In case you dun know, Tessa's Fist and Good Intentions will drop from the two Gunner Bosses if you visit for the first time. People says it will not drop if Nick Valentine is a companion, this is false because I try it out. These 2 items always dun drop for me if I approach Quincy Ruins from the north (Jamaica Plains). These 2 items always drop for me if I approach Quincy Ruins from the West (Gunners Plaza or Murkwater Construction Site). If you are a gamer and has a problem finding these 2 legendary items (100 percent playthrough), load back to an old save and try changing the route. For Good Intentions, do not hit Clint's fusion cores to make him explode, or else Good Intentions will be blown away to a far location. Try to reserve 2 critical hits on his head, make sure he does not throw the gun over the overhead bridge. Make sure Baker is killed first because he has a fat man and holotape (for 100 percent playthrough).