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About just59

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    Fallout 4
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    Fallout 4

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  1. Thanks for the tips. That's how I did it too. I could see the collision mesh in CK. The problem was ConnectPoints. Apparently a few were too close to the object.
  2. I'm still inexperienced in this area. I haven't looked at CK yet. I'll have to see what I have to do.
  3. Hi guys, I've been working on my new mod "Wasteland Architect" for Fallout 4 for a while. Since I'm still new to modding, I need help with a few things. 1. How do I get my collectors' stations and sales stands to stay firmly anchored? They are veneers, I also created some of them with Blender, created a collision mesh, imported it into Nifskope and finished it off with Elrich. Most of the time they fly around like balloons ;( 2. I wanted to create collectors for dirty water. Just a rain barrel where water is stored in the workshop every day. I'm still missing the water surface here. I've created a barrel, there's also a node for the water. I think that's related to the collision for the water. But I have no idea. 3. On the subject of selling and collecting, I want items that certain settlers collect to be sold in a sales point (hardware store). Somehow the sales stand and the collector station need a common container. But here too I'm reaching my limits. Maybe someone has a tip for me.
  4. Hi guys, I've been working on my new mod "Wasteland Architect" for Fallout 4 for a while. Since I'm still new to modding, I need help with a few things. 1. How do I get my collectors' stations and sales stands to stay firmly anchored? They are veneers, I also created some of them with Blender, created a collision mesh, imported it into Nifskope and finished it off with Elrich. Most of the time they fly around like balloons ;( 2. I wanted to create collectors for dirty water. Just a rain barrel where water is stored in the workshop every day. I'm still missing the water surface here. I've created a barrel, there's also a node for the water. I think that's related to the collision for the water. But I have no idea. 3. On the subject of selling and collecting, I want items that certain settlers collect to be sold in a sales point (hardware store). Somehow the sales stand and the collector station need a common container. But here too I'm reaching my limits. Maybe someone has a tip for me.
  5. Yes, I'm not happy with the picture. It's better to display the title picture. I can often recognize the mod I'm looking for from the picture.
  6. Hat sich erledigt. Bin nun dabei die Perks zu verteilen und die Bedingungen anzupassen.
  7. Hallo Leute, ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen. Ich bin dabei einen Mod zum Herstellen von Perücken zu erstellen. Das funktioniert auch schon recht gut. Nun möchte ich dies aber mehr ins Spiel integrieren. Dazu möchte ich das Bauen der Perücken durch Perks beeinflussen. Es sollen also Zeitschriften gefunden werden, die dann die Perücken freischalten. Hat jemand damit Erfahrung und kann mir helfen? Perücken herstellen
  8. Ich arbeite an einer Mod zum bauen von Perücken. Die kann dann jeder aufsetzen MiscHair Wigs build Dafür möchte ich auch eine optisch passende Werkbank bauen. Aber dazu benötige ich eure Hilfe. Edit: Hat sich erledigt. Habe es hinbekommen
  9. Hello, I'm still new to modding. That's why I need your help. I'm in the process of creating a mod for making wigs. MiscHair Wigs build Since I want to bring the whole thing into the game with a little background, I still need a suitable workbench. At the moment it's being made at the chemical workbench. But this doesn't fit with the look. I'm imagining a table with heads for the wigs, paints, scissors and a comb. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to make something like that. Perhaps someone has a template and instructions for me. Later, magazines on how to make the wigs could be distributed.
  10. Die Oberfläche sieht super aus. Auch gefallen mir die Funktionen, wie das Anlegen von Profilen. Da ich einen neuen PC besitze, beschloss ich hier auch mit Vortex ein Profil anzulegen und die Mod, die ich auf meinem alten PC nutzte zu installieren. Jedoch habe ich jetzt Probleme. So bekomme ich einige Mods nicht zum Laufen. Dieser Mod Advanced Animation Framework (AAF) bei Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods und Community (nexusmods.com) lässt sich nicht installieren. Es kommt Sinngemäß die Meldung: Installation Voraussetzung nicht erfüllt. fallout4.esm ist aktiv oder fallout4.esm ist inaktiv. Ich bin hier mit der Meldung verwirrt. Was kann ich tun? Gibt es eine Möglichkeit einen Installationslog mit solchen Fehlermeldungen zu senden? Ich habe diese Meldung jetzt nur aus dem Bildschirmfenster abschreiben können.
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