Please someone do this up to go with that Kerrigan armor, if it isn't already in the works. I've searched "Kerrigan Rifle" and "Ghost Rifle" and seen nothing. I personally don't care for making this game any easier, so please reskin the sniper rifle or (even better) same stats and craftable. Would be sick if it had colour options like the armor black/white and selection of glows. I was thinking of rolling a female in kerri armor and building stealth style mixed with heavy grenade use for close combat (nuke grenades). Now that i think of it, since its probably not possible to have different firing modes: maybe a ghost rifle barrel choice for different rounds. Doing it up when that DLC with fixed up survival mode, which will make the game challenging by far from what it is. - Ghost Rifles that can be modded in game with barrel(type of rounds which effect damage, of course) choice for building MG, rifle, sniper rifle without effecting balancing. - Ghost Rfile mod slot for choice of colour black/white (ya... they're shades) with choice of glow as well. So they fit well with mod for Kerrigan armor. **Edit** There is some models i guess used in New Vegas Pic shows 3 versions of "C-10 Canister Rifle"