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About banzaitravis

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  1. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=130675437&searchtext= the link above is for a released test version on the steam workshop, check it out an let me know what you think!
  2. Hi guys, i'm wondering if it would be possible to add a spell that when cast on a gravestone or similar object (closed sarcophagus etc) summons a permanent (until killed) zombie/skeleton/draugr follower which does not add to ones summon cap but rather incurs a constant magicka debuff (say 25 Magicka) until the follower dies. Anyone else like the sound of this?
  3. How often do you roll a new character, start accumulating gear and have nowhere to put it until you grind your way to home ownership? i propose simply placing an empty, non respawnable, player owned chest in the rented rooms of each inn, then giving the innkeepers dialogue the option of a permanent hire of the room, say for a few hundred gold. with this hire comes the key to the chest in the rented room and and the player is allowed to sleep in the bed forever.
  4. as witch hunters are one of the warbands in Mordheim, they will definitely make an appearance in all their long coated, pilgrim hatted, pistol toting glory. it's just a matter of time and getting more people to lend a hand with the modding!
  5. hey guys, i've been tooling around the last couple of day trying to get some meshes textures in game but i haven't really got a clue about how to go about it and have had pretty much no success. i'm wondering if anyone is capable of creating some brand new meshes, nothing terribly fancy i don't think, i'm basically in need of a suitable set of static meshes for stuff like footpaths, ruined/burnt out buildings etc. if you're familiar at all with oblivion's 'Kvatch' set of ruins, that's basically what i need, but in skyrim (i know, a straight transfer is against the rules). they wouldn't have to be very detailed meshes; -ground tiles can be just a flat square with an appropriate cobblestone texture -gutter sides are just a flat square with an edge rounded to a single textured side below ground level, again cobblestone type texture -ground floor walls are basically a flat wall shape (no s*** :P ), textured each side, with a corner or side made jagged to show damage basically i really need someone to replicate and expand some Kvatch style ruins as Skyrim meshes, where each seperate card section and joiner section (the plastic stonework at the corners, the roof shingles etc) is a seperate mesh so i can mix and match different ruined sections to recycle assets. i know it's a bit of an ask but if there is anyone out there who has any experience with creating this type of asset it'd really be greatly appreciated. thanks a bunch for taking a look guys, hopefully someone can help! travis P.S. if anyone is interested the meshes would be used in support of a Mordheim total conversion as discussed in these threads: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/534792-mordheim-city-of-the-damned-mod/ http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/615185-all-warhammer-requests/ Edit: Broken link
  6. ;) yeah it looks a bit like that now but i'm starting to decorate and put in a navmesh so hopefully it will come out looking good. i had a bit of a run around in it in game, i kinda got lost a bit myself :wacko: should be a barrel of laughs when i expand it to make a full blown city sized tunnel system, ready for infestation by vile ratmen :D
  7. hey guys, i've just done a basic set of sewers for a mordheim setting, what do you think?? http://i1071.photobucket.com/albums/u507/banzai_travis/mordheimsewers.jpg
  8. anyone keen on taking on a highland outfit?? i'm thinking something like this: http://www.google.com.au/imgres?q=braveheart&start=101&num=10&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=rLY&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&biw=1920&bih=1081&tbm=isch&tbnid=kZBRoKiww5CqEM:&imgrefurl=http://www.movieposterdb.com/poster/cb84fcd8&docid=Wj_sMq3tvAWm5M&imgurl=http://www.movieposterdb.com/posters/08_07/1995/112573/l_112573_cb84fcd8.jpg&w=300&h=607&ei=8KxlT-7-KtDxmAXc2-yNCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=624&vpy=151&dur=4973&hovh=320&hovw=158&tx=129&ty=210&sig=114190364788829993780&page=3&tbnh=177&tbnw=98&ndsp=55&ved=1t:429,r:12,s:101
  9. don't suppose you'd like to turn your hand to some imperial style clothes?? or maybe some Skaven models??
  10. guys if you want a mod set in the warhammer world may i point you in the direction of my (planned) Mordheim Mod. i'll be honest, having no real experience with the CK has held me back from really doing anything but if we can get a few like minded individuals who know their way around the creation kit or can make 3d models then i reckon we can get it off the ground. some things i'd really like to see in this mod (necessary really to get the flavor right): -Crossbows -Blackpowder firearms (pistols, musket etc) -Flails (these would be awesome to see in the game) -a whole mess of (warhammer) Imperial style clothing pieces, slashed sleeves, big hats etc. you know the style. -a reasonable variety of terrain pieces we can use for ruins, stuff like the ruined buildings in Kvatch from oblivion. If anyone's up for it please let me know!
  11. i've tried my hand at some basic quest tutorials for the creation kit in an attempt to allow the player to join the order. at this stage it's only got a simple 'i'd like to join' and 'welcome to the group' type script but i hope to be able to expand this soon. i've decided that the initial task set for the player to prove his worth will be to investigate rumours of a witch in the south of skyrim, near Riverwood. after the player kills the witch they return to the Hall of the Vigilant, Carcette accept's the player into the order, gives them a robe to display their membership and at least one radiant quest option (similar to the bounty quests) opens up for the player to be dispatched on. any thoughts? oh and the witch near riverwood already exists in the game but is not tied to any quests (i think), she's just there for the ambience.
  12. What would be really cool to see would be a set of radiant quests associated with the Vigilants of Stendar. The player would join the order, be assigned a room at the Hall of the Vigilant, given some gear etc as a starting point. After joining, Keeper Carcette will assign the player quests similar to the bounty quests available at Inns; killing a small group of Daedra or daedra worshippers, Hunting Werewolves, Vampires etc. it wouldn't have to be a massive sprawling story associated with it, just a few basic quests to flesh it out.
  13. I know this kind of thing existed for oblivion, but i'd like to see a library of 3d models for use with the creation kit. Buildings, furniture, static objects and the like. basically the kind of stuff that could be made freely available to modders to use in their projects. specifically for me i'd love to see a collection of ruined buildings of varying sizes and designs that i could use to greatly speed up creation of the world in my Mordheim mod.
  14. OK! so, i'm starting to find my feet a bit with the creation kit. as a first hit out i've created the basics of a (very) small town to use as one of the outlying settlements of Mordheim, perhaps Sigmarhaven. at this stage i've had to simply cannibalize buildings from the existing sets in skyrim so it looks a little hodge podge, however i feel it has some essence of the flavour required for the setting. i've attached an aerial view of what i have so far. what would be incredibly handy is some prefab ruined buildings in the creation kit...
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