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Everything posted by Terralventhe

  1. True enough. The Adventure Core would be pretty amusing, given the setting. Hah, the Facts Core. Have a custom NPC that has it in their house, specially voiced to comment on how it keeps rambling on about pure nonsense due to the contrast of Tamriel facts vs Earth facts.
  2. Considering that it's Valve, the company that adores creativity and freely allows stuff like Gary's Mod, I really don't think copyright would be an issue there.
  3. Since the Space Core mod is out now, why not make use of the fact that we've been given the model itself and then change the eyecolour and use the sound clips from the
  4. It just often strikes me as odd-looking when I've got a weapon strapped across my hip or my back and there's very clearly a scabbard or at least some loose cloth-ring for me to have slipped the weapon into it, but even so it's still hanging on through some mysterious force. What I'd like to see is an equippable belt item with varying designs that links up to the scabbards, so you'd have one for one-handed weapons around the waist, or two-handed weapons across the chest and back.. Kind of like how in The Witcher 2, how Geralt has a belt strap across his chest where his scabbards are attached to it, but even if he isn't wearing swords it's still there. You could have varying designs as well, daedric, elven, dwemer, nord, and so forth, dependant on your tastes or just so that it looks like it could go together with the different types of armor.
  5. Slightly relevant in that they're a magical sea creature: Selkies are definitely on my want-list.
  6. I dunno, it's just a thought that's been sitting with me ever seeing the Darksiders Shield mod, and I've been kinda wanting to be able to wield a two-handed sword with that gauntlet. So I'm wondering if there's some kinda work-around that can be pulled off, since I do know that someone's figured out how to be able to equip multiple rings and amulets.
  7. In those terms, that is to say having it be something where you hit the Use key on a cliff side and start to climb it, maybe there should be a Skill tree for Climbing as well. That way whilst climbing the game occasionally makes a skill check and if you fail to meet it, you end up falling.
  8. Personally, I'd like to see new Nord voices. These guys don't sound like Nords, they sound like Ahnuld.
  9. I'm definitely in favor of this, particularly as it acts as a gateway for my own idea of a steampowered grappling hook.
  10. Your thread title just makes me think of this: http://i52.tinypic.com/fbzvjo.jpg
  11. Yup. I imagine, perhaps, a retooling of the horker model and animations to make it work.
  12. Well, I already brought this up in a sense, and as far as I could tell, one of the accepted premises was that of using a Shout in order to transform into a Dragon.
  13. Selkie, for those not in the know, are a race of mythical creatures very much featured in Nordic lore. They are effectively seals who are capable of shedding their skin to become human, though always sporting a seal's eyes. They are beautiful and alluring to behold, to the point that many sailors will steal a selkie maiden's hide so that she cannot return to the sea again, and then marry them. Other times, a selkie will actually fall for a human, and abandon the sea for them, and then return on frequent occasions. Effectively, I'd like to see this kind of race. Basically their racial power would be exactly what it suggests; the ability to turn into a seal, using an animation similar to the Werewolf transformation, granting them increased movement speed in water and the waterbreathing trait. In their humanoid form, they'd have an increase to speech checks and such on account of their allure. I imagine that, being seal-based, they'd also have a bonus to cold resistance, but due to the lore revolving around burning their seal hide, they'd be weak against fire.
  14. Actually, this post was for a mod request, which means you're basically walking in on a group of people agreeing on an idea they want to see and telling them "NUH UH UR STOOPUD! STOP WANTAN FINGS I DONT WANT!"
  15. De bump. Also, Aokami.. real classy plugging your own idea in someone else's thread. *Cough* :dry:
  16. Try this thread. We've been bouncing around ideas for a dwarven race that lives far beneath the earth, deeper than even the Dwemer went, called Dvergar (Dvergur as the singular), with cities so deep down that they have lava rivers flowing through their citadels.
  17. It kind of blows that the dragons say so much and yet you understand so little, when you are supposedly able to absorb so many of their words, and the meanings of those words, throughout the game. So here's what I would suggest: A series of subquests wherein you can learn more of the Dragon Tongue, and the more you progressively learn of it, a script detects your 'Level of knowledge' or whatever, and replaces the subtitle texts accordingly with translations of what the dragons are saying.
  18. I desire an Aegisfang - throw a hammer and it reappears in your hand a few seconds later.
  19. You mean like the two or three mods that have already been posted on the Nexus and you could easily find them by typing 'horse' or 'stamina' into the Search box?
  20. Assassin's Creed. 'Nuff said. It sported the same kind of look as the Nightingale Armor does, but still sported things like belts, a cuirass, places where you could tuck away and keep things. Quivers, and so on.
  21. Well, I'm not offended either. I just find it hilariously stupid and groan-worthy. At any rate, the concept of Norse mythology bein' brought into this is somewhat relevant, as Norse mythology does perpetrate the notion of earth-dwelling elves like the Dwemer, and the bearded, stocky mining dorfs we all know and love.
  22. Yeeahh.. the movie's loaded with 'wat' moments for any Norse enthusiast. Like Mjölnir being an artifact passed down throughout generations and is a symbol of someone being the successor to Odin's throne, and is described as 'a tool for creation as well as destruction'. Me, of course, sitting there going 'what the bloody hell am I watching?'. Then there's the fact that they pronounce 'Bifröst' as 'bi(as in bicycle or bisexual)-frost(as in the cold)'. Also Loki was raised by Odin from childhood and Loki never knew he was a jötunn. Also all jötuns are evil, like I said. You know, despite the fact that several members of the Æsir were MARRIED TO THEM.
  23. Let me put it this way.. Loki's mother, Laufey, gets made into a dude called King 'Laofee' (or at least that's how they pronounce it). Also, all jötuns and giants are now one-gender, giant blue-skinned men with red eyes who are evil just because. Also, Odin lost his eye in battle with aforementioned popsicle men, not in exchange for ultimate knowledge.
  24. ZOMG! YOU FORGOT TO USE PROPER GRAMMAR BY ADDING COMMAS WHERE RELEVANT! HURRR YOU IS TEH STOOPUDZ! Yeah, as you can see, you're all class, Electricfudge. And in my case, it's intentional, since I find it perfectly reflects how you've managed to consistently fudge up every single attempt at criticizing hrhgilby in this thread and only succeeded in making yourself look bad.
  25. Yeah, haha. Surprised to find more and more Scandinavians lurkin' around here - though not surprising. Skyrim has Scandinavia written all over it. The only problem is that it's written in crayon in some places.
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