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Everything posted by Apollyna

  1. How exciting! I hope these systems stand to the test of usage, because they sound great right now. One thing I have to commend you on is listening and acting upon the feedback of your users. Even Facebook and Youtube don't seem to understand that little trick. :P
  2. Ah, here's another display solution, weapon racks... on tables! Basically i'd link the proper activators together and voila, your bow will sit still on a table rather than a doesnt-belong-in-a-cave silk weapon rack. I should think this is possible anyway, I'll make sure to test and post screens.
  3. I suggest at least finishing meshes for the staves and releasing them as resources for modders to have fun with... or maybe that's just selfishness talking. :) The dwemer dungeon sounds cool but I really like the idea of well designed new meshes.
  4. Excellent resource! The other day I was just thinking of how I could make a switchable bed/coffin for a future lair... this should be helpful then. :)
  5. XCE eyes to pretty up the vanilla ones, Iridum eyes for new ones. I recommend both. After running two or three eye mods together, I find I only ever use one of these. They're just about perfect.
  6. I hope to put the entrance behind a waterfall in the Rift. If none exists that I like I may make one or hide it under a high road, much like the Falkreth DB sanctuary is hidden under a road. I agree, there are wayyy too many houses crammed between Riverwood and Whiterun... As far as displays I am currently putting in scripted bookshelves (I will recommend the mod Unlimited Bookshelves to you now, which lets you put almost anything that'll fit in a shelf on it) and wooden weapon racks. I plan to keep these things minimal, though. Have you taken a peek at the screens? I personally think the cave is Goldilocks-sized, just enough room for features and walking space, but it may seem too big or small to some.
  7. Thanks! I forgot some body pieces were separate in the game. Now if only someone could make them compatible with gloves... :) How hard do you think that'd be to do in nifskope with one pair of gloves/gauntlets? if I were to do it myself I mean
  8. Is there a version with just the claws changed and having vanilla legs? I only want those wicked claws.
  9. Hi, all! You might remember this post of mine from yesterday - I decided to make an official WIPz thread to gather ideas on the project in a more organized way. Here's an imgur album with titles and captions for some screens to help you see how I'm doing. I'll put some highlights in a spoiler below. Any feedback is much appreciated... fire away! >> http://imgur.com/a/zvtyJ#0 << Thanks for clicking!
  10. Well since you just keep talking about it... (*teasing* >w<) I finally supported my favorite... no, my only modding site. Here's to the Nexus! Keep going strong!
  11. Aha! What a good thread to see... great minds think alike, eh? I hope more people post here so we get a good consensus of opinions. I guess I could contribute, too... hmm. 1. I like small homes. I need to get in, dump my stolen loot, sleep the night away, and get back out adventuring. But I also need a pretty home in a good location. I want something that fits my character - a dark lair in the cold north for my vampire, a warm and inviting cottage for my ranger, a hideaway for my thief, etc. 2. We have a great many castles and mansions and over-cluttered-with-miniature-statues dwemer ruins. I would welcome more plain houses, more immersion- and lore-friendly places. 3. Very specific... hmm... named storage is a big plus in my book, almost a selling point, but I realize this is possibly a bad idea. For one, you could turn some people off who don't want to put their stuff where the author thinks it should go. For another, I recently got a mod (Arrod's Better Containers) that lets you name, move, and craft containers anyway. I suggest mod authors forego uniquely-named storage and instead design their houses in a smart way. Instead of putting all chests along a wall in one room, put some by the forge, some by the door, some by the display cases, etc. And point their users to such a mod as Arrod's. Another specific thing I like to see is an easy to navigate layout. It's a house, not a dungeon, yknow? I like one or two big rooms with what you need in them, or having a hub-like hallway. 4. This is difficult to answer. As an author, I want my mod to get views, downloads and comments. I want it to be bug-free and I want people to like it and tell me they like it. As a user, I simply want what I stated above. A simple house that doesn't try to be the biggest, gaudiest thing in the game will suit me just fine. For what it's worth I recommend checking out Riverside Lodge and Heartwood Cottage (can't recall the author right now). In my opinion Riverside Lodge is near perfect, with a gorgeous (GORGEOUS) view, convenient location, small-but-not-too-small size, crafting stations, obvious storage, etc. The same can be said for Heartwood, though it is much smaller. That's fine for me. Like I said, I just need to get in and get out. ...Just my two cents, but I hope it helps somehow! This is pretty much exactly what I want to do with my time. Themed homes that aren't over-the-top. Good to see there's a market for it.
  12. You know... it's very funny you say that, because one of the first design choices I made was making much of the smaller decoration static. I'm an obsessive klepto in games. I end up taking all the pretty and valuable things off the shelves and then the house looks, well, sacked. Personally, static items prevent me from doing that in-game. I should say, though, that not every single item so far is static. There are bows and arrows, things like fortify-carry boots and fortify-lockpicking gloves, loose ingots, jewels, and books strewn about, etc. I completely understand your point, though. It's a good thing to keep in mind as I go along... As far as tons of mannequins and display racks, I'm not a fan of them in other houses. I do plan on adding a few weapon plaques and racks, but I will focus on bookshelves and the occasional empty spot on a table as far as displays go. Ostentation is not something to expect from this home - it will look perfectly at home in the vanilla game, I hope. :) I would love to have a beta tester / screenshooter. :D I'll make sure to update here every so often with some progress shots so you and other interested parties know what's up. Thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated.
  13. NEW THREAD >> http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/990376- <<
  14. Try searching for castle mods. Its a simple matter after that to add beds yourself. All the other features you mentioned seem to come standard on all the more popular house/mansion mods.
  15. I have run into this problem too, which is a major eyesore. Please, if anyone has tips let us know!
  16. I just wanna thank you and the team, for working so hard to make The Nexus the star modding site on the net. Us moddaholics (248 .esps and counting...) really appreciate it!
  17. It's fascinating to see how a site so unique and influential like the Nexus runs. And that the creator / owner takes the time to connect to his audience in such a frank and personal way. What I'm trying to say is I echo the host of other comments this blog post is getting, by leaving my own sincere expressions of respect and gratitude. Thanks, buddy.
  18. I was pleasantly surprised but still a little sad when I found out that you aim directly at a target with a bow, instead of above them. Maybe it's just me, but it made me feel a little more skilled sniping enemies from far, far away. Referring to what silverbolt00 said, I also don't like how arrows / bows seem nerfed. :P But I guess that's what levelling and perks are for.
  19. I can't help but be reminded of the most popular mods for Oblivion when I think of some of the new features in Skyrim. Don't get me wrong, I think it was a very smart move - if tons of fans quite clearly like a feature, why the heck not add it? For example, Companions that can sit, stay, heel, and fetch. :P (Wait here, go there, pick this lock, etc. And most importantly, they don't report your crimes!) Harvest Flora - parts of plants disappear when you pick them Deadly Reflex - brutal finishing moves and, with enough levelling, decapitations More options for Argonian and Khajiit looks (more than one eye color, etc) There are more, I'm sure, but I've only had the game for one day. xD What do you guys think of some of the new features? Have you found any more that remind you of mods?
  20. Dunno if this is the right place, but... I want to set up a little "pet" room for a vampire house mod I'm making. Basically, end product, I want the NPC to wander around the room and do normal things (eat, read, maybe paint or somesuch), but when the player commands them to sleep, they immediately do so. I'm sure someone out there knows how to do this... would you be willing to clue me in, too? Thank you so much for any and all help! <3! I know it'll involve just a normal NPC with AI packages, but I think the trouble will be the dialogue and scripting to make her sleep on command (now that I think about it, I kinda want to be able to open her inventory on command, too).
  21. Thank you all so, SO MUCH for the quick replies! I won't answer any questions until I can show this new info to my dad... I only know so much about computers, and I don't want to screw anything up trying to fix it myself. That hasn't worked out so well in the past... <_<;; Hopefully I can get you new info later. Thank you again!
  22. I'm using the PC and it seems my graphics card is shutting down after maybe 30 mins of play... I have a dual monitor set-up, with Oblivion on one and, say, UESP wiki on the other monitor, btw. The Oblivion monitor goes black and displays a box with three R G B boxes, then goes off/light at the bottom turns yellow instead of blue - like it's been unplugged (I've checked the cords several times) - on the secondary monitor, I can see that the resolution changes, as well as the colors going from 32 bit to 4 bit. It takes hours to get it back up and running normally after such a "crash" (I still have no idea how to fix it, because Dad is the one to bring it back up xD). I have no new mods that I've never tried before - so I'm pretty sure the problem isn't there, AND my dad replaced our Radeon HD 4350 with a new one and the crashes ONLY happen when playing Oblivion for a while. It's happened twice so far, and as I said, I can't trial-and-error it because I don't know how to fix the issue afterwards and apparently it takes hours to get everything back up and totally normal. Any suggestions? If it helps, the only new thing I was doing with Oblivion is playing it set to 800x600 or 800x800, whatever, because it would CONSTANTLY CTD or become horribly laggy and slow if I didn't - interestingly, the two different crashes are nothing alike (appearance-wise) AND the slowness has never happened until recently. I've done some research on the internet before this, and the closest I can come to an explanation is that it's overheating or clocking or something like that... The side of our computer is open, so I don't exactly see how it's over heating. Other than that, it could be a power issue, but I have no idea how to test that and Dad thinks it isn't. Please help me! I miss Oblivion so much! ;__; -Lee, wif <3
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