yeah i know but, i dont give a crap what other people think, i am american and i love asian games/tv jrpgs are amazing, and if some one wants to talk down upon them, idc. they dont have to make it, or dl it if someone does make this for me. but seriously its clothing, it isnt like adding the game/tv series to skyrim its just adding her jacket , top/bottoms, and shoes. a picture of the back of her jacket. cosplay version. a version with the hood up as well as one with the hood down would be epic. the character's name is Kuroi i believe. (edit) nvm im wrong the characters name is Black Rock Shooter, but its is also Mato Kuroi, kind-of. " "[name of character]" + "Skyrim" " yeah i tried that already. all ive been able to find is a deadmaster outfit that is more like a body replacer like the tera elin mods.