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Everything posted by cloudedtruth

  1. Cutting, splicing, and reusing dialogue does take quite a long time to do. I agree that the usage of tools can be extremely handy to create new dialogue in a much more simplified manner. The only issue I have with AI generated voices is that it's often still possible to tell it's not a real human doing the voicing. They've come a long way but human voice inflections mid sentence or even word is harder to recreate, as well as the noises people make naturally when they talk. Lastly, it's hard to accurately recreate emotion in a voice especially when it changes quickly or fluctuates some mid-sentence.
  2. I'd recommend removing the quest condition as that's not needed here. As long as you specify the correct conditions for each dialogue line (which you have to do anyway), NPCs that do not match those conditions will not use the dialogue. You've also got the quest type as "Side Quest", which unless the quest will be one that the player can complete, you could simply change the type to NONE and it will still work fine (almost all my quests are of type NONE and they work). For the dialogue line conditions: If the voice type you created is unique and only used by the same actor/NPC you specified, then you can remove either the GetIsID or GetIsVoiceType condition as it would be redundant to check both of them. The topic: You've got it as a "Normal To Combat" detection line, which will only work when the speaker goes from a normal state to immediately in combat. Often times if you attack an NPC, they'll actually be in the "Normal To Alert" detection state instead of "Normal To Combat". Try spawning in a bandit several times (spawn one, wait for him to kill it, then spawn another) and see if he doesn't go from "Normal To Combat" at least once. Response window: Okay, so after all that typing, I may have noticed your problem. You have a "Sound File" selected. Remove it. Sound files are not used in situations like this as the game pulls the audio from the specific file it finds by following the folder path. Other than that: I'm not familiar with the "(L)" next the Y in both xwm and wav. I never see that when adding dialogue, so I'm not sure what that means. Also, be sure you're constantly generating SEQ files in TES5Edit. Every time you add, remove, or alter dialogue in any way, generate a SEQ file.
  3. Have unpacked the Scripts.rar archive in the data folder? If not, you'll need to do that before compiling scripts.
  4. Leave the audio file as a wav. You will want to generate a LIP file so whenever a NPC with that voice types uses the line, his/her mouth will move. Once you've done that, take the wav and LIP files and use the Unfuzer tool to re-fuz both files into a .fuz file. Also, ensure that the dialogue line has the condition applied to so that only NPCs of a certain voice types can use it (Just placing this as a quest condition will not work). You can do this by using either the GetIsVoiceType condition and selecting the correct voice type, or the GetIsID condition and then specifying the NPC from the list. There are other ways but those two are the simplest. Unless you just made a typo, the folder path should be (data\sound\voice\modname.esp\thevoicetype) instead of (...\npcname) as dialogue is only generated by voice type, not specific actors/NPCs. Do make sure the topic you choose to add the dialogue under will allow it be used correctly. For "hello" lines, go under the Misc tab, and create a hello topic, then add the dialogue under that topic.
  5. Just so I better understand where you're coming from, have you ever created a quest in the CK? I'm asking for a reason because it pertains to the topic at hand.
  6. You don't get to name the files, they're generated by the Creation Kit. To my knowledge, the name of each file consists of the first several letters of the quest ID, and then the topic ID (If a topic ID is given), then followed by several letters/numbers. Example of a file name from the game: bardsongs_bardsongsgeneral_000d77e6_1
  7. Ellen Dubin (According the UESP): http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Voice_Actors
  8. So the line "You need a ship?" is standard greeting? Meaning, the NPC will speak this line when the player walks by him/her or if the player talks to him/her. If so, the misc tab is the correct tab, you just need to be sure that it's under the Hello topic. If it's under the Hello topic and the NPC is still not speaking the line, make sure you have either generated a SEQ file (very simple to do in TES5Edit), or made a new save with the mod installed and then reloaded that save. If that doesn't work, you should probably go back over your conditions again to make sure you haven't accidentally messed up any of them. Generating a SEQ file or saving and reloading is required to get new dialogue to appear in game. If you haven't done either of those yet try doing one of them and see if that fixes the issue. If it doesn't work, again, you've most likely made a mistake with the dialogue conditions (which is very easy to do).
  9. The "view valid NPCs for this voice type" can be very misleading. Even though no NPCs show up when click to view the list, that doesn't mean it won't be used in-game. Any custom NPCs you've added will usually not appear in the list of "valid NPCs" when you click to view the list. As long as you've got the conditions setup correctly, the line should be used in-game at the appropriate time.
  10. The voice type is MaleBandit, which does not support follower dialogue. So the dialogue option, "Follow me. I need your help." won't appear because none of the response options support actors with a MaleBandit voice type. To find out which voice types do support follower dialogue, refer to the list VoicesFollowerAll. This will show you all vanilla voice types that support follower dialogue.
  11. Unless you define the alias, the compiler will scream errors. For dialogue fragments, you have to close and then re-open the topic they're in before editing them. More info on that here: http://www.creationkit.com/Topic_Info_Fragments Once you re-open the fragment, you'll have to define the alias of the object you're enabling so the script knows what to enable. Edit: Defining the alias -ReferenceAlias Property Alias_[alias name you gave] Auto Better Example: -ReferenceAlias Property Alias_CastleThroneChair Auto ;Put the name of your alias in place of CastleThroneChair You will need to create the alias in the "Quest Alias" tab if you have not done so already.
  12. You can leave the quest Start Game Enabled, just generate the SEQ file so the dialogue shows up without you having to save and reload. It's very simple to generate a SEQ file in TES5Edit: -Start TES5Edit and load your mod -Once loading is done right click (alternate click) on your mod -Go to the very bottom of the options list that should have appeared and find the "Other" option -Moving your mouse over the "Other" option which should bring up more options -On that list you should see "Create SEQ File", left click (primary click) on that option -Near the bottom of TES5Edit it should show a message that it has created the SEQ file -Just close TES5Edit and you're done. To make sure, you can check your mod folder to see if there's now a SEQ folder with the SEQ file you just created. If you're using Mod Organizer, the very first time you generate a SEQ file for a mod it'll be in your overwrite, just drag and drop the folder with the file into your mod. As long as your mod has an SEQ folder, the SEQ file will be placed there instead of the overwrite. Of course, if you're not using Mod Organizer then this doesn't apply to you.
  13. If you've never scripted before, it can sometimes help to just successfully compile a script and have it work in-game. So, I recommend following a beginner tutorial from Bethesda: http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Papyrus_Hello_World When I first started with scripts, it mentally helped me when I followed this tutorial and got it work successfully.
  14. You're most likely looking for this: http://www.creationkit.com/OnRead_-_ObjectReference Then you can just use something like this inside the event: PlayerRef.AddItem(thisHouseKey, 1) Just be sure to declare variables for the key and PlayerRef. You can Game.GetPlayer() instead of PlayerRef without needing a variable, but it's slower and less efficient. Of course, a script this size is probably not going to be an issue if you use it.
  15. Wiki has it listed a known bug so, unless there's a fix for it, it's something that'll just have to be dealt with. I personally never mine, or mess with ores at all, so I've got no idea if a fix for this even exists.
  16. Try removing Dawnguard.bsa, Hearthfires.bsa, and Dragonborn.bsa from the line SArchiveList= Besides that one line, I have all others set identically to yours and have no issues running multiple master files in the CK.
  17. You may have another mod with resources that is overwriting BW. Not all mods have a plugin file (.esp, .esm) so if you've installed a mod with no plugin after BW that has overwritten changes to Lydia and Aela, it will be causing issues and can be hard to find. Unless, you're using Mod Organizer(MO). If you're using MO, simply double click on the BW file in the left pane and click the conflicts tab, you should see the data of all the mods that BW is overwriting, and any mods that may be overwriting BW. If there are any mods loaded after BW that are overwriting it, simply move the BW mod below the conflicting one in the left pane. Also, if the conflicting mod does have an .esp, be sure to place the BW .esp below the other one otherwise you'll still have issues. If you're not using MO, I'd recommend re-installing the mod if you haven't already. Also, you have uninstalled a mod that altered Lydia and Aela during your current play through?
  18. So, you added the two factions to her in the actor window while in the CK? What plugin did you use to save these changes to? If you did use a plugin, I recommend going back in the CK and removing those changes because those are permanent to that plugin. Meaning, every time you start a new game with that plugin loaded she would be in those two factions, until you re-install the mod or manually remove the changes you made. If you just want to make her a follower temporarily, or for your current play through, there's a much easier way. Open the console (~) Click on Senna with the mouse type: addtofaction 0005c84d 0 press enter type: addtofaction 0005c84e -1 press enter Since you're married to her your relationship rank shouldn't be an issue, but you can check if you're curious with the console: Click on Senna with the mouse getrelationshiprank player press enter It should return a value of "4" (lover) since you're married to her. Now she'll be in those two factions (Potential and Current Follower Faction) for as long as you load a save that has her added to those. Starting a new game, or loading an older save, should not have her in these factions.
  19. Make sure you have the correctly named audio file for each line, and that the quest you're using isn't running on a lower priority. If you have multiple lines, it's a good idea to check the "random" flag as well.
  20. For the error message, you can simply click "Ignore" and it should continue to load. Often you'll get the "not responding" message at the top of the CK immediately after this(I always do), but it's still just loading. In terms of using RaceMenu to transfer all the head parts, that's not something I have ever tried doing before. You could try using console to export the face of your character by typing: spf CustomFace (You can change CustomFace to whatever you want the file name to be) This should save a new file in your Skyrim folder called: CustomFace.npc From there you should be able to open the CK, load the plugin you're using for editing, find the NPC you want to have the new face you just made, and click "Import" on the Character Gen Parts tab and select the file. You'll need to export facegendata at this point, ctrl+F4, and see if the NPC looks how you want them to in-game. I've never actually tried doing this myself before, so I don't know how well it works or if there's more to this process. Hopefully there are better tutorials out there for using RaceMenu to transfer head parts, because I just don't know very much about it.
  21. -Open the quest you're using to add the dialogue -Find and open the "Combat" tab (It's in-between the "Scenes" and "Favors" tabs) -Right-click(Alternate-click) in the Topics box and select "New Topic" -Select the specific combat topic you're looking for for the list that comes up -Once you selected the one you want, click OK and give it a unique name (I usually just add the topic at the end of the quest name, example: QuestNameTaunt) -Add however many topic you want, then select the topic you want to add dialogue for and right-click(alternate-click) in the large box on the right and begin adding new dialogue lines -The other tab you may want to look at is the "Detection" tab, this tab deals with the dialogue when combat starts or ends, when NPCs are searching for any enemy, couldn't find the enemy and have stop searching, & more
  22. Serana's hood and the executioners robes are not obtainable by default. I believe you can equip the robes through the console, but it'll only show correctly if you're a male character. For Serana's hood, I have no idea if you can equip it or not.
  23. I'd be glad to! Just let me know of the best way to get in contact with you.
  24. Here's a small sample of Nord and Imperial voices: https://soundcloud.com/cloudedtruth/skyrim-voices-sample-male-nord-and-imperial
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