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About AWOLsamurai

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  1. I cannot absorb dragon Souls, This makes it impossible to complete one of the beginning quests, well without console commands at least. Honestly I just wan to obtain the permanant solution to this temporary problem Any Solution is greatly appreciated. Thank you All for your time.
  2. Well My PC has a Problem running GECK, Eh, when and If i get a Laptop then I'll Take your words into consideration, Thanks Man. Love your mods BTW
  3. Hey Guys I Think It would Be pretty Cool Scenically to Add sunflowers Around The wasteland. Why!?, Well I'll tell You why. Sunflowers Have the Natural Uncanny Ability to Drain radiation from the ground. Hence them being the Universal symbol for Nuclear Peace. Eh, I don't know it's an Idea.
  4. I sthere a Way to Implement an MCM menu That Lets you Pick and Choose which Monsters Appear in the world? (BTW mod in question : http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/41361/? ). I'm a huge fan Of the Robots and Zombies, But I hate the insectoids and Plant based enemies. If this is a possibility Please Inform Me down below.
  5. Hmm, Well If the Faction Themselves would be too hard to Do, Maybe Just The Warriors Vests? Or The Furies Gear? Hell, Even The Rogues(If you're into That).
  6. @Danny, @Moraelin. Thank You Both For The replies. You'd be surprised how People just don't Comment :)
  7. Hello People of the Forum, I was wondering if there was a Mod (MCM menu preferable) That Eliminates Certain enemies throughout the world. Ex: I really Like Ghouls, But I hate Centaurs, I wish I could remove Centaurs and put Ghouls in their place. If there is Mod like this please Leave a Link Below. Much Appreciated,AWOL.
  8. Hello All, I would Like to Request a Mod that Adds More energy weapon Perks. I'm Not very Happy with the only perks being Plasma Spaz, Laser Commander, and Meltdown. I Honestly would Just Like more variety In energy weapon perks, Like "Degradation is slower" "Reload is faster" "Accuracy is increased" stuff like that you Know? I feel That Energy weapon perks are just so Few and Far Between. Eh, Maybe an Equivalent to Plasma spaz for Lasers. It's Just ideas. Thank you for your time
  9. Hey dude! Might wanna look up this sweet gem. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/56104/? Damn! That's Rad!
  10. Hello Beautiful Mod Makers! I'm Here to propose another Idea For the Modding Scene. I am a Very Huge Fan Of the resident Evil series. And I believe that The weapons in RE4 would fit perfectly into the Wasteland. Weapons like The Red 9 (W/ stock as a weapon Mod) The BlackTail, The Striker(Shotgun)(Includes Mod that Gives it 100 Capacity), The Broken Butterfly(Revolver), The Rocket Launcher, Leon's Knife The whole Shebang. And Maybe The creation of a certain Merchant *Wink Wink* to sell these fine item's at a fair Price. And If you so Happen to Find treasures (Spinel's, Velvet Blues, RGB Cateyes, Emeralds Rubies and things of the sort) Maybe he'll Buy Them At a High Price. Maybe Have his shop In a Cave with That signature Blue Flame. I Understand You Modders Are Very Busy People, But I believe This could be a great Mod for all The RE fans Out There. So Now I bed You Farewell. :)
  11. So A Mod that Makes weapons From The last of Us would be pretty Cool I Think (Except for the Bow, Because I Know that's borderline Impossible). Weapons Like The Shorty, El Diablo, Nail Bombs, Sugar Bombs, Molotov Cocktails. Stuff Like That You Know? And Joel Would be pretty Cool. (Or at Least His clothes). AnotherIdea Would be the Infected/ Enemies As a Possible addition. I Understand How Busy You Mod Makers Out there can Be so I understand If this Never Becomes a thing. But I'd really Appreciate it. :smile: Thankyou And Have a nice Day.
  12. Hmm, I'll look into this. Sorry for late reply, Didn't get notified for some reason.
  13. Hey Guys, So I was wondering if Anybody Would be interested in making a Mod based on the Movie, The Warriors. It's a kickass movie that if you haven't seen, I would highly recommend. You know I feel like Some more gangs could be really Coool in NV. They could be in Primm or something You know? They would be really Good at unarmed and You could have the oppurtunity to join, If you pass a test. I don't kno wwho would be willing to work on this, I mean it could be as small as an Armor mod, Or you could go Quest/Faction/Companion. It's really up to whomever will work on this. And If not the warriors then there are Many other gangs to choose from In the Movie. So anybody willing to Make this a Reality, I wish you the Best of luck. I know there are many dedicated Mod Authors out there. In conclusion I wish You All a very Nice day.
  14. Hello, I have a mod request, So I am aware that there is a Save profile Mod, And i really like this mod, My question is if there was a way To have different Mods load On different Profiles. Say I wanted to play one character in BRAZIL, But i want to play Another on DUST, and so on. Is there a preexisting mod that accomplishes this? If so a Link would be very appreciated, And I thank You for your time. :)
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