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About Swayslay

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  1. Is there, or could there be a mod where you can feel the strength you gained. So when the enemies you face have around 40% less in level that your player, they don't just get destroyed. They get sent flying away on the slightest attack, like a punch, hammer or sword. In the typical anime or cartoon style when someone mets a real strong opponent. Extra: If it was possible, I would also fun it entertaining if low level enemies spawned more of when a high leveled player entered the area. So there could be more of those weak suckers trying to kill you. Then maybe a last part that if the player is so much stronger maybe above 60% they would just explode to a bloody gooey mess.
  2. Hi I made this request in fallout 4, but may as well do it here too, since it would also be fun in skyrim. I was wondering if anyone would be intressted to create the Yaka Arrow. When you aim you should be able to select a number of enemies, then when you fire the arrow there will be a whistle as the homing arrow goes though all your selected oponents. Second request, not as inportant, a playable Yondu and/or follower with the weapon. Because I want more of this in Skyrim as well
  3. Hi was wondering if anyone would be intressted to create the Yaka Arrow in Fallout. When you aim you should be able to select a number of enemies, then when you fire the arrow there will be a whistle as the homing arrow goes though all your selected oponents. Second request, not as inportant, a playable Yondu and/or follower with the weapon. Because I want more of this in Fallout
  4. Yeah that will do. Would be awesome :D
  5. Can anyone nice and awesome person create a Playable Nami and Robin follower (Possible Lydia replacer) From after timeskip. Either with racemenu preset or anyway that I can use them :tongue: Would be very nice thank you in advance. If only time for one I would like the Nami, and preferably with Cbbe and bodyslide. Random pics of Nami and Robin http://img.hebus.com/hebus_2010/10/09/preview/101009134903_69.jpg http://www.onepiecegold.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Nami-One-Piece-Images-HD-Wallpaper.jpg http://orig10.deviantart.net/f8c1/f/2013/301/9/e/nico_robin_wallpaper____one_piece_by_kingwallpaper-d6s4huw.jpg http://orig01.deviantart.net/4f11/f/2012/312/7/5/one_piece___nami_wallpaper_by_nmhps3-d5kczqr.png http://orig11.deviantart.net/ad92/f/2013/180/c/1/one_piece___nami_by_onepieceworldproject-d6baibg.jpg
  6. Hi I suck at making characters look like I want so was wandering if anyone with some skill would be able to create a racemenu present of Nami from One piece (Long hair version) and Yoko from Tengen Toppa Gureen Lagann. Nami (After timeleap) example picture: http://plamoya.com/bmz_cache/1/155b8ef61fe74af1b5895229a6295866.image.342x500.jpg Yoko example picture: https://images4.alphacoders.com/464/46474.jpg I understand anime can be hard, but I see others like Tifa: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71260/? Mods I would like to be used in the present: Pretty Face or Adorable Face and Cbbe (If that needs to be chosen.) If only time for one I would prefer Nami. Thanks in advance for any help.
  7. Would be awesome if anyone could add diabetes in Fallout 4. If you don't eat you eventually get dizzy. Make strange choices. (Easily angered, or unfocused, drop stuff, get visions as if on drugs/ hallucinations.) Until you pass out and only have a slim chance of getting saved by a random stranger with food. Eating to much would make's you get tiered and things like that. Insulin and much exercise keeps you from going high. Too much however makes you go low. So then you need to eat to balance it out. High to long will give you negative effects. Like like maybe damages feet or make you take more damaged. The image bellow tells more of diabetes symptom. Think it would be fun. Another type of hardcore mod.
  8. Wao that's awesome. Wonder how well it will work with other mods. Will be interesting. You mean texture mods? I think they will ruin it. Yeah were expecting that. Hope it won't be to noticible if you add a new armor or something like that. Oh well guess I have to wait and see.
  9. Wao that's awesome. Wonder how well it will work with other mods. Will be interesting.
  10. Hmm wierd. Hope it can be solved. Cool that you keep working on it thanks. Also just wondering. This mod will change entire face or only eyes? Guess face? Is it possible for you to make the nose smaller. Tink it would fitt the cartoon anime look more. (Maybe go after the face modle from adorable faces.) By the way does anyone know any good hair replacers for npc out there? Only found http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/67145/? As And Ks http://www.nexusmods...1&gid=110&pUp=1 Also this can give npc hair and eyes from other mods but seem broken at the moment. http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/51612/?
  11. Thanks that would be sweet, hope it won't be to difficult.
  12. I don't know it doesn't look so bad. I played around in skyrim racemenu and got this together. I just needed to raise the eye size on adorable face. The only problem now is it would be fun to do that on all npc at once. In something like an mcm menu. (Edit universal eye size.) :P But if that can't be done this will have to do.
  13. Hello what mods would you recommend to make skyrim more cartoonish and anime like. I am going to give this a try: K enb http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/58338/? To make skyrim more colorful and then maybe see if I can make DovahToon shader look good with it. http://www.nexusmods...&preview=&pUp=1However I doubt it. (Or this http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/420/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D420%26preview%3D&pUp=1 but it seem broken.) There are many hair mods and eye mods. However I can't find one to do a full face change on all NPC. With http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/12951/?you can create "normal" anime eyes to yourself, but is there any mod that can make all NPC have bigger eyes. Like this. http://img.hdwallpaperpc.com/cover/tmp/Cartoon_Comic_Gurren_Lagann_Anime_Face_Yoko_Littner_65643_2560x1920.png So what I am mostly looking for is a way to change the default eye size on all npc at once. With as little hazel as possible. Also I don't want to go and edit all npcs in game. I know there are a few mods for that. This one does not seem to have eye size either. http://www.nexusmods...rim/mods/4554/?
  14. I wonder if anyone would or have made a mod. Were you age and if you die you continue to play as your kid? With other words. Every kid is an extra life and inherits your skill and level. You also age so you can actually die from being old. If you play for way to long... Giving the game a little red dead redemption feeling. If you don't have a kid I guess you should permanently die in this mod or something. It's just a fun thought.
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