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Nexus Mods Profile

About MFcypher

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Mass Effect Andromeda, RE2, RE3.

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  1. We're just talking about swimsuit bikinis that you would see at the public swimming pool. There's a notation when posting videos that says not to post videos with characters wearing next to nothing. A bikini may be considered next to nothing and I just want to make sure I don't get banned because of an NPC wearing a bikini in one of my videos.
  2. I've been posting mod showcase videos on Nexus for a short time now. I have a few videos I haven't posted yet that contain a bikini mod or two that I downloaded from Nexus. If I were to post any of these videos that contain a bikini mod (no actual nudity), will that fall under the same category as nudity and potentially get me banned? Thanks in advance.
  3. Just got SOTTR for pc. How do you install the mods on nexus?
  4. Is there a field of view mod for Resident Evil 2 remake? My settings are on max but it needs to zoom out just a little more and it would be perfect. I don't see a mod out there right now. There's a perfect mod for RE3 but not RE2 that I've seen. Thanks.
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