Hello brothers. What I'm about to ask for many of you despise. What I'm about to ask is what you guys call "being spoon fed". Please understand that I work 2 jobs, go to school and have to take care of 2 children. My time is extremely limited. I really do not have the time to go searching through this site for mods, nor do I have the time to teach myself on how to install them "correctly". Been playing Fallout 3 "vanilla" for so long and its boring now. LOL I really want to spice things up in my new playthrough. Can someone please tell me the VERY top 5 mods I need in order to play Fallout 3 in a new and better way? What are the mods? And what else do I need to install in order to install these mods? Also...."how" do I "correctly" install these mods? Any help would be greatly appreciated. P.S. I downloaded Fallout 3 from steam. Not sure if anyone needs to know this. Also, I'm sick and tired of starting the game in the usual way. Is there a mod that lets me start the game from a new spot? Or changes the story around? Tired of doing the same main quest.