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  1. It the tutorial video they load skyrim.esm without any errors. But I got all this http://pastebin.com/rRjafhsh WTF
  2. I also wanted to kill him just to look what will happen. But I just couldn't do this.
  3. I'll just leave this here http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/008/9/5/skyrim___paarthurnax_by_doku_sama-d4lrbcl.png
  4. I want to make a mod that adds quest "Blades". After the main line Paarthurnax will ask you to solve the dragonslayers problem.
  5. No. Holocaust, Apartheid, Racial segregation in US and It's the 20th century you know. And the gold rule "no blacks no racism" is still working.
  6. Perhaps he just used you to kill Alduin and become a Dragon leader. But he only wants to coexistence with humans and teach dragons to way of the voice. I love dragons and want them alive so I think why not let him be their wise king.
  7. It's just the sidequest. And it will disappear if you dont kill Paarth.
  8. Just type in your console setessential 00013478 0 setessential 00013358 0 Enjoy :thumbsup:
  9. I really liked Paarthurnax. And dialogues with him were as big as normal RPG should have.
  10. I think that bethesda just can't do a normal ending. Obsidian showed them how to do it in Fallout NW but they just can't.
  11. If you don't kill him the quest will disappear from your journal
  12. He just likes you. Also I think he will be your fly mount in some mod.
  13. Hell yeah! that's the one thing I think is the biggest downside to Nax, is that he doesn't have sean connery's voice, if he did, I don't think anyone would be able to kill him. He actually seems to be inspired from the movie, dragonheart. Except adapted to the lore, but I see the nod towards it. Paart wouldn't give his heart to some stupid kid.
  14. setessential 00013478 0 setessential 00013358 0 Enjoy.
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