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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. Doing a great job keeping this list going, OP! If you wouldn't mind, could you add my scrapyard weaponry thread to your list? It's complete with all current concept images. Link to Scrapyard Weaponry mod idea http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=83895&st=0
  2. I love Rifts! :D Behind it, man. Would love to see some Rift tech in Fallout.
  3. Ah, I see now. Well, it's certainly an ambitious project. I don't think it'd be a mod for me, just doesn't really suit me you know? It's a good idea, and here's to hoping somebody'll take you up on it (so long as they don't pass up mine for yours :P)!
  4. Oi, heard this same idea thrown around about Oblivion, and I just can't give my support to it! Adding other players would absolutely destroy the sense of immersion created by Bethesda's beautiful worlds! These worlds were never meant to be an MMORPG, and I just couldn't support butchering them into such a thing.
  5. I'm aware of this, but this lets you repair robots you've destroyed, which then become allies that follow you around until they are destroyed or dismissed. Did you even click the link? This has not been done before. Edit- My mistake, you must have been referring to the poster before me.
  6. I'd definitely like to see some more clothing in the future, Bonno! My biggest concern right now is getting some more weaponry in the game, but more clothing comes in close second. I wish they'd have kept the Oblivion method for clothing, what with being able to mix and match pants and shirts, but that's prolly not possible to bring back. Either way, I want some more clothes soon. Edit- Also, I made some concept art of two possible weapons we could see. Pretty simple stuff. You gotta love photoshop! :D http://usera.ImageCave.com/ZFS_Cartographer/Screenshots/Branch-Cutter.jpg http://usera.ImageCave.com/ZFS_Cartographer/Screenshots/Dagger-Pick.jpg http://usera.ImageCave.com/ZFS_Cartographer/Screenshots/Lawnmower-Chopper.jpg Also, big news! The robot idea appears to have been taken up! It's not everything we discussed, but it's a hell of a good start! Check out RobCo Certified! Allows you to rebuild and recruit destroyed robots! Fantastic! There's still a lot to be done, but this is a damn good start.
  7. Eh, I was thinking more along the lines of simple, practical, improvised weaponry made out of everyday goods. Electrified deathclaw gauntlets and steam-powered lawnmower sword-chucks hardly fit the bill (Or animations!). :P I'd personally rather see more conventional weaponry such as the ones I listed above. You know, simple stuff made primarily from welding or bolting different parts together.
  8. Having it as a completely unique weapon would be kind of pooey, in my opinion. It definitely needs to be a very, very rare weapon, but if there were only one instance of the weapon in the game then finding ammunition would be impossible without cheating. Perhaps there can be a small chance of Enclave or Brotherhood of Steel knights that carry this weapon? Obviously keep it very rare, but there would have to be more copies of the weapon in order for it to make sense that there's a bit of ammunition laying around.
  9. I already posted a thread on this idea, but I figure you could add it to your master list too! Here it be: We're starting to see a few nice new guns coming out, which is just fantastic! We're expanding our armories, and making the Capitol Wasteland a more diverse (and dangerous) place! I'm digging it, really. Now that you guys have finally figured out how to add new models and weapons into the game, I have to seriously request something seriously cool. And seriously possible, too. Can't forget that. Point is, we're forced to be entirely too gun-reliant in Fallout 3 due to the very limited arsenal of melee weaponry in the game. It's all bland, uninteresting, and without any variety! This is a post-apocalyptic wasteland with unlimited scrap and crap to salvage and fiddle with! Can we please see some more improvised melee weaponry? For example, the Shishkebab. Kind of a cool weapon, but way fancier than what I want! It's a high-tech flaming sword! Screw the fire, I don't want the fire! I want what's underneath it! A lawnmower blade welded onto a motorcycle handgrip? Brutal! These are the kinds of weapons I want to see more of! Absolutely brutal looking weapons crafted together from everyday objects! The best thing about these is how simple you can be with them! A lead pipe with a butcher knife welded onto the end horizontally, making a dagger-pick type of weapon! A baseball bat with a lawnmower blade wedged into it! A fire axe! How is there no fire axe?! More! We need more! These weapons are all so simple when compared to all the little details that need to go into making models of firearms, so why haven't you cats at least put a couple out, eh? Luckily we already have animations for almost every type of blunt weapon. Heavy two-handed weapons Small one-handed weapons Sword-like weapons One-handed midsized blunt weapons It's all there! So please, I say PLEASE, somebody get crackin' on these! It's so easy to ignore the posts in the request forum, I know! But these types of weaponry would vastly increase the gaming experience, the immersion factor, and the baddasseriness of the Fallout 3 universe. To help lubricate the gears of modding, here's a list of possible starting weapons. I'm trying to keep all of these ideas focused around weapons with similar animations. There's a couple ideas to get you folks started! Please, pass this on to your buddies, get some support for this going! I can't be the only one out there who's just praying for a few more melee weapons! I'm chock-full of fancy home-made weapon ideas, having been planning for the inevitable zompocalypse these past few years. Don't judge me.
  10. As awesome as that would be, Sock, it would be a MASSIVE project requiring several people. Though I'd love to see it, it would indeed require an incredibly ambitious person at the helm. Completely custom ones? Probably not achievable, but I'm sure we could have a "Workbench" type thing for robot design. Collect schematics to build personal, disposable robots. Perhaps even inventory 'bots! You know, little flying robots that you select from your inventory and toss up like a weapon. They shoot at the enemy, or have saws on them like the Manhacks from Half-Life 2! Then you could find the advanced schematics for powerful robots requiring many parts. That would actually be really cool! Schematics for robots like Protectrons and Mister Gutsy's, plus schematics for custom robots not seen in the world. God, I would dig a mod like this so hard!
  11. Advanced Robotics A Mod for the Technologically Oriented Characters Scope: Large conversion, most likely What it Does Alter "Science" skill to allow the hacking of robots. Terminals are rated at Easy, Average, Hard, and Very Hard. The new science skill would apply the same principle to robots within the game. For instance, Protectrons and mounted turrets would be "Easy," meaning they only needed a Science skill of 25 to attempt to hack. The more dangerous the robot, the more difficult it is to hack. For example, the Sentry robot (with the minigun arms) would require a science skill of 100. Hacking the robots would make them friendly towards the player, causing them to shoot enemies and ignore the player. In addition to the alteration of the science skill, the perk "Robotics Expert" would be changed to include the allowance of robotic companions. Upon a successful hack , the player would be given the choice to have the robot follow him, or for it to continue on its merry way as a friendly 'bot. Robots following the player would act as normal companions, following the character everywhere and protecting him from enemies. Bonus Points: Several new robot types could be included into the game. Robots with similar sizes to Bloatflies that hover about and shoot laser blasts, robotic dogs with chainsaw teeth, Humanoid bots that have the ability to equip human weaponry, etc, etc. Get creative! WHY? I feel that the science skill is almost entirely worthless as is. You can unlock some safes, get some side-information, maybe turn on some turrets. That's about it, though. With all the advances in robotics this civilization seems to have made, and with there being at least one character (the mechanist) who can build and program these robots to fight for him, it seems silly to me that all these mechanized critters wandering around the wastes must be enemies. I don't see why somebody with an advanced understanding of science wouldn't be able to do a little on-the-fly reprogramming, you know? Setting that aside, there are embarrassingly few companions in this game. I think being able to recruit "throw-away" robot characters such as protectrons would add a fun edge to the game. Hack a Mister Gutsy and you can have some disposable fire support in Old Olney. Or go for a slightly more long-term solution and hack one of the rare sentry bots scattered around the wasteland. This would make the non-combatant builds a little more viable. With a robot body guard I could face the hazards of the waste with a traveling scientist/merchant/explorer, or create a "Fast-Response" type character to storm heavily defended positions whilst donning power armor, backed up by a big-ass robot.
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