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Everything posted by tesmyk

  1. When I read this, my heart both leaped and sank. I have been developing a new installation framework for Wrye Bash that overcomes many of the shortcomings of the current framework, such as working with foreign language mods and the long wait times when mod libraries become large. Integration with TESNexus was in my planned feature list, and I was actually planning on approaching you once I had a workable demo. Perhaps, though, we could still find ways to work together and perhaps incorporate each other's improvements?
  2. Something I just noticed: clicking "Endorse me" will /remove/ your endorsement if you've already endorsed. Could there be some indication that this button is actually a toggle, and does not reflect current state? (or maybe make it reflect current state : ) edit: also: my penguin avatar is unduly fat. could aspect ratios for avatar pics be kept intact?
  3. I was able to get the pictures to show as "User uploaded images" by turning on "Allow users to upload images for this file", but this isn't quite what I was going for. I'd like to replace the author-uploaded images with more up-to-date ones. I can delete the author-uploaded images, but then the main image list will just be empty, and nothing will show in the slideshow in the upper left of the file page. Is there a way to become "author equivalent" with respect to images?
  4. Originally posted here, but creating a new topic for it to avoid hijacking that thread. As an admin of the Wrye Bash page, I've uploaded a few screenshots. The number on the Images tab has changed accordingly, but the screenshots do not appear when the tab is clicked. Is this because the project is set to not allow images from users, and I'm just an admin, not the original author? The add images page shows both the images I uploaded and the original images that the author uploaded. The two images I've uploaded so far appear under "Your images". The original files -- the ones that show up in the Images tab -- appear under "Other users' images".
  5. Got it. Thanks, Dark0ne. Very much appreciated.
  6. I'm afraid that I've hijacked this thread : ( But yes, the add images page shows both the images I uploaded and the original images that the author uploaded. The two images I've uploaded so far appear under "Your images". The original files -- the ones that show up in the Images tab -- appear under "Other users' images"
  7. No go. I even tried loading the page from a different browser to make sure it wasn't a client-side caching issue. Could this be because the project is set to not allow images from users, and I'm just an admin, not the original author?
  8. I have a tangential question as long as you guys are looking at WB -- as an admin of the page, I've uploaded a few screenshots. The number on the Images tab has changed accordingly, but the screenshots do not appear when the tab is clicked. Is this a delayed sync thing, or am I doing something wrong?
  9. Was it apparent what the cause of the error was?
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