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Posts posted by AhtnamasStudio

  1. Ancient Guild

    This thread is intended for modders who want to work in a mod project

    The idea is to build a team of developers to create this also brain storm using this thread. Please only post if your are interested and if you have a idea that may benefit this mod.

    So far the team is My self and my friend for some voice acting.

    But by myself I can only spend short amount of time on one part each week and a good mod requires a number of people with all sorts of talent, including Creation Kit, Scripting and Modelling/Texturing and dungeon,world and town designing. You can bet this mod will be better and better with a team and a good team will be key.

    I believe the scope of the project to be at its best will be only met with a team.

    So that is why I have cam public with the idea and ask fellow modders to help in the creation of this.

    I see allot of big mod projects coming out so adding to that will help Skyrim modding community grow.

    "Note if your are interested down below near the bottom is what is needed but do please read the whole thing"

    Also if there is a team made after the publish of this mod we will work on bigger mods and maybe even work on other things besides mod's

    Now onto the mod it's self.

    Well a long time ago about a month or two. I thought of a cool mod project called the Ancient Guild.

    Overview of mod:

    This mod is about this guild " Like the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood"

    After you help this guy with his problem. He gives you a key to a house that he has never used but you discover and hidden passage behind a bookshelf.

    Then you go around Tamriel to discover that there's this Ancient Guild that was ran out of Tamriel.

    You learn more and more about the guild to discover that they still exist.

    After talking to people and doing quest you soon get taken to a island. There you will meet the Ancient Guild to find out something bad.

    Then the story will go on about finding out whats been happening around Tamriel to encounter another Dragonborn but evil.

    e.g. Then you will go around doing many quest's to stop him. etc

    The mod will contain many dungeons, player homes. ect

    I do not mean to be discriminatory, but I would prefer that those who wish to work on this have some way to communicate threw Skype also be a little experienced with using the Creation Kit with. So in other words know how to move items if anything

    "Do speak to me if you want in tho and do not know if you are experienced enough I will see what we can do "

    Also, to prevent further confusion, I ask that the communication with each other in an understandable manner (Non-native English speakers are exempt from this. Just try your best).

    The Actually mod and how it will be shared and updated:

    This project will be uploaded and shared Threw SkyDrive. Thats all the public info i will give out and depending on what you actually provide or work on will depend on the file.


    What is needed for this project:

    These are what people can offer to be apart of the team.

    Actors/Actress: We need allot of skilled people with voice acting "There is no limit of people who can apply for this"

    Modelers: If you are wanting to join and be a Modeler you must know how to import and export. "3-6 people needed"

    World designer: If you want to join and be a World designer you must have some way to prove that you can do this. If you do not have a Published mod that is fine just make a small island nothing to big and just prove that you know your way around. 'Note this person will most likely spend most of there time on making the world because it will be a big part of this mod" "1-2 people needed"

    Dungeon/City builders: We need a good amount of people for this as there will be many dungeon's and city's in this mod. "5-10 people needed"

    Graphic Artist: You have a good program "Photo shop" and is skilled at making logos and art "Side not also art for the game" "2-4 needed"

    If you have a different skill set and still wanna be apart of this please message me or post a reply and tell me what you are good at.


    Guideline "Rules":

    These are rules and standards to even join this project.

    1. You have free time to spend on the project.

    2. you under stand a little about creation kit " at the top 24 line"

    3. If your produce any content it will be original and yours. If to find out content you made is copied you will be removed off the team and reported.

    4. You under stand and acknowledge that you must be respectful to every one on the team and if you are disrespectful you will be removed off the team and no credit will be given. "Note this include Racial, Religion and political views will stay with you and away from the work at hand"

    5. You also under stand and acknowledge that every one who works on this project will get credit for doing so and also knows and under stand this is a Nonprofit project.

    Thanks for your time please any feedback, help will be appreciated


    Ahtnamas Studio

  2. Its not that we implying do not have swearing. We are just implying the amount of swearing is not needed. Also are opinion dose not matter that much anyways but allot of people wont download them mod for the fact of that. Not saying or implying that the mod is bad voice acting really good and if its any where as good then the rest of the mod will be very good but the over use off swearing will drive allot of people away from downloading it. Just is the fact but its your mod and how ever the mod works best in your eyes then that's fine because not every one will like every ones mods.

  3. Ok so i have been downloading programs all day like pyff and python and older versions of blender so i can edit models but nothing is working for me i have probably downloaded 25 different programs and still dosent work and i cant find anything i youtube because every thing is people actualy messing with the model i just need help on what i half to do i look at this for a second http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Installation_of_Blender but again more programs still nothing please help

  4. Ancient Guild Player Home




    OK so recently i been helping people out in the forms and now I was hoping I can get some help. Be warned I do not care much for grammar besides spelling and even then i mess up so please bare with me. Ok so i have been trying to join mod projects but keep getting turned down because i have not "Publish anything".

    I am working on this mod project called Ancient Guild. Now the thing is i am not close to being finished to even upload a beta for it. I want to do one upload and that's it " Besides bug fixes " How ever i do wanna upload some content so i can get peoples feed back and wanna know what i need to work on before my actually big project mod comes out. So I have been working on this player home mod for about 4-6 hours. So far I have mad a dungeon and started the house and the npc for my quest line. I plan on uploading this mod same time tomorrow. So before i ask you guys on opinions and such let me tell you about the player home. The player home is a regular house by the water kinda hidden. Inside even looks like a regular home. So why bother if its just a plane old house well you see is there a secret to it where it leads underground into a old Ancient Guild hide out. Has every thing a player home needs inside a cave under ground. Now i have no screen shots off the cave yet because i am no where close to done with it. Now the reason i want to make this and upload is because i want a player home mod in my main project so i decide why not figure what i need to improve on and will help me shape the home to be ready for the main project. So now here is why I would like your guys help.


    First I want to know what has to been in a player home. I do not really download them so i do not know what people like in them and do not like but i am talking about basics.


    Second What could I add to the home. I see allot of people want like guards miners and all this stuff people want but I dont know what would over do it.


    Third Questing I have a small dungeon quest where you must retrieve this book back from this bandit for the wizard to get the key but should there be more to it and if so how much?


    Last question How big is dialog I dont have the best voice being sick right now but my quest has its own dialog so i need to know how important it is to have voice for the dialog. Also if it is a big deal dose it matter how it sounds and if so where can i get people to help with dialog in my mods " If you want to help me with this send me a message or skype me at ahtnamasstudio Also credit will be given"


    So yea thanks for reading sorry if your real big on grammar thanks for your time also all help you can provide on those topics would really help me out.

  5. Ancient Guild Player Home



    Would add picture but the site wont let me


    OK so recently i been helping people out in the forms and now I was hoping I can get some help. Be warned I do not care much for grammar besides spelling and even then i mess up so please bare with me. Ok so i have been trying to join mod projects but keep getting turned down because i have not "Publish anything".

    I am working on this mod project called Ancient Guild. Now the thing is i am not close to being finished to even upload a beta for it. I want to do one upload and that's it " Besides bug fixes " How ever i do wanna upload some content so i can get peoples feed back and wanna know what i need to work on before my actually big project mod comes out. So I have been working on this player home mod for about 4-6 hours. So far I have mad a dungeon and started the house and the npc for my quest line. I plan on uploading this mod same time tomorrow. So before i ask you guys on opinions and such let me tell you about the player home. The player home is a regular house by the water kinda hidden. Inside even looks like a regular home. So why bother if its just a plane old house well you see is there a secret to it where it leads underground into a old Ancient Guild hide out. Has every thing a player home needs inside a cave under ground. Now i have no screen shots off the cave yet because i am no where close to done with it. Now the reason i want to make this and upload is because i want a player home mod in my main project so i decide why not figure what i need to improve on and will help me shape the home to be ready for the main project. So now here is why I would like your guys help.


    First I want to know what has to been in a player home. I do not really download them so i do not know what people like in them and do not like but i am talking about basics.


    Second What could I add to the home. I see allot of people want like guards miners and all this stuff people want but I dont know what would over do it.


    Third Questing I have a small dungeon quest where you must retrieve this book back from this bandit for the wizard to get the key but should there be more to it and if so how much?


    Last question How big is dialog I dont have the best voice being sick right now but my quest has its own dialog so i need to know how important it is to have voice for the dialog. Also if it is a big deal dose it matter how it sounds and if so where can i get people to help with dialog in my mods " If you want to help me with this send me a message or Skype me at ahtnamasstudio Also credit will be given"


    So yea thanks for reading sorry if your real big on grammar thanks for your time also all help you can provide on those topics would really help me out.

  6. exteriors

    In the creation kit, exteriors are divided into world spaces, the biggest being "Tamriel,"

    (which is the outdoor expanse of Skyrim.) Unlike interior cells you cannot edit or make new

    world spaces from either the object window or the cell view window.

    In the main creation kit window, you will see "File, Edit, World," and so on. Click on "

    World," and in the drop-down menu click on "World Spaces."

    A large window will pop up showing all of the world spaces. From here you have two options for

    creating a new world space:

    Option one: Right click anywhere on the list and hit "New"

    Option Two: Right click on a world space and hit "Duplicate."

    The difference between the two is minimal, if you click new a window will pop up, type in

    something you will remember and which is not the same identity as anything else in the

    creation kit. What you are typing is a way for the game and the creation kit to identify the

    world space. Note this is not the name of your worldspace in game,

    If you hit duplicate, you are going to want to select it and change the formid into whatever

    you want it to be, again something that isn't already used by the creation kit.

    Note: making your formid and worldspace name similar will allow you to find it easier if you

    exit the creation kit and come back to your mod later.

    You now have a new worldspace. But remember this Varsaigen markers and stuff might be a problem so be careful. If you need any more help message me or post again whethere it be in this topic or another. Have fun modding.

    Ahtnamas Studio

  7. Well depends is it going to be like the one in white run if so just copy and paste easy and done you can change how he looks ect ect the problem is stuff like that requires dialog and depending on what he or she is preaching will depend on how you take this on if you wanna use what the preacher says in whiterun like i said copy and paste but if you wanna have talk about for example Your mods called mods and the preacher talks about the mods then you would have to make your own dialog witch in that case look up how to make custom dialog




    Wait sorry i just skimmed threw this only had a half cup of coffee how will this work like will make back ups? because Some people are real trolls?

    Second thing I my self find this interesting and would love to join but how ever i have not published my mods because my story is not complete i am familiarized with the creation kit so how would that work out?


    I will make backups and scan all archives for viruses.

    Well, are you experienced with cell creation and item placement? That's basically all I ask for with this mod.


    Alright, also yes i am experienced in that that is basics. now let me just see if we are on the same page had my coffee in. So you wanna make a mod where a bunch of modders work on this one mod and when this mod is finished when people download it it's going to be placed to look like a big inn and when people go inside they can buy what ever the modder is selling so armor swords ect ect. Now are we allowed to have are own customized npc to be are merchant and if so allow Custom Voices for the npc? Also recognition are we allowed to have are own artwork within the shop "PG13 ish of course"



    Yes, yes, and yes, however, the artwork bit is iffy. as long as the user themselves have created the artwork or if the artwork is royalty free, it can be part of the mod. If the artwork is copywritten, I will report the user and they will not be allowed to work on the mod further.


    Yea of course i will probably record video when i do the artwork kinda like a time laps thing so i cant be called copywritten. Now 3 more question then im done with question's First will you upload this to steam because I know allot of people only download on steam. Second When do you plane on doing the file so we can add the stores in "First dibs :D". Now texture pack's were just going to use default right?


    Wait sorry i just skimmed threw this only had a half cup of coffee how will this work like will make back ups? because Some people are real trolls?

    Second thing I my self find this interesting and would love to join but how ever i have not published my mods because my story is not complete i am familiarized with the creation kit so how would that work out?


    I will make backups and scan all archives for viruses.

    Well, are you experienced with cell creation and item placement? That's basically all I ask for with this mod.


    Alright, also yes i am experienced in that that is basics. now let me just see if we are on the same page had my coffee in. So you wanna make a mod where a bunch of modders work on this one mod and when this mod is finished when people download it it's going to be placed to look like a big inn and when people go inside they can buy what ever the modder is selling so armor swords ect ect. Now are we allowed to have are own customized npc to be are merchant and if so allow Custom Voices for the npc? Also recognition are we allowed to have are own artwork within the shop "PG13 ish of course"

  10. Wait sorry i just skimmed threw this only had a half cup of coffee how will this work like will make back ups? because Some people are real trolls?

    Second thing I my self find this interesting and would love to join but how ever i have not published my mods because my story is not complete i am familiarized with the creation kit so how would that work out?

  11. Ok so I am modding a dungeon and I just added a few swords and shields with potions like this guide was telling me and when I go to test my game there not there so I made new character still not there watched a YouTube video to make sure I did it right and I did so why are they not showing up please help if you can.

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