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  1. Thank you for the advice on the FNVEdit. I used FO3Edit briefly, and should be able to find my way around with a little work. I just had another thought...could there be a problem with my GECK? Is it possible that the very act of "saving" my plug-in with the GECK is corrupting my plug-in file? Because that is what the behavior seems to indicate. Here are the tests I just ran. 1. All of my previous plug-in versions work just fine. I tried several, and they load up with no crash. 2. If I make any miniscule change to any of my previous versions and save the plug-in with the GECK, the game then crashes. 3. I even did an experiment where I loaded up a working version of the plug-in with the GECK and clicked the save button without changing ANYTHING...game now crashes.
  2. Thank you for the replies. I have answered questions below. What makes it all very strange to me is that I have changed thousands of values already in the GECK and encountered several crash inducing problems. I isolated those problems, undid the changes that caused the crash, and moved on. This time, it does not seem to be any specific change that is causing the crash. For example, if I load my mod plugin as it is right now, it will load up and play no problem at all. If I quit, open the GECK, and increase the weight of the Desperado Cowboy Hat from 0.2 to 0.3 pounds, the game crashes on load. If I revert back to a back up of my plugin before the change, everything is fine. If I then go into the GECK and instead of changing the weight of the hat, I change the name of a weapon and load, the game crashes. The weight of this hat and the names of all weapons are both values that I have changed previous to this crash with no problems at all. This is what I mean when I say that any change at all from this point forward induces the crash. Yesterday, I uninstalled NV, the GECK and my FOMM. I reinstalled all items to see if it would help, and the problem still manifests in the exact same manner. I have incremental back-ups of my plug-in file for every few hours of work. I will try reverting to an earlier version to see if that helps, but I will still worry that it will happen again since I cannot identify any particular cause. Thanks for the advice! 1. Is your mod just one plugin? Yes, it is a single plugin file. 2. Is it dependent on other plugins? No. 3. if it has masters that are esp files, then you need to go through a certain process, otherwise the masters will be removed after every change you make to the file. The only master I am using is the default FalloutNV.esm 4. Does it crash in a specific place, or no matter where? What I mean is, have you tried loading a different save, after making the changes? Yes, it crashes anywhere at all once the crash is present. Once the crash is there, loading any save crashes the game. Even trying to start a new game causes the crash. 5. As for what my mod is, it is an extensive overhaul to make the hardcore mode more hardcore and more fun. I found the basic hardcore mode to be far too easy. I also felt that there was a little of the original Fallout atmosphere missing from the world. I am trying to put some of that back in. As for what values are changed, just about everything...Perks, Weapons, Ammo, Abilities, NPC stats, Companion stats, Explosion data, Armor stats, Ingestibles, Crafting Recipies, SPECIAL behavior, and various game settings dealing with timescale, falling damage, item condition degredation...and lots lots more.
  3. Ok, so I have been building an extensive mod now since NV was released. I have just now encountered a strange crash where if I change any value at all in my mod file (even a value I have changed before or a value for an item that does not exist in the game) the game crashes on load or zone. If I revert to my mod file before I changed the last value everything works fine. It is as if the game has decided that the current version of the mod file is ok, but it will not tolerate any further changes, no matter how insignificant. Has anyone else encountered anything like this or have advice? I would really like to finish my mod! Thank you for any assistance.
  4. Thank you very much! I looked in some dialogue files, but I find them combersome to navigate. Thank you for the assist, I will go look at it myself now!
  5. Does replacing Rex's brain actually do anything at all? I am working on a mod that affects some of the follower stats and when I tried to find Rex's "Unshakable Tracker" perk in the GECK to make sure the speed boost was of an appropriate magnitude, I could not find it! I searched through the Perks, Actor Abilites, and scripts, but no where at all could I find any bit of code that modified Rex's movement speed after transplanting Violetta's brain into his brain case. So does he really get faster when you give him Violetta's brain? If so, what values in the GECK control this? Then I decided to look for an enhanced attack from transplanting Rey's brain, and also found nothing. When ED-E's weapon is upgraded, the GECK actually switches his zapper out with a different form number weapon that is more powerful. Thinking a similar set-up was used for Rex, I checked the weapon list...only one entry for Rex's Bite. So what happens when you give him Rey's brain? Nothing? And finally the boosted HP for Lupa's Brain. Is this in the GECK somewhere? If anyone can assist me with locating these variables in the GECK, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!
  6. Does anyone know of a way to get a weapon to apply damage to the HP of armor even if the weapon DAM is less than the armor's DT?
  7. Oh, I agree with you 100%. I am sure Obsidian would have included more specific naming conventions unless there had been a good legal/business reason not to. The weapon names is just a tiny part of my overall mod.
  8. Thank you for the replies! I was only looking for info on the shape and graphic, but the conversation on stats is also very useful! I asked the question because I am working on a highly extensive complete overhaul mod to include renaming all weapons with pseudo-realistic brand and model namesinstead of the generic "Service Rifle" names that come with the game out of the box. Part of that mod includes changing virtually every stat in the game, including weapon damage and weapon value. I will do my best to keep the stats as close to "real" as I can without compromising game balance and fun factor. Thanks again!
  9. What type of real world weapon is the Marksman Carbine modeled after?
  10. Does anyone know how to make guns do full damage regardless of condition level? Using the FO3 GECK, I adjusted the Gameplay settings so that a weapon did full damage regardless of its condition level by changing both the fDamageGunWeapCondMult value and the fDamageGunWeapCondBase value to 1. Unfortunately, doing the same thing in NV seems to have no effect at all. My reasoning for this is that a bullet does not hurt less just because it is fired from a dirty gun. The dirty gun will certainly malfunction a great deal more than a well maintained weapon, but the damage done by the projectile will remain the same as long as it actually fires. I have already modded in weapon jam rates that increase as the weapon condition degrades, now I would just like to remove the "degrading damage" effect. Thank you for any assistance!
  11. Thank you for the reply! I have not installed NVSE yet because I have not needed it so far with my modding. I downloaded NVSE Beta5 just now and tried to get it to work, but it returns a "Couldn't retrieve EXE version information." error when I try to execute nvse_loader -editor. I am running the latest version of FNV (v1.2.0.285) and the GECK (v1.1), so I do not know what the problem is. Any thoughts on if this can be made to work without NVSE?
  12. Does anyone know if there is a way to force armor to take HP damage even if the weapon cannot equal the DT? From the tests I have run it appears as though Armor takes 0 damage to its HP when it is hit with damage less than its DT. So, hitting a DT 50 piece of armor with a weapon that does 20 damage will do a small amout of HP damage to the player but the armor itself will not degrade at all. The reason I ask is this. If I have a piece of armor in the game with DT 100, I fully expect a handgun that does 30 damage to bounce off harmlessly. HOWEVER, if I unload 500 minigun rounds (each doing 20 damage) into the same suit of armor, I would expect the rounds to be deflected at first, but as more and more rounds impact the armor, its DT should degrade and eventually the armor will be ruined. The best way that I imagine this working is if the armor has say, 10,000 HP, and each of the minigun rounds reduces that HP by 20 regardless of the fact that the armor has a DT of 100, then the player would have good protection from each individual round, but after taking the 500 hits, the armor would be reduced to 0 HP.
  13. I am trying to add a feature to a mod that de-equips armor items as soon as the armor hits 0 HP. I am guessing that I will need to use some variation of a script with the "GetEquippedCurrentHealth <= 0" function combined with the opposite of the "Player.EquipItem" function. If anyone could assist me with this bit of scripting, I would be greatly appreciative! I will definitely give credit as well when I post the mod for download. Thank you!
  14. I am trying to extend the range of the Flamer weapon. I have tried adjusting the Max Range value for both the weapon itself and the "FlameProjectile" in the projectile section. It does not seem to have any effect. Does anyone know how I can get this to work? Thank you!
  15. There is an incendiary ammunition like the one you describe already in the game. It is listed in the Explosions section of the GECK as ZhuRongFireBurst. It uses the Gas Trap art, and as stated above, I believe the size of the actual explosion graphic is dictated by the radius value set for the explosion effect.
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