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Everything posted by rsanagustin
Unlimited Companions should be priority
rsanagustin replied to MasterTouchstone's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/471/? This gentleman (props, Jedi!) came out with a mod that allows you to get the follow...dialogue. You can command the followers to go places, but my god, write those ref's down to keep them updated...the problem is, you can't order them to "follow" you. And they dont count as "True" followers, so you can stack more than one. So me, I got two militiamen. I use their refid and type in the console "Setalert 1" so they have their weapons drawn. The question is...does -anyone- know or can find out the script command package that actually makes them follow you? As it is, they stay. They just need to activate the follower AI package to get them to start following you around. Anyone got the tech skill to see how to force the Companion Follower package on them via console? -
Are multi followers possible at this stage?
rsanagustin replied to dennisj's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Bunp! Anyone done any console tinkering to figure out if this works or not? -
Any quickie mods or console commands to make a character walk/run toggleable?
So, yeah. Been a wuff for a while now...had 100% resist disease and all that. And today, one of Potemas vampires hit me and I got the vampire disease -_- And its no longer in my active effects (resist disease.)...happen to anyone else/help?
LE Prolonged Civil War (May contain non-specific spoilers)
rsanagustin replied to rsanagustin's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I get what you mean. I for example, if I had Ulfrics ear, would have -never- let one of the new Jarls onto the throne...considering I knew how he would be running things if certain traits ran in the family. I think though, part of the reason for that is you're forced to account for your actions. I felt guilty as hell after ousting the ruler from Whiterun, because he genuinely cared for his people, and was a lot kinder/closer to my character than Vignar, though Vignar was by no means a villain or even a bad guy. Thats the essence of War though, one needs to be accountable for ones actions, choosing between evils, making the best out of the worst situations, and just the same, competant rulers were forced from their rightful dues by my characters hand. The Dragonborn isn't king, so I do think its important to retain the element of "Things changed - by the way, you probably arent going to like all of them."...after all, you're a cog in the rule of the leadership, and nothing more. You had no more say in who was going to be REALLY running Skyrim than you/the Jarls had a choice in the concordant the elves presented the Empire with. Good reason to go home and start a war, eh? Might make for an interesting post-plot twist, but Id like to try to make the plot as lore-friendly as possible, though theres plenty of small rebellions that never make it into the annals of history. -
Anyone else get the feeling that the questline for the War is too short, on either side? I would have thought that the radiant AI would have been able to generate more battles than that, or it at least, has the ability to, taking the same base scrips it uses for the encounters (on either side) and re-applying them to...fort this or fort that in the wilderness. Hell, why fight over a fort? Why not fight over a ruin, or in a field, or have the occassional raiding party outside the city since the Stormcloaks and Imperials seem to mind their own and (default AI behavior wise) dont seem to involve civillians in their fighting, though coming upon a group of stormcloaks or imperials around farms raiding for their crops and such would be interesting. Either way, its going to take me a while to get familiar with the Radiant system, or at least, see if I can replicate the battles like they're done in the Civil War quest arc (IE, 94% of enemy remaining). Anyone interested in a mod like this, or better yet, willing to help? Also to note...I havent finished the civil war questline, but I doubt Ulfric, Tullius, or Legatus/High King/Some crazy nord so-and-so are going to be handing out quests to mop-up bands of disenfranchised (and angry for such a short, decisively won war, obviously X_x) imperials/stormcloaks (after all, would Ulfric's Zealots/Just as zealous Imperial Legionnaires stop fighting? They do seem to have a shared, hardheaded, mutual, bitter hate going on; and neither side seems like it would be willing to roll over for a new high king/queen/grand puppet person either way.)...though, by all means, if they do, please inform me to the contrary so I can stop grinding my teeth xD
I absolutely, totally agree...though...I do believe the nature of Skyrim itself, its setting, from spoken words from previous Elder Scrolls games and even the current one..."Life is short."...not saying "Make it into Porn!", but it would be a world rife with loveless, one night trysts in a land where, as one character put it, "Life is short in Skyrim. And dangerous."...though of course, things might have changed for the more conservative in the 700 years since oblivion/morrowind. Though I doubt it, considering courtship as it is is "Your single? Lets get married and make viking babies!" Irregardless, a strong historical presence, especially prior to the 21st/late 20th century, is missing. Prostitutes. Im having difficulty imagining why Bethesda left them out, considering their pervasive (though justified) presence in New Vegas. Did it seem to like anyone else Bethesda was trying to absolutely avoid any sort of controversy whatsoever in regards to sex/nudity, considering the absence of prostitution and even the more recent "Fade to Black" sex scene implemented in the two most recent, previous bethesda RPG's?
LE Unlock companion inventory.
rsanagustin replied to kellogsfrostedflakes's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Derp. Question already answered X_X sorry for not reading. -
LE Unlock companion inventory.
rsanagustin replied to kellogsfrostedflakes's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Note on this...because I have done it trying to get NPC's to behave differantly. The coding equips everyone with default gear. If you use removeallitems it -will- replace itself as soon as you leave the area you are in. I was a little peeved because all my companions who should be up close kicking a** in melee whupped out bows and pecked at the enemy from a distance :\ tried "Removeallitems", next thing you know, they pulled another bow out of their rear end. -
Im a bit of a skilled vocalist myself, professionally coached and able to mimic most accents perfectly. Not that the gruff "Farkas/Vilkas" style voice needs much effort (see Christian Bale in the Batman movies for referance). Id probably make a fairly good imperial. I work for free, too!
LE Total War- Civil War Random Encounters
rsanagustin replied to rsanagustin's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I remember in Oblivion, people expanded the battle for Kvatch. That, and with the Daedric Invasion mod (Random Daedra spawns vs. Fighters Guild. Town Guard, Legion, Etc), Im pretty sure someone will release a more immerse mod to give Skyrim that "Wartime" feel. Thats what I was hoping for...the encounters have been too few and far between to give me the idea of a brutal civil war and a land in strife, "Battles" being more like Skirmishes to me. Then again, mods like that tend to kick the hell out of non-super powered gaming computers, sadly :\ It'd be something for a fortunate few to enjoy, though Im sure a "Lite" version would be possible. Worst comes to worst, once the CS comes out, I'll freeze battles and add about twenty more fighters to each side once I get RefID's...its how I did it in New Vegas and Oblivion before the "War" styled mods came out. I was able to run about 50 vs. 50 in new vegas (NCR vs. Legion...or Fiends. Or whoever I felt like xD) without any slowdowns on the highest graphics (12 gigs ram, quad 3.7ghz processor GTX 480 vid card)...Id be interested to see if Skyrim would be able to run battles of that size on my rig. However, the process of doing that doesnt feel natural and sort of interrupts the natural flow of things. Which is why a mod would be better! I may give it a try myself, though Id have to find out exactly how random scripted encounters (Bandits, etc) are calculated, and if they're relative to player location in a cell or markers have to be specifically placed. -
Heh. Well. Lemme tell you. With...other...mods that have been released in the past, I can almost guarentee that you will be able to do -much- more than kiss your spouse. And of course, kiss your spouse. And probably have an intimate, nightly encounter that most would consider "Casual" (Not sure on rules regarding such intimate nightly encounters in forums xD) with just about anyone. It might be out as soon as CS is released (Port from F3/NV or Oblivion?), or it might take longer. (Engines differant, so I dont know if a direct cheapie-quick port would be possible). However, it may be more of a "Pose" that is possible rather than a direct kiss. Not that theres something wrong with a direct kiss, but uhhh...if thats first base, the only things Ive seen animated have been full score home runs, get what I mean?
How would that sound? Definately would need the Construction Set to do it, but just the same as you encounter bandits/robbers, there was a random chance of stumbling on stormcloaks and imperials fighting in the Wilderness? Make the war more...warlike, instead of limiting it to just the various story sequences. Unless...this has already been implemented in game and someone else has stumbled on it?
Currently theres a much more talented individual than myself (I myself having failed miserably xD) attempting to do this WITHOUT the creation kit (which is why I couldnt do it X_X). If its released, if its able to be done without the kit, you'll see it on the site. Ive yet to hear back from him on his luck thus far, but I'll be sure to post back in here if he was able to do it or not.
Is it Possible? (Increased Followers Mod)
rsanagustin replied to Xathos's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Wait, you mean without the toolset? That would be amazing, my friend. Simply amazing! Yes, you don't need a toolset if you already know the vtables ;) Ah, if only memory served me so well. ANy progress? -
Is it Possible? (Increased Followers Mod)
rsanagustin replied to Xathos's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Wait, you mean without the toolset? That would be amazing, my friend. Simply amazing! -
Is it Possible? (Increased Followers Mod)
rsanagustin replied to Xathos's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I'm looking to make it into being a party of 2-4. I started off playing on Expert. The tried the lower difficulties, and it's too easy. I mainly want to use this to cover all the base role types in my party. Be more fun in playing the game and dragon hunting. As long as you keep it low in count, it'll be manageable in room. It's also a crying shame to have a choice of 24 companions and 2 dogs, but you can only have one of each at a time. You tell me what's wrong with that? Thanks for trying. The mod was used as reference. I wasn't hoping for a direct conversion. Maybe somebody with more experience can take a whack at this. I hope so too. There have been a few script modifications done already, such as the KillCam. So it -is- possible for someone to do without the TES. Someone just has to step up and do it. -
Is it Possible? (Increased Followers Mod)
rsanagustin replied to Xathos's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Farkas does it all the time. If you move into/sprint into them they'll back up and complain about being pushed around xD -
Is it Possible? (Increased Followers Mod)
rsanagustin replied to Xathos's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Alright, so just tried all variants of that code I could remember/could make up within logic...and it didnt work. Probably changed with the creation engine. -
Is it Possible? (Increased Followers Mod)
rsanagustin replied to Xathos's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Im a modder and this is something Im capable of making. However, what Im going to try to do (ill post success results) is use that console command listed using the "SetGS" setting, or just "Set". It might work, it might not, and some people already have rudimentary modding tools. Id suggest someone with experiance/willing to try to work on it...I know that people have rigged up sets to change scripts. (which Im not gonna bother with, I barely scraped by with the official editor as it is xD)...will post success right after I try it. Then again, consider this, companions being hired might be based in dialogue and NOT have a master integer/variable controlling them. (IE, hiring people, it does something like "checkplayerhasfollower, if true, negative answer/dont join). Odds are though, friend, you'll have to wait for TES. 2 Weeks after Fallout 3 for the tools, Id expect this would be within the timeframe of that (they were supposed to be ready on launch, I would say they'd be released/next week). PS. Did I say TES? I meant creation kit -
Havent had a trouble with a companion in a door....but that damn dog of mine...if there were a newspaper or "Village Herald Press" available to me, I would no doubt have beaten him with it.
Who needs Daedric Armor when you've got perfectly good Nord Steel! :P On that note, been talking to the gentleman(possibly woman?) who made a few mods here already. Sadly it doesnt look like we'll see the follower limit mod until they release the toolset. ON THE OTHER HAND, there were commands for the Fallout Series that could set number of "Current" followers so you could hire more. Does anyone remember what that console command was? Edit: And my own bethesda source is being tight lipped -_- Anyone have any idea WHEN the toolsets supposed to get here? So much for that day 1 release with the game...
Shouting people to death with my epic dragon soul hasnt stopped me from taking an arrow to the face and dying >_< That being said, it makes more sense to me to have others to soak up damage for you. From a roleplay perspective, its a necessity.
Didnt look like a bump to me, but Im just worried half this stuff wont be possible without the editor. wasnt it supposed to be released on launch?