I encountered the following bug: After finishing the ceremony by the companions in the quest "Proving Honor", I find myself unable to talk to anyone. The ceremony works fine, every character is there, I get to finish the quest, but after that all the NPCs stop talking with my character, including Vilja (my only follower) and the guards. When I point at an NPC, the "E - Talk" option appears, but pressing E has no consequences whatsoever. When committing a crime in Jorrvaskr, I get to talk to Aela, but only about whether I pay the fine or not. It's similar with the guards, who all turn hostile when I attack, but don't engage in dialogue, when I try to speak with them. Waiting 24hrs doesn't help. I already tried to complete the quest by console (setstage c01 200), which does work without creating this problem. Except that the leading companions stay in the circle indefinitely, preventing me from furthering the companions' questline by asking for work. When I get close to the circle even after having completed the quest by console, the script for the ceremony starts, after which the same problem occurs. tscr prevents the ceremony-script from starting, but the leaders of the companions still stay in the circle, maintaining to be busy, when I speak to them. Here's my current load order: No new mod has been installed recently, so far everything has worked well. I've thoroughly been looking for solutions on the web, but nobody seems to have posted anything about this glitch before. Maybe you got any ideas? If there are any known issues with the mods or workarounds for the ceremony-script, I'd be very happe to learn. Thanks for your consideration!