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Everything posted by MaxFarwell

  1. I installed CBBE (CB++) recently and bodyslide too. It worked fine untill I used it to alter some character bodies and outfits. Now whenever I try to ether start a save or load a new file the game crashes to desktop. Below is the Papyrus log and I would love it if someone would translate it for me. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:08PM] Papyrus log opened (PC) [01/09/2014 - 05:21:08PM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms) [01/09/2014 - 05:21:08PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total) [01/09/2014 - 05:21:20PM] Cannot open store for class "dlc1scwispwallscript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:20PM] Cannot open store for class "DLC2BenthicLurkerFXSCRIPT", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:22PM] Error: Unable to bind script traptriggerbase to TweakTraps (0900C515) because their base types do not match [01/09/2014 - 05:21:22PM] Error: Unable to bind script TrapBear to TweakTraps (0900C515) because their base types do not match [01/09/2014 - 05:21:22PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:22PM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201 to (09017201) because their base types do not match [01/09/2014 - 05:21:22PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:22PM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788 to (09017788) because their base types do not match [01/09/2014 - 05:21:35PM] Warning: Property TG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script tg06questscript attached to TG06 (00021552) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [01/09/2014 - 05:21:35PM] Warning: Property DBForever on script darkbrotherhood attached to DarkBrotherhood (0001EA5C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [01/09/2014 - 05:21:37PM] VM is freezing... [01/09/2014 - 05:21:37PM] VM is frozen [01/09/2014 - 05:21:37PM] Reverting game... [01/09/2014 - 05:21:37PM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201 to (09017201) because their base types do not match [01/09/2014 - 05:21:37PM] Error: Unable to bind script traptriggerbase to TweakTraps (0900C515) because their base types do not match [01/09/2014 - 05:21:37PM] Error: Unable to bind script TrapBear to TweakTraps (0900C515) because their base types do not match [01/09/2014 - 05:21:37PM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788 to (09017788) because their base types do not match [01/09/2014 - 05:21:38PM] Warning: Property DBForever on script darkbrotherhood attached to DarkBrotherhood (0001EA5C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [01/09/2014 - 05:21:38PM] Warning: Property TG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script tg06questscript attached to TG06 (00021552) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Loading game... [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "uskpretroactive125script", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type uskpretroactive125script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_DEFWIngCollectorPackage_010125A1", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type PF_DEFWIngCollectorPackage_010125A1 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_WhiterunMover_0200DFAA", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_WhiterunMover_0200DFAA referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "uskpretroactive132script", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type uskpretroactive132script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_PF_WVAFleeVampireAtt_030012C5", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeVampireAtt_030012C5 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "MannequinButtonResetScript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type MannequinButtonResetScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_JdtharrAliasScript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_JdtharrAliasScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Variable ::ARTHRFYLCitizensFleeAttackWEJS18_var on script QF_WEJS18_000E8929 loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Variable ::ARTHWVACitizensFleeAttackType1_var on script DLC1_QF_DLC1EclipseAttack1_0101629F loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ski_settingsmanager", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ski_settingsmanager referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_WindhelmMover_0200DA45", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_WindhelmMover_0200DA45 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "tourcartsitterscript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type tourcartsitterscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "SKI_ConfigBase", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Error: Unable to link "SKI_ConfigBase" - the parent of "ImmersiveFPConfig". [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in ImmersiveFPConfig.OnPageReset() [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in ImmersiveFPConfig.OnPageReset() [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in ImmersiveFPConfig.OnPageReset() [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in ImmersiveFPConfig.OnPageReset() [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in ImmersiveFPConfig.OnPageReset() [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in ImmersiveFPConfig.OnPageReset() [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in ImmersiveFPConfig.OnPageReset() [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in ImmersiveFPConfig.OnPageReset() [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in ImmersiveFPConfig.OnPageReset() [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in ImmersiveFPConfig.OnPageReset() [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in ImmersiveFPConfig.OnPageReset() [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "sslthreadcontroller", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "sexlabframework", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ImmersiveFPConfig referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack5_0304CAC8", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack5_0304CAC8 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_QF_ChangeLocation03_0200778B", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation03_0200778B referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Variable ::JobMerchantFaction_var on script TIF__0007A50B loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "uskponload05script", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type uskponload05script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ski_activeeffectswidget", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ski_activeeffectswidget referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "SKI_ConfigMenu", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type SKI_ConfigMenu referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack6_0304CAC9", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack6_0304CAC9 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "uskpretroactive126script", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type uskpretroactive126script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "IAStartupQuestScript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type IAStartupQuestScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_CaravanFollowerScript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_CaravanFollowerScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "uskpretroactive121script", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type uskpretroactive121script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_RFYL_DragonAliasScript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_RFYL_DragonAliasScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "uskpretroactive131script", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type uskpretroactive131script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack2_0304CABF", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack2_0304CABF referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_RiftenMove_0200DA42", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_RiftenMove_0200DA42 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type SKI_ConfigBase referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "uskponload02script", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type uskponload02script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "MannequinReceiptScript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type MannequinReceiptScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "uskpretroactive123script", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type uskpretroactive123script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_MarkarthMove_0200DA40", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_MarkarthMove_0200DA40 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "SKI_QF_ConfigManagerInstance", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type SKI_QF_ConfigManagerInstance referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Variable ::ARTHWVACitizensFleeAttackType5_var on script DLC1_QF_DLC1EclipseAttack5_0101764B loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_QF_ChangeLocation10_0202D412", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation10_0202D412 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "uskp_versiontrackingscript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type uskp_versiontrackingscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_QF_WVAFleeAttack3_03047B7F", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_QF_WVAFleeAttack3_03047B7F referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_VersionTrackingPlayerAliasScript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_VersionTrackingPlayerAliasScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_QF_ChangeLocation11_0203F7B9", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation11_0203F7B9 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "TourCartPlayerLoadGameAlias", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type TourCartPlayerLoadGameAlias referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "TourCartLocationTrigger", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type TourCartLocationTrigger referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_PF_RFYLFleeDragonAtt_020058CB", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_PF_RFYLFleeDragonAtt_020058CB referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack2_0304CAC5", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack2_0304CAC5 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "SKI_WidgetBase", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type SKI_WidgetBase referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ski_favoritesmanager", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ski_favoritesmanager referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_C04KodlakRefScript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_C04KodlakRefScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "FollowerWandererScript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type FollowerWandererScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Variable ::ARTHRFYLFleeAttackCL09_var on script QF_WIChangeLocation09_00050AF1 loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "DEFWQF__0102E48B", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type DEFWQF__0102E48B referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_QF_ChangeLocation07_0202C3EA", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation07_0202C3EA referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_WVA_AttackAliasScript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_WVA_AttackAliasScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_QF_DrownedSorrowsFix_0201E8BD", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_QF_DrownedSorrowsFix_0201E8BD referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKPRetroactive127Script", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKPRetroactive127Script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "TW_SCRIPT_ConfigMenu", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type TW_SCRIPT_ConfigMenu referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "PS_PF_WCollegeEnthirTraveltoR_000E953B", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type PS_PF_WCollegeEnthirTraveltoR_000E953B referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_PF_WVAFleeVampireAtt_03016346", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeVampireAtt_03016346 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "SKI_WidgetManager", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type SKI_WidgetManager referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "SKI_ConfigManager", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type SKI_ConfigManager referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "uskpretroactive200script", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type uskpretroactive200script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "uskpretroactive124script", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type uskpretroactive124script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "uskpretroactive130script", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type uskpretroactive130script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "uskpretroactive133script", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type uskpretroactive133script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "aDr_BAN_scr_addPerk", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type aDr_BAN_scr_addPerk referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_HorseArrival_0200C485", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_HorseArrival_0200C485 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_AnskaAliasScript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_AnskaAliasScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "uskpweaponrackitemhandlingscript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type uskpweaponrackitemhandlingscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_StayAtMarkarth_0200FA98", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_StayAtMarkarth_0200FA98 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_PF_RFYLWEJS18Pkg_0200B456", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_PF_RFYLWEJS18Pkg_0200B456 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack3_0304CAC6", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack3_0304CAC6 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "tourcartsystemscript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type tourcartsystemscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_QF_ChangeLocation05_02009B98", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation05_02009B98 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_PF_USKPNorthwatchPrisone_0202BB64", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_PF_USKPNorthwatchPrisone_0202BB64 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "FollowerWanderUpdateScript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type FollowerWanderUpdateScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_WindhelmMove_0200DA44", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_WindhelmMove_0200DA44 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_WhiterunMove_0200DFA9", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_WhiterunMove_0200DFA9 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_PF_RFYLWEJS18Pkg_0200B457", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_PF_RFYLWEJS18Pkg_0200B457 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_QF_WVAFleeAttack_02000D62", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_QF_WVAFleeAttack_02000D62 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "TourCartRiderScript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type TourCartRiderScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_QF_USKPCWCampLeadersFix_0200AF97", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_QF_USKPCWCampLeadersFix_0200AF97 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_StayAtWindhelm_0200FA9A", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_StayAtWindhelm_0200FA9A referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_QF_WVAFleeAttack4_03047B80", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_QF_WVAFleeAttack4_03047B80 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ski_questbase", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ski_questbase referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_QF_WVAFleeAttack5_03047B81", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_QF_WVAFleeAttack5_03047B81 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_QF_WVAFleeAttack6_03047B82", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_QF_WVAFleeAttack6_03047B82 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_PF_USKPNorthwatchPrisone_0202BB65", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_PF_USKPNorthwatchPrisone_0202BB65 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_QF_WVAFleeAttack7_03047B83", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_QF_WVAFleeAttack7_03047B83 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_QF_WVAFleeAttack2_03047B7E", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_QF_WVAFleeAttack2_03047B7E referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Variable ::ARTHWVACitizensFleeAttackType6_var on script DLC1_QF_DLC1EclipseAttack6_0101764C loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack5_0304CAC2", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack5_0304CAC2 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack7_0304CACA", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack7_0304CACA referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_PF_FreeformMorthalAJarlT_00021898", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_PF_FreeformMorthalAJarlT_00021898 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_MarkarthMover_0200DA41", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_MarkarthMover_0200DA41 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack4_0304CAC7", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack4_0304CAC7 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "TW_Script_Q01_ThrowQuest", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type TW_Script_Q01_ThrowQuest referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_PF_RFYLWE04Pkg_020068F7", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_PF_RFYLWE04Pkg_020068F7 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_QF_CWGovernmentHotfix_0203ECF2", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_QF_CWGovernmentHotfix_0203ECF2 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKPWRTestContainerAliasScript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKPWRTestContainerAliasScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Variable ::ARTHWVACitizensFleeAttackType4_var on script DLC1_QF_DLC1EclipseAttack4_0101764A loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_QF_RFYLFleeWEJS18Event_0200B454", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_QF_RFYLFleeWEJS18Event_0200B454 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Variable ::ARTHWVACitizensFleeAttackType2_var on script DLC1_QF_DLC1EclipseAttack2_01017648 loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "TW_Script_SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type TW_Script_SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "arth_wvamonitorvampireattack", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type arth_wvamonitorvampireattack referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_PF_RFYLFleeDragonAtt_020012C5", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_PF_RFYLFleeDragonAtt_020012C5 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_QF_RFYLFleeAttack_02000D62", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_QF_RFYLFleeAttack_02000D62 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKPCWCampLeadersFixNPCScript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKPCWCampLeadersFixNPCScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_PF_USKPNorthwatchPrisone_0202BB66", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_PF_USKPNorthwatchPrisone_0202BB66 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_QF_ChangeLocation08_02005E82", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation08_02005E82 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_QF_MGR02TriggerUSKP_0202C3E8", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_QF_MGR02TriggerUSKP_0202C3E8 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_QF_ChangeLocation12_0206008A", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation12_0206008A referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "uskponload04ascript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type uskponload04ascript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_QF_ChangeLocation09_02008584", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation09_02008584 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_QF_ChangeLocation01_02007788", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation01_02007788 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "MannequinPlaced02Script", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type MannequinPlaced02Script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "MochaTalkDialogue", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type MochaTalkDialogue referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_QF_ChangeLocation04_0200EBF9", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation04_0200EBF9 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "uskpretroactive122script", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type uskpretroactive122script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "MannequinQuestScript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type MannequinQuestScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_StayAtWhiterun_0200FA96", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_StayAtWhiterun_0200FA96 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "TW_Script_Q02_SneakQuest", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type TW_Script_Q02_SneakQuest referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_SolitudeMover_0200DA3F", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_SolitudeMover_0200DA3F referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_SolitudeMove_0200DA3E", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_SolitudeMove_0200DA3E referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Variable ::ARTHWVACitizensFleeAttackType3_var on script DLC1_QF_DLC1EclipseAttack3_01017649 loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ConjureSelfCatchSpellEvent", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ConjureSelfCatchSpellEvent referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "tourcartdoppelgangerscript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type tourcartdoppelgangerscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack7_0304CAC4", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack7_0304CAC4 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_QF_RFYLWE04Event_020068F4", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_QF_RFYLWE04Event_020068F4 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_PF_RFYLWE04Pkg_020068F6", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_PF_RFYLWE04Pkg_020068F6 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack4_0304CAC1", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack4_0304CAC1 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack3_0304CAC0", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack3_0304CAC0 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack6_0304CAC3", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack6_0304CAC3 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_StayAtRiften_0200FA99", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_StayAtRiften_0200FA99 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_StayAtSolitude_0200FA97", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_StayAtSolitude_0200FA97 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "ski_main", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type ski_main referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Variable ::ARTHRFYLCitizensFleeAttackWE04_var on script QF_WE04_0009C1B8 loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_QF_ChangeLocation06_0201A5F2", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation06_0201A5F2 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "Tour_PF_RiftenMover_0200DA43", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type Tour_PF_RiftenMover_0200DA43 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Cannot open store for class "USKP_QF_ChangeLocation02_02007789", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Unable to get type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation02_02007789 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded. [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_CaravanFollowerScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_WindhelmMove_0200DA44 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ski_favoritesmanager in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_WindhelmMover_0200DA45 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_CaravanFollowerScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_WVA_AttackAliasScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type MannequinReceiptScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_RiftenMover_0200DA43 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_RiftenMove_0200DA42 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ConjureSelfCatchSpellEvent in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_WVA_AttackAliasScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_WVA_AttackAliasScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_WVA_AttackAliasScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_WVA_AttackAliasScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type SKI_WidgetManager in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ski_activeeffectswidget in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_WhiterunMover_0200DFAA in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_Script_Q02_SneakQuest in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_WhiterunMove_0200DFA9 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type SKI_ConfigMenu in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartLocationTrigger in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type MannequinReceiptScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartLocationTrigger in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartLocationTrigger in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartLocationTrigger in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ImmersiveFPConfig in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type FollowerWandererScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_PF_RFYLWEJS18Pkg_0200B456 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_PF_RFYLWEJS18Pkg_0200B457 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_AnskaAliasScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type MannequinReceiptScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartLocationTrigger in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack7_0304CACA in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ski_main in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type PS_PF_WCollegeEnthirTraveltoR_000E953B in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_StayAtSolitude_0200FA97 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type FollowerWanderUpdateScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type DEFWQF__0102E48B in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type MannequinReceiptScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type MannequinReceiptScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_StayAtRiften_0200FA99 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_StayAtMarkarth_0200FA98 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_StayAtWindhelm_0200FA9A in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack3_0304CAC0 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ski_settingsmanager in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack4_0304CAC1 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeVampireAtt_030012C5 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_CaravanFollowerScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack5_0304CAC2 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack6_0304CAC3 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_PF_RFYLWE04Pkg_020068F6 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_PF_RFYLWE04Pkg_020068F7 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack3_0304CAC6 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartLocationTrigger in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_HorseArrival_0200C485 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartLocationTrigger in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartLocationTrigger in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartLocationTrigger in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type aDr_BAN_scr_addPerk in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack2_0304CAC5 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_QF_RFYLWE04Event_020068F4 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack7_0304CAC4 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type MannequinReceiptScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:51PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type MannequinReceiptScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_CaravanFollowerScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack6_0304CAC9 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type SKI_ConfigManager in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type SKI_QF_ConfigManagerInstance in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack5_0304CAC8 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartLocationTrigger in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartLocationTrigger in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartLocationTrigger in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartLocationTrigger in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type MannequinReceiptScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_PF_RFYLFleeDragonAtt_020058CB in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_SolitudeMove_0200DA3E in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_SolitudeMover_0200DA3F in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_StayAtWhiterun_0200FA96 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_JdtharrAliasScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsitterscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type aDr_BAN_scr_addPerk in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartLocationTrigger in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartLocationTrigger in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartPlayerLoadGameAlias in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsystemscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Cannot open store for class "tourcartdriverscript", missing file? [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Error: Variable object type tourcartdriverscript is unknown - data will be ignored [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Error: Unable to load object 0x12AB8F40 from save game [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsystemscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartPlayerLoadGameAlias in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartPlayerLoadGameAlias in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartLocationTrigger in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation04_0200EBF9 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type uskpretroactive125script in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_QF_DrownedSorrowsFix_0201E8BD in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type uskpretroactive130script in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type uskponload05script in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type MochaTalkDialogue in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type MannequinQuestScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type MannequinPlaced02Script in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type MannequinButtonResetScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_ConfigMenu in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation05_02009B98 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_QF_CWGovernmentHotfix_0203ECF2 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation03_0200778B in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type uskpretroactive200script in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation11_0203F7B9 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type uskp_versiontrackingscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKPRetroactive127Script in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type uskpretroactive124script in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation02_02007789 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation01_02007788 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation09_02008584 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation10_0202D412 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type uskpweaponrackitemhandlingscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation07_0202C3EA in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation06_0201A5F2 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type uskpretroactive121script in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type uskpretroactive122script in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type uskponload04ascript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKPCWCampLeadersFixScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_QF_USKPCWCampLeadersFix_0200AF97 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type uskpretroactive133script in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation12_0206008A in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_QF_MGR02TriggerUSKP_0202C3E8 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_QF_ChangeLocation08_02005E82 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type uskpretroactive126script in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type uskponload02script in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_PF_USKPNorthwatchPrisone_0202BB64 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type uskpretroactive131script in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type uskpretroactive123script in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_PF_USKPNorthwatchPrisone_0202BB65 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type uskpretroactive132script in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_PF_USKPNorthwatchPrisone_0202BB66 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartLocationTrigger in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_VersionTrackingPlayerAliasScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKPWRTestContainerAliasScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_Script_SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKPCWCampLeadersFixNPCScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type IAStartupQuestScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_CaravanFollowerScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKPCWCampLeadersFixNPCScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsystemscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsystemscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartsystemscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartPlayerLoadGameAlias in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartPlayerLoadGameAlias in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartRiderScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_QF_RFYLFleeAttack_02000D62 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_WVA_AttackAliasScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type arth_wvamonitorvampireattack in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_QF_WVAFleeAttack4_03047B80 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_WVA_AttackAliasScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_PF_RFYLFleeDragonAtt_020012C5 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_Script_Q02_SneakQuest in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartLocationTrigger in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_RFYL_DragonAliasScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_CaravanFollowerScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_WVA_AttackAliasScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_WVA_AttackAliasScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_QF_RFYLFleeWEJS18Event_0200B454 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_WVA_AttackAliasScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_WVA_AttackAliasScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_WVA_AttackAliasScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type MannequinReceiptScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_RFYL_DragonAliasScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type MannequinReceiptScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type MannequinReceiptScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type MannequinReceiptScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_Script_Q01_ThrowQuest in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type MannequinReceiptScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_MarkarthMove_0200DA40 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type MannequinReceiptScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type MannequinReceiptScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type cwdisableduringsiegetourcartscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_Script_Q02_SneakQuest in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartLocationTrigger in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_CaravanFollowerScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartLocationTrigger in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack4_0304CAC7 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type PF_DEFWIngCollectorPackage_010125A1 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type MannequinReceiptScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_PF_FreeformMorthalAJarlT_00021898 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type MannequinReceiptScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_WVA_AttackAliasScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_WVA_AttackAliasScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_WVA_AttackAliasScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_CaravanFollowerScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type arth_wvamonitorvampireattack in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_QF_WVAFleeAttack3_03047B7F in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_QF_WVAFleeAttack2_03047B7E in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type arth_wvamonitorvampireattack in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_QF_WVAFleeAttack7_03047B83 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type arth_wvamonitorvampireattack in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_QF_WVAFleeAttack6_03047B82 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type arth_wvamonitorvampireattack in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeAttack2_0304CABF in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_QF_WVAFleeAttack5_03047B81 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type arth_wvamonitorvampireattack in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type Tour_PF_MarkarthMover_0200DA41 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type arth_wvamonitorvampireattack in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_QF_WVAFleeAttack_02000D62 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_PF_WVAFleeVampireAtt_03016346 in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_WVA_AttackAliasScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type ARTH_RFYL_DragonAliasScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_Script_Q02_SneakQuest in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type MannequinReceiptScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type tourcartdoppelgangerscript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartLocationTrigger in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_SwitchTorch in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TourCartLocationTrigger in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type TW_SCRIPT_WeaponSetup in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Warning: Could not find type USKP_C04KodlakRefScript in the type table in save [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] Errors occurred while loading the Papyrus save game data [01/09/2014 - 05:21:52PM] VM is thawing... [01/09/2014 - 05:21:53PM] UDGP 1.1 Retroactive Updates Complete [01/09/2014 - 05:21:53PM] Error: Attempting to stop an invalid sound instance stack: <unknown self>.Sound.StopInstance() - "<native>" Line ? [ (000B9825)].FXCameraAttachScript.OnUnload() - "FXCameraAttachScript.psc" Line 67 [01/09/2014 - 05:21:53PM] UHFP 1.0.3 Retroactive Updates Complete [01/09/2014 - 05:21:53PM] UDGP 1.1.1 Retroactive Updates Complete [01/09/2014 - 05:21:53PM] UDGP 1.1.2 Retroactive Updates Complete [01/09/2014 - 05:21:53PM] UHFP 1.1.0 Retroactive Updates Complete [01/09/2014 - 05:21:53PM] UDBP 1.0.1 Retroactive Updates Complete [01/09/2014 - 05:21:53PM] UDGP 1.1.3 Retroactive Updates Complete [01/09/2014 - 05:21:53PM] Error: Mismatched types assigning to variable named "::temp2" stack: [uHFPRetroactiveFixes111 (0700EF05)].uhfpretroactive111script.Process() - "UHFPRetroactive111Script.psc" Line 22 [uHFPRetroactiveFixes110 (0700D417)].uhfpretroactive110script.Process() - "UHFPRetroactive110Script.psc" Line 40 [uHFPRetroactiveFixes103 (0700937C)].uhfpretroactive103script.Process() - "UHFPRetroactive103Script.psc" Line 42 [uHFPVersionTracking (07009E41)].uhfp_versiontrackingscript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "UHFP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 21 [uHFPVersionTracking (07009E41)].uhfp_versiontrackingscript.OnInit() - "UHFP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 15 [01/09/2014 - 05:21:53PM] UHFP 1.1.1 Retroactive Updates Complete [01/09/2014 - 05:21:54PM] UDBP 1.0.1 Retroactive Updates Complete [01/09/2014 - 05:21:54PM] UDBP 1.0.3 Retroactive Updates Complete [01/09/2014 - 05:21:54PM] UHFP 1.1.2 Retroactive Updates Complete [01/09/2014 - 05:21:54PM] UHFP 2.0.0 Retroactive Updates Complete [01/09/2014 - 05:21:54PM] UDGP 1.2.0 Retroactive Updates Complete [01/09/2014 - 05:21:54PM] UDBP 1.0.3 Retroactive Updates Complete [01/09/2014 - 05:21:54PM] UDBP 1.0.4 Retroactive Updates Complete [01/09/2014 - 05:21:54PM] UDGP 1.2.1 Retroactive Updates Complete [01/09/2014 - 05:21:54PM] UDBP 1.0.5 Retroactive Updates Complete [01/09/2014 - 05:21:54PM] UDBP 1.0.4 Retroactive Updates Complete [01/09/2014 - 05:21:54PM] UDBP 1.0.5 Retroactive Updates Complete [01/09/2014 - 05:21:54PM] UDGP 1.2.2 Retroactive Updates Complete [01/09/2014 - 05:21:54PM] UDGP 1.2.3 Retroactive Updates Complete [01/09/2014 - 05:21:54PM] UDGP 1.2.4 Retroactive Updates Complete [01/09/2014 - 05:21:54PM] UDGP 2.0.0 Retroactive Updates Complete [01/09/2014 - 05:21:58PM] Error: Object reference has no 3D stack: [ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ? [ (00037AD3)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 36 [01/09/2014 - 05:22:03PM] Error: Object reference has no 3D stack: [ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ? [ (00037AD1)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 33 [01/09/2014 - 05:22:08PM] Error: Object reference has no 3D stack: [ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ? [ (00037AD4)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 25 [01/09/2014 - 05:22:08PM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type stack: [None].TrapPoisonGas.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ? [None].TrapPoisonGas.OnUpdate() - "TrapPoisonGas.psc" Line 308 [01/09/2014 - 05:22:08PM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type stack: [None].HazardBase.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ? [None].HazardBase.OnUpdate() - "HazardBase.psc" Line 57 [01/09/2014 - 05:22:08PM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type stack: [None].critterMoth.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ? [None].critterMoth.OnUpdate() - "CritterMoth.psc" Line 193 [01/09/2014 - 05:22:08PM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type stack: [None].critterMoth.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ? [None].critterMoth.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 276 [None].critterMoth.OnUpdate() - "CritterMoth.psc" Line 195 [01/09/2014 - 05:22:08PM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdateGameTime - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type stack: [None].critterMoth.UnregisterForUpdateGameTime() - "<native>" Line ? [None].critterMoth.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 277 [None].critterMoth.OnUpdate() - "CritterMoth.psc" Line 195 [01/09/2014 - 05:22:08PM] Error: Unable to call Disable - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type stack: [None].critterMoth.Disable() - "<native>" Line ? [None].critterMoth.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 283 [None].critterMoth.OnUpdate() - "CritterMoth.psc" Line 195 [01/09/2014 - 05:22:08PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type stack: [None].critterMoth.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ? [None].critterMoth.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 289 [None].critterMoth.OnUpdate() - "CritterMoth.psc" Line 195 [01/09/2014 - 05:22:08PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type stack: [None].critterMoth.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ? [None].critterMoth.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 302 [None].critterMoth.OnUpdate() - "CritterMoth.psc" Line 195 [01/09/2014 - 05:22:08PM] Error: Object reference has no 3D stack: [ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ? [ (00037AD0)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 33 [01/09/2014 - 05:22:09PM] Error: Object reference has no 3D stack: [ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ? [ (00037ACF)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 36 [01/09/2014 - 05:22:18PM] Error: Object reference has no 3D stack: [ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ? [ (00037ACE)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 36 [01/09/2014 - 05:22:28PM] Error: Object reference has no 3D stack: [ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ? [ (00037AD2)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 33 [01/09/2014 - 05:22:35PM] VM is freezing... [01/09/2014 - 05:22:35PM] VM is frozen [01/09/2014 - 05:22:35PM] Reverting game... [01/09/2014 - 05:22:35PM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201 to (09017201) because their base types do not match [01/09/2014 - 05:22:35PM] Error: Unable to bind script traptriggerbase to TweakTraps (0900C515) because their base types do not match [01/09/2014 - 05:22:35PM] Error: Unable to bind script TrapBear to TweakTraps (0900C515) because their base types do not match [01/09/2014 - 05:22:35PM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788 to (09017788) because their base types do not match [01/09/2014 - 05:22:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script traptriggerbase to TweakTraps (0900C515) because their base types do not match [01/09/2014 - 05:22:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script TrapBear to TweakTraps (0900C515) because their base types do not match [01/09/2014 - 05:22:37PM] Warning: Property DBForever on script darkbrotherhood attached to DarkBrotherhood (0001EA5C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [01/09/2014 - 05:22:37PM] Warning: Property TG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script tg06questscript attached to TG06 (00021552) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [01/09/2014 - 05:22:50PM] Reverting game... [01/09/2014 - 05:22:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201 to (09017201) because their base types do not match [01/09/2014 - 05:22:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script traptriggerbase to TweakTraps (0900C515) because their base types do not match [01/09/2014 - 05:22:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script TrapBear to TweakTraps (0900C515) because their base types do not match [01/09/2014 - 05:22:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788 to (09017788) because their base types do not match [01/09/2014 - 05:22:51PM] Warning: Property DBForever on script darkbrotherhood attached to DarkBrotherhood (0001EA5C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [01/09/2014 - 05:22:51PM] Warning: Property TG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script tg06questscript attached to TG06 (00021552) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
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