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About leiongod

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  1. here is a pic containing the problem im having, its displaying all these random words over the screen and preventing me from seeing everything in my inventory and other categories from being displayed properly https://ibb.co/jVP5L6 This is also my load order in case anyone needs to view it. Yeah im currently going through all my interface mods to see if they are all updated but yeah just wondering if anyone else has seen this before or can offer me some advice on how to fix this
  2. yeah i think someone called maybenexttime was working on this and a nova costume and im sure these were also in NV and skyrim, but i think i read some where the costume was having weird issues in fallout 4 and the c-10 canister rifle he has passed off onto some one else to finish and impliment into Fallout 4, he is working on fallout frontier. If anyone else hears word from him about who he has passed it off onto maybe we can ask them how progress is going or whatever.
  3. oh i jus discovered the tactical animations mod may be causing my problem based on what this mod was saying here Barber and Surgeon Camera Fix http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12739/? Ill be giving this a go and see how this works.
  4. As the title implies, when ever i use a surgery chair or hair dresser chair whether it be from a one i place down via settlement mods or just me visiting say the barber or doc crocker in diamond city, the camera gets positioned behind my face, this is a pic of what it looks like http://prnt.sc/epu3e2 Im assuming its something being caused by a mod which tweaks camera .ini settings, i dont think i do have many mods that do that, the only one that comes to mind hat i do have is this mod here called Tactical Flashlights http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16172/? as it asks you to write these new .ini settings to your fallout 4.ini file Here is my current fallout 4 ini file, just wondering if anyone thinks its this mod above i mentioned which is causing this problem or if i can change anything else within my F04 ini
  5. Hello there i am having trouble just trying the Creation Kit, i started by watching some videos here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8Ut15vbEi4&index=4&list=PLDWUpSmCeelycKTp13oMNF5ySuA8jdAgM abou creating new World Spaces, and when it gets to the part about duplicating commonwealth by right clicking commonwealth the program just freezes up on me and says not responding and it seems like other things i try to do in the creation kit the program kinda just freezes up on me =/ i know im not best at explaining things, so i was wondering if someone could be nice enough to pm me here on forums and we can exchange steam details, I also want to do something nice for the community by making what i think would be a really cool immersive mod that has never been done on nexus. Im basically wanting some one with enough experience with the Creation Kit to help teach me some basics and help point me in the right directions for video tutorials and such, im kind of clumsy at trying to find the exact videos that have to do with what im after. My idea for a sweet mod is to and this is if at all possible have a working cinema at starlight drive in :D i know there are working tv mods on nexus that play the opening vids via holotapes like the intel one agility one etc so Im wanting to get help with getting my CK program running so its not freezing on me all time, and work alongside anyone else who is compitent and willing to help guide me in the riht directions via them teaching me and giving me tutorials to watch as well :D My idea for this mod would be to have switch or something similiar maybe say a terminal being placed on the diner bench there and it play holotapes and when loaded they would be played on the cinema screen there but I'd need some help on how to restore the screen if at all possible. I know and have seen mods where people have restored Starlight drive in so the floors are all flat and not broken up so i thought.....If the floors can be fixed maybe the cinema screen to as well maybe? So if that could be done and using say the tv mod here on nexus as inspiration I'd like to be able to work and collaborate alongside another modder on here to have it so you can play any video file on your computer if at all possible once converted to the correct file format and you say have those converted files be placed in files and holotape 1 for example would play the video in file 1 holotapte 2 plays what is inside file 2 for example. These would then be projected onto the restored drive in cinemas screen.
  6. Hello there i am having trouble just trying the Creation Kit, i started by watching some videos here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8Ut15vbEi4&index=4&list=PLDWUpSmCeelycKTp13oMNF5ySuA8jdAgM abou creating new World Spaces, and when it gets to the part about duplicating commonwealth by right clicking commonwealth the program just freezes up on me and says not responding and it seems like other things i try to do in the creation kit the program kinda just freezes up on me =/ i know im not best at explaining things, so i was wondering if someone could be nice enough to pm me here on forums and we can exchange steam details, I also want to do something nice for the community by making what i think would be a really cool immersive mod that has never been done on nexus. Im basically wanting some one with enough experience with the Creation Kit to help teach me some basics and help point me in the right directions for video tutorials and such, im kind of clumsy at trying to find the exact videos that have to do with what im after. My idea for a sweet mod is to and this is if at all possible have a working cinema at starlight drive in :D i know there are working tv mods on nexus that play the opening vids via holotapes like the intel one agility one etc so Im wanting to get help with getting my CK program running so its not freezing on me all time, and work alongside anyone else who is compitent and willing to help guide me in the riht directions via them teaching me and giving me tutorials to watch as well :D My idea for this mod would be to have switch or something similiar maybe say a terminal being placed on the diner bench there and it play holotapes and when loaded they would be played on the cinema screen there but I'd need some help on how to restore the screen if at all possible. I know and have seen mods where people have restored Starlight drive in so the floors are all flat and not broken up so i thought.....If the floors can be fixed maybe the cinema screen to as well maybe? So if that could be done and using say the tv mod here on nexus as inspiration I'd like to be able to work and collaborate alongside another modder on here to have it so you can play any video file on your computer if at all possible once converted to the correct file format and you say have those converted files be placed in files and holotape 1 for example would play the video in file 1 holotapte 2 plays what is inside file 2 for example. These would then be projected onto the restored drive in cinemas screen.
  7. i just use NMM to launch my game and did what it said on the front page here of nexus, after updaye re -enable all your mods and yeah im going fine on my end
  8. So I'm trying to take some screenshots in my game with the ~tfc command via console in my fallout 4 game and i do get the tfc command to work but my problem is that now its being limited in the direction it flies. What I mean is when i go to move the camera it only allows me to move forward backwards left and right. Before if i was aiming up at the air or down at the floor the camera would move up into the air or clip through the floor if i was aiming down at the ground if i kept moving forward while looking down. Is there some setting i can change some where in my .ini settings or in any file cos its kinda frustrating when i don't have full control over my toggle free cam any more especially when i used to be able to fly up and down before when entering this ~tfc command.
  9. Hello there all, I have never used FO4Edit before but i am keen to learn and would really appreciate any help, guidance and or assistance in learning some basic tips in using fallout 4 edit in regards to making a compatibility patch for these two mods I want to work alongside each other. Currently I am using Valdacil's Item Sorting http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3877/? and Bobble Girl - with Slooty Vault Suit http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8469/? I don't think this would be causing any problems with the compatibility issue but just thought I'd also mention I'm using this as well DEF_UI by Neanka and Valdacil http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10654/? Now at the moment when I load bobble girl.esp after all the VIS esp's the bobble girl does appear as a bobble girl in game but it doesn't use the VIS tags and if I load the bobble girl before all the VIS.esp's the bobble head appears as vanilla male bobble heads. So I'm just wanting to to do something nice for the community and learn to make a compatibility patch where the bobble heads appear as female bobble heads but also contain the VIS tagging system which is applied by his mod. I was asking the mod author about how my female bobble heads weren't appearing as female bobble heads in game and he responded to me by mentioning this. So yeah if there is anyone out there with some time and patience to teach a beginner something new I'd be very much appreciative and indebted to you :D
  10. =/ wow there goes your ability to build by sounds of it =/
  11. hello there i have noticed two annoying CTD's since the new update, cant say this applies for all but its what ive noticed so far. 1. When i go to use a armour bench in sanctuary, i get CTD 2. When i go to trade with Dogmeat i get CTD >< anyone else having any other annoying CTD bugs and does anyone have any suggestions i can try? for now ill see if can trade safely with Dogmeat in other areas and see if i get CTD on an armour work bench when i build one in a different settlment. The last 3 mods i used were just 2 weapon mods and an animation mod http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10446/? i figured it couldn't hurt to try and disable the 2 weapon mods and the animation mods then uninstall all 3. Did that and still have random CTD's. Just spoke to one the caravan folk who work for old man stockman and was browing his wares then CTD =/ man its starting to feel like there isnt much i can do in fallout 4 now without causing a CTD This is my load order by the way if this helps in anyway =/
  12. yes as soon as i remove all files it starts up again =/
  13. hello there all, I am using a mod called Vogue ENB - Realism found at http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42/?. Anyway I have updated my graphics driver followed his steps and when I go to run my game it just goes to a black screen then I just get a Fallout 4 has stopped working error and the game closes. I am running an intel I5 3.2 GHZ 16 gig ram and NVidia GTX 970 4 gig ram on my pc. I am just wondering if I have the required specs to be running this ENB or if anyone can help me fix why my game keeps crashing. I am not the only one who has come across this problem as I have seen some one else post in the comments section on the page. Just wondering if anyone can help me out on this and if they need me to post any other things I may have missed posting here I will do so when I get a reply back.
  14. yeah maybe, i just read the bugs section on the authors page, others said they had experienced it themselves and one of them fixed it by typing slm 114 into console resetting face and re chose eyes. I did that as well and now they are back in my face and i can choose from all 3 eye pack mods now :D thanks for responding :D
  15. yeah just noticed I also had a mod called glowing eyes I have that installed, also I tested it out by making a new game and I can choose the new eyes there and they actually appear I previously had glowing eyes and true eyes installed and not 100% sure about this but when I installed super natural eyes at least this is my guess I loaded up the game and noticed my toon was overweight aka the items in backpack; so I exited and checked NMM and it looked like all my mods got turned off in the mod manager section. I figured uh ok just re enable them go back into game and I believe it was then at that time my guys eyeballs just vanished, so far all I'm doing is just wearing glasses to cover up my the fact I have no eye balls haha =/
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