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  1. Ah sorry my fault for being so presumptuous, not everybody has been modding since Morrowind . Glad you managed to figure out though.
  2. Yea as said above, install the DLC from disc, you do not have to complete the game first, you will get messages spammed across your screen for each DLC (just like Oblivion) including the one telling you the level cap has been raised to 30, all that can happen from level one with out having completed the game prior to the install.
  3. (links are in red) Dimonized Type 3 is a very good choice for naked females, personally I use Exnem but in all honesty I think Dimonized looks a lot nicer judging by the screenshots (I use exnem purely because I was a fan of their Oblivion work) The male body replacer I use is Roberts Male Body for Fallout 3 This guy is a class act and has proved it since I found his work on Oblivion (same as Exnem) I dont use it for the nakedness, just because it is such an improvement over vanilla Fallout and a lot more realistic looking. both of these when stripping the armour of off either sex will be scene naked (though with the male one you also have the choice of them having a choice of 3 different underwear versions). I only do this on my evil character, since they like to humiliate those who oppose them Now the mod question is hard because most mods I have tried and tested are ones to overhaul the game, but I will throw a few out there that I enjoy. First one Weapon Mod Kits I think this stuff is genius such a little thing but what it does is gives you the ability to modify your guns, you can buy the kits from some traders or if you are like me and leave no container unturned you will find some around the wilderness. You now get the ability to add scopes, silencers, extended clips and laser sights. really simple really cool. Second: I would say Fellout I dont really no what to say apart from look at the screen shots, It really does revamp the look of the game nothing like scrubbing raider blood of your boots while watching a breath taking sunset. Thirdly I would recommend Enhanced Weather I find this mod works tremendously well with Fellout, adding rain and thunder storms to the game look up at the overcast and pretty realistic lightning when it starts to rain another mod that adds a great amount of atmosphere to your exploration Now, those are the ones I can think of and personally use that do not drastically alter game play and would recommend to everyone, the next few may be more for an acquired taste. To make the game more challenging and personally for me a lot of fun Marts Mutant Mod this one adds some new creature bringing some back from Fallout 2, plus greatly increases the chance you will be running in to some bad guys when you are out and about, using this with the fellout and the weather mod, adds a lot of suspense to the game you will quickly learn to always watch your back when out exploring. IF you chose to use Mart's Mutant Mod, then I have to highly recommend Phalanx This is in my opinion the best companion mod you will come across and if playing with Marts Mutant Mod, you will be very glad you got someone you can trust by your side, these companions are really smart (one time not so smartly one of my companions stepped in my line of fire taking a bullet, now he did not get angry or turn around and try and talk to me, he simply squatted down with his gun trained on the enemy and kept firing freeing my line of sight) you should definitely read up on them and see the amount of control you can have over them or check the videos on youtube to see how they operate. There are a lot more but these few offer a great new experience to the Fallout World. I'll throw a few more out if you want to take a look at them, all these mods I have list are compatible (I use them all and a lot more mods. my game is stable) Alternate Start I love this one, can only take the vault start so many times. this enables you to choose a character background and depending on what you choose will determine the weapons and armour you start with Slower Levelling This one enables you to take the game slow without the fear of level to fast and becoming over powered. B-Movie Music Mod Another one to enhance the atmosphere of the game. Just some old school background music. DarNified UI F3 The best Ui around, was the best for Oblivion to, keeps your UI simple and clean with options to add other things to your screen, like an in game clock, rad meter ect. DCInteriors Project This is a revamp of Downtown DC. check the screenshots to see if you like it.
  4. That looks to me as the classic Fallout Weapons http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2307
  5. My Pc has a faulty cd/dvd drive, So i copy the disc on my laptop and just send them over the local network and because it's the local network it only takes a few minutes to shift the data over.
  6. I just mod Fallout.ini but i think if you have fomm (Fallout mod manager) it does it for you with a click of a button as does ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated
  7. The first problem about not being able to extract is more than likely because you either did not install 7zip or when you installed it you did not allow it to set context menu entries, so you would have to open the 7z gui and navigate to the tailer maid archive from there. If you do not have it is free and you can grab it here http://www.7-zip.org The quoted problem above is because the tailer maid mod, has two(or more) esp files that more than likely conflict with an other (basically it is shipped with choices), once you have extracted the archive you will be able to read the read me and see what the difference is and which you would like to choose. (and the reason fomm can read the archive is because it has its own little 7zip shipped with it) hope this helps.
  8. I do not believe it was uploaded to nexus (at least I could not find it), but I think this is it hosted over at planetfallout. House Terminal
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