Aye and so was I, I need to add pictorial smilies to do that it seems.. Just teasing the Irish way,which is why I need to put in the smiles, I guess, it goes over most Yanks heads..no offence ..but we do have a different sort of humour here.. TA Reaver,for looking over my shoulder..your a sweetie..and Go raibh maith agat, (thank you very much)for the congrats.. :smile: ah ok :) I spruced it up even more , added some desciptive touches, so now will be gotten by those lacking in the art of dry humour... :wink: I know what your Duels gender just by looking at its pic, do you.. :teehee: Thats Aeryn with one n..la :biggrin: sorry for misspelling your name and im not sure what gender it is