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About YinYanFan01

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    United Kingdom
  • Currently Playing
    Skyrim SE

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. I'm not sure if updating to AE is a good thing. I know many mods that are for AE also are for the latest SE version as well. Could this be a mod problem? Do you have many mods installed.? I don't know enough to know if you can repair gamefiles.
  2. No, I'm not using ENB. Thanks for the link but I didn't actually see a fix on the web page.
  3. Sorry to hear that. It sounds like your game is corrupt in some way. Can you start a new game or can you load a previous save when things were working normally?
  4. For what it's worth from someone who knows nothing :- I found that Autosave was somehow corrupting the game and causing a crash, so I have turned them off. In Settings, Gameplay, I have turned off Save on Travel/Rest/Wait and the game is more stable now. Just have to remember to save manually instead. I still have a CTD when using the W button for extended periods of travelling sometimes ( I Don't like 'fast travel') but generally it is a lot more stable without Autosave. Don't know if that helps.
  5. Thanks for the reply. If it's a mod problem, then I don't understand why. I am not using any unusual or obscure mods, mainly very popular. There must be others with similar mod combinations, although I know, not exactly the same ones, but no-one else seems to have this problem. If it's a security programme issue, then I don't know how to resolve it. Anyway, I will monitor the logs to see if an error comes up next time it happens. Thanks once again.
  6. I seem to have an occasional problem when night scenes are too dark to see anything and even early morning scenes where the sun is rising. The screen is colourless, a deep blue obscuring visibility almost completely. It doesn't happen all the time, just randomly. All lights and beacons are blue and shed virtually no light whatsoever. In a normal dark night scene, if characters stand under a light, they are illuminated and show their colour but that doesn't happen with this problem, they just become a slightly lighter shade of deep blue. Sometimes a reload of a save game will sort it out but not always. The most recent example was after sleeping at the Bannered Mare Inn at Whiterun and I exited about 07.15 game time when the sun was well up but it was all dark and blue. A reload didn't fix it. I slept for an extra 2 hours and then it was normal. I have all autosaves disabled as I found they were causing constant CTD, so I know it isn't an autosave problem. I have about 100 mods loaded but nothing new recently and the problem seems to be a fairly recent one. I am not particularly computer savvy but manage to get by with the aid of forums and Mr. Google. If anyone can shed light on the problem...literally, then I would be eternally grateful.
  7. Lordrahl32 I think Loot is incorporated into Vortex but I'm not sure how to use it to diagnose a problem with SSE. I am continuing with SSE as I don't have the Anniversary Edition and I believe some content is not included in it.
  8. I upgraded as you suggested to the latest version but sadly, nothing has changed. Thanks for the suggestion anyway.
  9. Thanks for the reply. The latest Address Library update is for the Anniversary Edition. I have the latest up to date SE version, so I haven't used the update. Should I do that, even though I don't have the AE version?
  10. Whenever I try to continue my game after launching Skyrim SE through the dashboard, I get a message saying 'SKYUI error code 1' and that SKSE64 is not running. That is followed by a couple of error panels showing Racemenu and others are not running properly as a result. I resolve it by quitting the game, disabling SKSE64 in the mod panel on Vortex and then enabling it again when that has finished. The game then runs normally. This only happens after Vortex is opened for the 1st time that day. If I quit the game but keep Vortex open, I can sign into SSE without any problem. I don't know if anyone else has this problem or has any idea how to resolve it. I am not a modder and don't understand a lot of the language used by modders although I am eternally grateful to all of them for their fantastic work. I just use various mods, often on a 'click and hope' basis if I don't fully understand what they are saying in the descriptions. So maybe I am missing an essential supplementary mod to keep SKSE64 running. This problem started after the last SSE update and although I updated SKSE64 to the new version shortly afterwards (2.1.5), this error continues. I've looked online but can't find any mention of this problem, let alone a resolution. Any suggestions on resolving this will be gratefully received, preferably in words of one syllable and not in 'modspeak'. Thank you.
  11. Thanks for your replies. I know I exaggerated my minority status but it seems like that at times seeing the plethora of weird body mods out there. Now all I've got to do is find a 'Bodyslide for Dummies' video to sort out my own preferences. Thanks once again.
  12. It seems that I must be in a very small minority of probably just 1 as many of the female body pre-sets are , how shall I say, unnatural. I know there is no accounting for taste but to me, something like a 36-24-35 figure seems the most attractive. The overwhelming majority of the mods offered, though, seem to be of girls with gigantic breasts, wide, wide hips and huge butts. Is this the dream figure for most men? I suppose many men find this attractive but it certainly limits the available mods on offer for me. I haven't worked out how to use Bodyslide yet and, maybe, when I do, I can create my own population of lovely females. Until then, I must be discriminating in which mods I choose. Am I alone?
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