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  1. I've yet to encounter any rivers on generated maps. I'm dreaming of building an outpost by the water.
  2. Why I can only craft mods is beyond me. I'd like the perks that allow you to craft mods to also allow you to craft weapons or spacesuits. Not all at once, but tiered along with the perk progression.
  3. so, the geck (referred here as the CS) has been out for a while now, I think it would be a good time to bump this. (alternatively I could repost it, I doubt anyone would have remembered this one. it's mainly the last Idea I'd like to work out: improving the town. I've elaborated a bit here: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=644949
  4. glad to see this topic still alive, why is it still not stickied?
  5. I would like to save the "current look" of my character during the editing of the face or hairstyle. so that I can revert to the old one if it goes wrong, or so that I can export the information if someone else likes the look, or if I want my character to look the same on my next play-through.
  6. funny, but defecation and deification are quite different. one is what comes out of your bowels, the other makes you into a god. I know, I know, the difference is hard to tell sometimes :P
  7. star wars total conversion, for geeks with too much time on their hands: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=85272
  8. My idea (2 part) of more themes for your house. and the ability to change the world by being able to make changes to your home town. best explained in this thread: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=80724 edit: I would call it the "Make a difference"mod, or the "rebuilding megaton"mod, or the "reclaiming the wastes" mod. key would be the player choice in various styles. so say that the player has the ability to make paved roads replace the current dust path in their hoe city (in my case megaton), they should be able to choose from cobbles, stones, mozaic, marble, brick pavement, tarmac... each option has different difficulties and quests to get them. again, this should be very expensive. but eventually could possibly create a small revenue for the player as reward of starting the capitol wastelands first true attempt at a proper sustainable settlement. and attempt at re-establishing some civilization. I would recommend it be possible to have player made additions to this mod. like altering more places, them adding various other looks... and it should be completely modular. that is to say, you could chose to have paved roads for the first ring of megaton, the wall rebuilt from brick and whitewashed, the sheds improved to Chinese 'traditional' housing (yes, I'm aware I'm making a gross assumption based on stereotype, probably Japanese stereotype and not Chinese...) a second cirlce of settlement outside of megaton with a different type of road, a different wall... and the next playthrough, you could instead choose to have it all the same, except for the look of the wall, or maybe all different. a modular system would allow for players to truly create their own style and have an effect on the world.
  9. Ok this is a shameless bump on the argument that when I made this thread there were a lot less people on this forum, and the game had been out only 3 days. now there are a lot more here, and maybe more people with the ability and want to do something about it. besides, this topic has no duplicates as far as I'm aware.
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