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Posts posted by Donavonrei2205


    Ok. This is definitely got to have something to do with followers, and its way out of my league to diagnose.


    I had Selene Kate https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12848 Following me into Bleak Falls Barrows. We entered in stealth, cleared the bandits around the campfire, and then when entering sneak mode the crashes began.

    I went outside, dismissed Selene, reentered, and sneak, stand, sneak, stand, sneak, stand. All good...

    I had this same issue. It seemed to start or get worse as her relationship faction increased. With her relationship maxed CTD was about 90%. I eventually married and sent her home with the kids. Its unfortunate because Selene was super well done and had great perks as a follower. Might be my current favorite follower mod despite sneak crash.


    **EDIT** Turning off her face light has been reported to stop the CTD.


    I have been having the same problem. Went into Selene's MCM and shut off Facelight and so far so good, no crashes. It definitely started happening after she was my lover!! Just have to get a head lamp when intimate now!! I also love this Mod, used to have Toccata as my go to but Selene is much faster with healing and love the dance moves!!

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