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About Herozero2001

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  1. Admin please delete this post. I find the item under vault category.
  2. I dun know which mod adds this perk called Inspired Builder VCML It locks my ability to make the soda fountain even though I completed all Vault 88 quests.
  3. I have either been blocked by the mod author or the admins here. Hope nobody step on this landmine again.
  4. I start a test character and coc to the castle. The mod is Egret a real Marina. I uninstall it, workbench is back at the original area.
  5. In case you dun know, Tessa's Fist and Good Intentions will drop from the two Gunner Bosses if you visit for the first time. People says it will not drop if Nick Valentine is a companion, this is false because I try it out. These 2 items always dun drop for me if I approach Quincy Ruins from the north (Jamaica Plains). These 2 items always drop for me if I approach Quincy Ruins from the West (Gunners Plaza or Murkwater Construction Site). If you are a gamer and has a problem finding these 2 legendary items (100 percent playthrough), load back to an old save and try changing the route. For Good Intentions, do not hit Clint's fusion cores to make him explode, or else Good Intentions will be blown away to a far location. Try to reserve 2 critical hits on his head, make sure he does not throw the gun over the overhead bridge. Make sure Baker is killed first because he has a fat man and holotape (for 100 percent playthrough).
  6. I have not been play Fallout 4 for over 1 year due to work. Recently, I play this game, happily reclaiming The Castle. To my horror, the workbench is shifted to the entrance area instead of the old location? Is that due to my mods or some updates to the games? I try disabling a lot of my mods to check but it did not solve the problem.
  7. Anyone knows how to solve it? I can reload an old save. What causes this annoying issue? I did not take Nick Valentine with me, I did not do Billy's quest or meet him.
  8. I did not get Tessa Fist and Clint's legendary rifle. If that is a mod that has a container that contains all unique items, placed it somewhere in the map. We players can go there and take whatever that is missing instead of loading back an old save or restarting the game.
  9. Anyone knows how to edit the order of finished quests? For example: Randolph Safehouse 1 Randolph Safehouse 2 Out in Left Field Randolph Safehouse 3 Randolph Safehouse 4 Randolph Safehouse 5 How can I move "Out in Left Field" to the bottom of finished quests to make my pipboy looks tidier?
  10. It is on Bethesda net but for X box. The mod author is female and her nickname is jenncave. She is very friendly and helpful, I remember asking her stuff about her Bunker Hill mod. I think it is a miscommunication problem, can someone from Nexus ask her to come back (I just watch YT videos and I know what happened). Her mods are really really good, one is turning Spectacle Island to an Oasis paradise.
  11. What happen to these mods? They are deleted by the mod owner? Very very good settlement mods. Please bring them back, thank you.
  12. I always post certain messages on certain boards. It seems that someone has a beef with me, he will post some spiteful messages (which I also learn not to read). Funny things is I dun know this guy in REAL PERSON, I have never used his mods, he always go around saying things to provoke users and modders. It will be very nice if Nexus implement the FB block feature. I block some person, he/she will NEVER sees my messages and I will never see his messages or mods. That will save admins and staff a lot of unnecessary jobs.
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