum to kill me, and these are about 50% of the regular enemies I encounter. The rest I can take head on and are truly balanced. As for the stronger enemies, they obliterate me either in one hit or two if I am not at 100%. Is there a mod that tweaks these health values so enemies are actually balanced to the point where not only I die in 2-5 hots, but the enemy ALSO dies in, I don't know, 8-10? I don't mind hitting a few more times but it really sucks working strategically for 3-5 minutes slashing away at that Draugr Scourge trying not to get 1-shot by his massive hammer only to die because I didn't dodge ONE hammer blow after 3-5 MINUTES of dodging. Unless there is already a mod for this, please tell me.
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