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  1. I'm running 5120x1440, which is a 32:9 resolution. I don't mind the UI being stretched, but there are three items that popup during game play that I need to move, because once they appear they don't go away. There are two on the right, one for server join info, and another for 'player has joined team' info. TBH I've figured out how to move these off screen (or to the far right) so they're fine. The main issue that I am having is with the scoreboard notification flyout. I think that this is actually a challenge notification, and not entirely specific to the scoreboard. Anyhow, it's a little blue rectangle-ish UI element that flys to the center of the screen, and then moves towards the left. For the life of me I cannot figure out how to move this any further to the left than its default settings. I wouldn't mind getting rid of it entirely. I've tinkered with challengeflyout.swf mostly, but I'm still not entirely convinced that this is even the right file at times. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
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