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About stettydrumbeats

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  1. The first part was copy/pasted from the comment section of Immersive Armors mod by hothtrooper. First off, I would like to thank you for this mod(Immersive Armor), it is outstanding and the variety that it brings to the game is extremely satisfying. That being said, I've been getting a lot of CTD's on waiting/saving/traveling/zoning, etc. I disabled all of my plugins and went through them 1 by 1 until I found out that Immersive Armors is either A.) causing the crash or B.) Immersive Armors with a compilation with another mod(s) is causing the game to crash. Does anyone know what it could be? Here is a list of the other the other mods I am using, please tell me if they are interfering with something: Better Dynamic Snow Birds of Skyrim Calientes Beautiful Bodies Cloaks of Skyrim Enhanced Blood Textures EverQuest Skeleton Laughter FSS - Better Bards High Quality Eyes Immersive Skyrim Thunder Immersive Weapons Improved NPC Clothing Intro music replacement by Malukah Level up Sound Replacer EverQuest New Bard Songs Project Reality - Climates of Tamriel Realistic Ragdolls and Force Saturalia - Christmas in Skyrim Smooth blades draw and sheath The REAL Fus Ro Dah Ultra Realistic Bow Shoot Sound XCE - Xenius Character Enhancement -------------------------------------- Basically when I run all these mods, it crashes on any saves, waits or travels. But only on my level 15 character. I was running through the game with these mods perfectly fine when I decided to install SKSE.Decided I didnt need it so I uninstalled and ever since then I can't run these mods all together. When I run the game with no mods, everything is fine...but that is as expected. When I install all mods except Enhanced Blood or Immersive Armors, the game works fine. But alas, when I activate just that one last mod, same CTD error I was getting before. So it has me thinking, have I broken my saved game? Is it corrupted? Did uninstalling SKSE mess up the script of the game? Or perhaps did I exceed the "threshold" of allotted memory, which may explain why I can install a certain number of mods except just a couple. I've since then created a new character with the same mods and everything has been working fine but I feel that I am just setting myself up for disaster. I also turned off autosaves for this time around and am instead making new saves every chance I get, maybe it will lighten the load on my save files. Anybody have any tips or solutions? I really just want my character back mainly to know how I can fix this again if it happens in the future or is it just inevitable? Thank you
  2. I was running @ 120hz refresh rate. Turned it down to 60hz and the problem was gone.
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