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  1. Yeah im hated by the NCR.. I go around slaughtering them, and theyh fire at me.. But, even still. Dressing in NCR armor should make Primm non-hostile just like it does NCR soldiers.
  2. OK as it says, I go into the casino andeveryone starts shooting me.. Granted I kinda went out of order, I picked up Ed-e first, then rescued the deputy guy, then went into the Casino to talk to him. I go in with or without Ed-e they attack, wearing NCR armor, or not they attack me. I dont go in wearing Powder ganger or Bandit armor, though im not hated by the PG's, could be a possbility. Is there anyway I can undo this? Other then the 'Yeah you have to start a new game' solution that people seem to think fixes all... Or should I just say screw it, mow everyone down, and not worry about anything and move on to other more important things.
  3. Well my question is, do any modders think/know if its possible to mod stop the repeatable challenges? Like the Quest one it repeats every 5, or some of the use weapons to kill like the unarmed you get 42 kills it restarts to 42 again.. So like, once you complete it, it goes dark and doesnt need to be done again?
  4. For New Vegas? um.. then it must be the hardest to find mod in existance.. or its not labeled right.. CAuse I looked under merchants, under caps, under anything that have to do with it.. and nothing like this came up.
  5. Am wondering if someone can make a mod that gives merchants more caps, and they respawn their caps more often.. or something of the like. I got an inventory full of junk I can't sell cause no no merchant has more then a few caps, and it's tiring going to 10 different merchants and not being able to sell. Any work, or attempts would be most appreciated, thanks!
  6. I wanted to mess around with the casting time for some of the big spells, like inferno, tempest, chain lighting those ones. Since I've not seen a mod that does any of that. I got the toolset, and am not so great at it, I figured out where some stuff it. But, when it comes to casting time I have no clue what to look for, or where to even look in the sections. Is there any place I can find more specific pointers, or someone whos done something like that, can give me a little walkythrough as to what I should be looking for?
  7. Damn.. well thanks for looking Ihoe.. Least I know its assuredly dead, and not just misplaced. :P
  8. I'm looking for a mod I dled a few weeks back, called 'playthings'.. it was a companion type mod where you picked up some women in front of Megaton. Can't seem to find it, no searches turned up anything. Anyone know about it? Have no clue if it was deleted, or I just seem to be missing it somehow.
  9. Went to the commonwealth?? who says that? I never read nothing like that.. and what a load of BS! Her model should still be in the fricking database. Thats the lamest copout I ever heard. So Beth removes her completely, so you cant even summon her for anything. Lame.. really lame.
  10. Dont know if its a spoiler or not, but just in case. Is Dr. Li supposed to vanish, and not exist period in BS? Cause when I try and go to her with player.moveto, it dumps me in an empty area in the citidal and if I try to moveto.player it says no such thing exists. So, did Beth just decide to murder her off? Or is this just my game that seems to be having some stupid problem with NPCs not behaving or being right or being alive? After the 2 weeks.
  11. Ok.. I seem to have found the problem. No idea how it happened, or even how to fix it... Though I guess its a spoiler now? So anyways, its the filter area. After the enclave invades it, and you run away. They're supposed to erect electric fields or something to block it and keep you and everyone out. Well on mine that didn't happen, and so when it tries to load that square, it cant find them and crashes. Anyone ever heard/seen/know anything about this, or how to fix it? Since, I've never heard of such a thing before. Nor why it would do this for, it's completely beyond me, and im pretty sure theres no mods I have that would alter that, or change that square in any drastic way.
  12. Yeah I know what the colors do, but not how it reflects whats going on.. Since half the lines and mod and main esm files are green, and red and orange. But how that relates to a conflict I dont know. It doesnt just say 'This line conflicts with line C from esm B'.. and I've reinstalled my FO3 5 times in the past 2 months. I only have the mods I regularly use in it..
  13. Well sure that help in all.. if I understand what any of it meant, or how to use it. Theres green, white, yellow, red colored lines. But, none of it means a thing to me, cause I don't know what it does.
  14. OK, I have no clue what is causing this. But since the Enclave took over project purity. Every time I try to go into the square that houses the supermutie outpost by it, the game crashes. I've tried with all mods on, all mods off. All DLC on, all DLC off. No matter what I do, it does that 'FO3 has stopped working' yadda-yadda stuff. I haven't a clue what the problem is. Anyone know a way I can try and find out? Since, it's rather annoying since there's stuff around there needing to be done and cant be done if it crashes all the time.. Thanks.
  15. Well, good news and bad news.. Turns out the patch that beth put out was the problem I had it installed. So I uninstalled the game, reinstalled and now I can use textures and binvalidate=1 now.. bad news is, now the entire games running at about 2-3fps, even at the menu/loading screens.. So a quick test to see if the textures worked, took about 20 minutes to get in and out when it should have only been a 2 minute run. Yay for Beth's messed up game optimizating! =P Uh yeah.. it was laging this bad before I put the new textures and altered the binvalidate stuff, so I know that didnt cause it. Now to move onto this problem.. joy! :wallbash:
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