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About Hafvstedt

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    Fallout New Vegas
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    Planescape Torment

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  1. +1 yes this is a must for me as well. There is a console command mod but the TM(0.016) command that was used in W3 didn't work.
  2. In all Bethesda games like Elder scrolls or Fallout I set timescale through the console, same as in Witcher 3. It worked well enough with most other aspects of the game, worst case you had to reset it to default in some quest triggers that were weird in 1:1 timescale. But yes the problem is that I don't think there are any console commands like this in KCD, as IGSpelly says the t_scale works in just slowing down stuff to slow motion. This game would be so amazing with a 1:1 mod though so I have my hopes up!! Edit: I found the solution https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/106?tab=description this mod and then type: cheat_set_time_speed ratio:1000
  3. Yes!! I'd really like a timescale mod with 1:1 time. Does any modder know if it is possible to fix?
  4. For what language is your keyboard layed out? Mine is German and my console key is "Ö". :smile: Mine is Swedish, but we have Ö too and it worked. Thank you, my German friend, you saved my evening. :)
  5. I can't use the normal command console button (§ for me) to bring up the console, and there seems to be no other keys working. Anyone have an idea to fix that?
  6. Yeah this would be so great if it's possible, anyone know if it's doable?
  7. I find it unrealistic that all the caves and such have a massive amount of light sources. Is there a mod to remove this?
  8. Is there a mod that makes the character equip several weapons at once - ie so it looks like he has a sword and a bow equipped at the same time?
  9. Hello! I placed a mod from Skyrim Nexus in the data folder, but when I launch the game I can't click at the "DATA FILES"-icon, it's grey like I have no mods. The mod I installed was Respawn1Year.esp, for slower respawning. Any ideas?
  10. I would really like a mod to get a version of the combat armor, reinforced with no sleeve on the lower left arm to remove the clipping error with the pipboy! :D Or if anyone knows how to remove the clipping error. Cheers! :)
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