Hello, I use the NPC Visual Transfer tool to change the look of guards, citizen etc. my problem is, I like to change the load order of the tool. At my first time using the tool,everytime I started the programm it showed a mod loadorder. On this load order I could adjust which esm and esps are get loaded. After that, I take a long break of Skyrim and I uninstall the game with mod and tools. In the last time I liked to play it again but to change the look of npcs, I'm installed TES5edit SE and the NPC Visual Transfer Tool but when I started the tool, the programm loaded without showing the MOD List. So my question is : How can I activate the mod List again, I need this function to better change the appearance of the npcs ?? Thanks in advance Sorry for my bad english I' m not a native speaker and I can better read than write english EDIT : Problem is solved it was SSEdit 3.2.1, to show the Plugin list I have to use SSEdit 3.2.0(3.2) Hmmmm how I close this Thread??? i don't know