This sounds amazing! I really hope that you are able to pull this off... I'd love to help out, though I have zero programming knowledge, but maybe there's something else I can do. Maybe you can set up some funding for this project (which I would gladly donate to), as it sounds like it will be laborious, and require a few people to pitch in. A few things I'd like to see: - More realistic weather. There are certain areas where it doesn't seem to ever snow, and certain where it seems to always be snowing. I think it would be cool to see a storm rolling in over the plains around Whiterun. - A storm should have an impact on your character, limiting your exposure without taking appropriate precautions (i.e. warmer clothing, spells, potions, shelter) - Being able to build a fire, which would help character survive in the cold. - NPC's that actually remember your character. I find it breaks the realism when you walk into a shop for the 100th time and the shop keeper acts like he's never seen you before. I think it would be cool if there was a separate set of dialogue based on how often your character has dealt with or encountered that NPC. - I find it annoying that some animals pretty much immediately attack your character on sight. Animals should behave more naturally, and only attack out of necessity. - Wearing armour should impact your character's ability to swim. Wearing heavy armour should make it almost impossible to swim. - Breathing underwater should be based on your stamina. The higher it is the longer you can do it. The default value is much too long. - Water temperature should also be something to consider. - Your movement rate should be based on your stamina, especially the run speed. - Jump height should increase with stamina, not to the point of being ridiculous of course, but you should be able to jump higher with a higher stamina. - Your character should be able to jump while running. The faster you run, the further you can jump. - Location based damage would be amazing. An arrow in the leg should slow you down, one in the arm should make the character drop their currently equipped item, and one in the head should be fatal for most. - If you take down an enemy while sneaking, say with an arrow or a spell, other enemies in the vicinity should remain on alert. It doesn't make sense that after a short time they just go "Well I guess it was nothing...", while their companion is lying on the ground with an arrow protruding from their head... - Arrow flight paths need to be reworked and follow a more natural arc. Winds should impact the flight path as well. - Item weights need a complete overhaul. For example, arrows currently weigh nothing. - A higher health rating could have some additional benefits other than just additional hit points. Disease should be harder to contract and take longer to progress, impact of exposure could be reduced, etc. I have more, but I guess that's a good start...