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Everything posted by PaintedDeath

  1. So I'm role-playing a Vigilant of Stendarr right now, and I'm kind of unhappy with the Vigilants loadout. The Vigilants use heavy gauntlets and boots, while wearing robes and hoods. Since I am wearing armor, I can't use the mage armor perk from Alteration. It doesn't make any sense that the Vigilants would go into CQC with Daedra and Undead while wearing only robes, I figure they are wearing those robes over some armor, such as chain or something. So what I'd like to request is for someone to mod some armor for the Vigilants of Stendarr. I don't know anything about modding, so I'm not sure how much work this would take, but I imagine it would just require taking the robe model and making a new armor with a little bit of armor to it. I figure it should obviously be heavy armor, and I think it should maybe scale the way the other robes do (Such as with a Novice, Apprentice, Adept, Expert, and Legendary) and have the same stats as their mage equivalent, such as mana regen and restoration buff. I also do not think that it should be comparable to other heavy armors of their level equivalency, such as it shouldn't be as good as Ebony and what not. Maybe with the equivalent flesh spell it will end up equaling out. Such as, with Stoneflesh the Apprentice Robes will have the same armor value as Steel Armor. Thought this would help Vigilant aspirants such as myself out in our travels to smite Daedra wherever we find them.
  2. I've heard about SkyUI and it's one of the first ones I want to install to get rid of the horrible console UI. Secondly, I'd like to install graphical mods to make the game look nicer, and if there any good combat mods that make the combat more intense, ALA Chivalry: Medieval Warfare I'd like to check those out. Once that stuff is out of the way, I'll start tinkering around with different stuff. Mostly though, I'm looking to find out how to actually begin adding mods. You already mentioned the SKSE, I'm not really sure what that is but I am find out through a google search I'm sure. I modded Morrowind but that was YEARS ago and I wouldn't want to bet any money that I'd remember how to do that, so I'm not new to mods or anything, just rusty I guess.
  3. I recently picked up Skyrim for my PC because I wanted to try the game with some mods. Having poking around the forums a bit, I haven't found anything to really help me get started adding mods to the game. If anyone could point me in the direction to a good "Getting started" guide I would appreciate it. Also, if anyone could recommend some good mods to start off with, I'd appreciate that also. Thanks for any help you can give.
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