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  1. Hello, I have a problem like to merge my mods to shorten my esp list, I've tried the merging with "Merge Plugin". But my problem is i Iike do delete the master dependencies and change the name of the face gen data that the esp use, to create the face. Because most of the face gen data have the same name. I´ve tried it with Tes5Edit, WyreBash, Merge_Plugin but i don't really found the data/folder path that is to change for face gen data. And I tried to delete the dependencies with Tes5Edit, but i can't delete this. My mods I like to merge in the test run is : YUI Follower: Sha; Elwyn and Eva (I now that when a script is in the mod that topic is more and more complex thats why i first try this) I searched the last 3 days in Google but don't find anything that helps me. thank you in advance for the answers :laugh:
  2. Hello, I use the NPC Visual Transfer tool to change the look of guards, citizen etc. my problem is, I like to change the load order of the tool. At my first time using the tool,everytime I started the programm it showed a mod loadorder. On this load order I could adjust which esm and esps are get loaded. After that, I take a long break of Skyrim and I uninstall the game with mod and tools. In the last time I liked to play it again but to change the look of npcs, I'm installed TES5edit SE and the NPC Visual Transfer Tool but when I started the tool, the programm loaded without showing the MOD List. So my question is : How can I activate the mod List again, I need this function to better change the appearance of the npcs ?? Thanks in advance Sorry for my bad english I' m not a native speaker and I can better read than write english EDIT : Problem is solved it was SSEdit 3.2.1, to show the Plugin list I have to use SSEdit 3.2.0(3.2) Hmmmm how I close this Thread??? i don't know
  3. Melper

    Yui vs Mr GTX

    Thats with the banning i don't know, but I have not say that he don 't steal the design the only think that I say that I'm not knowing it. But my favorite modder is Yui ^^ because her designs are awesome, but it's not really good(in my opinion) if you start a disscusion thread and not being a little bit neutral. It ´s sad that you can not use such designs because of this story -.- and I don't have Interest in stealing her design I like to use it for my mods (because I'm drawing a litte bit and I can understand her reaction if someone steal your own designs and proclaimed as one's own ).
  4. Melper

    Yui vs Mr GTX

    Hello tes nexus members, I know its not latest topic, but I find this is an important (personally) and a troublesome topic because: 1. Elwyn is my absolute favorite mod folllower and I'm sad that it not gives more follower like her ;P. 2. The other thing I find it sad that gives conflicts because of mods -.- I know the artistic aspect is very important because no one likes if you know or think that someone stole your works and named it as him/her own. But on the other side is something like that worth of it and not to create your own great works? 3. On the other side I don't thinks its good, from the other faction to make videos and to Insult your opponent, I don't know if he have stolen the data or not. The only thing that I know thats no one see anymore none of the follower anymore -.-. 4. The last thing is, I like to copy the design from Yui because I like to create a own mod but my skills are not so good enough to make a cute character but to for my story I need something like this and I like to replace the skinny and grumpy looking evles from elder scrolls (sorry thats not like the lore xD) What do you mean to the conflict "Yui vs Mr GTX" ?? I like to hear it !! (sorry for my bad english i'm not a native speaker ;) )
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