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  1. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/818952280199266357/822620842516152360/ReconGloveLeft3.nif https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/818952280199266357/822620844601507860/ReconGloveRight3.nif These are the nif files of the glove their broken basically when I try to use them in game one dosent show up and the other is all white https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/756206949279727647/828315893028749362/ReconGlove.dds https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/756206949279727647/828315917195804692/ReconGlove_n.dds heres the Textures
  2. this is gonna be embarrassing but How do I attach files to a post? im trying to attach my work in progress files for the glove.
  3. A while Back I Made a mod called Recon Armor Gloves https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/71573?tab=posts as the Name Implies all it dose is add gloves to recon armor. Its my first new vegas mod. Im sorry for the quality its the best I could do. after about a week I decided to try and make the gloves more like how thy looked in Adams concept art for anyone who like to help me please contact me I really need help.
  4. To Simplfy the two groups The colovians value Simplicity Practicality Functional thy are Militaristic and loyal thy hate or at least dislike too much garish and gaudy detail and arts The nibenese tend to be Artsy Multicultural Flamboyant Elaborate Design "cool" I imagine these philosophies and outlook on life effect everything including their forging of weapons and armor Im sorry if im wrong this is just my understanding and interpretation. I didn't draw these things by the way I have not artistic skill or talent. its why I want someone to make this mod. I have no skill in Computer Aided Design. its much easy to wait for people to make stuff then you do your self. Especially if you have no talent and dont want to learn
  5. im less intrested in nibeneses so im sorry If the info I give is less "fullfiled" bur basiclly the nibenese are very "artsy" and Multicultural and "relish in garish tapestry" and "elaborate ceremony"
  6. if helps Thy way I see it from the lore. Colovians are a hardy, strong willed, militaristic people. for real life inspiration. Imagine the armor thy would have would be Greco-romano-byzentine with a mixture of Slavic and Germanic. I say Slavic and Germanic because the colovians have meny Eastern Europe styled names for citys like skinGRAD and KVatch (kv sounding similar to the name Kiev and grad being a name at the end of many Slavic and Easten Europe city names like Leningrad,Stalingrad and what not)also the story about Rislav Larich the colovian king of skingrad. who wore "kings klibanion mail" made from boiled and waxed leather riveted shut with inch-long spikes. klibanion is a type of Lamellar or Scale armor made from metal. The province cyrodill team made Greco-Roman styled muscle Curiass for the colovians. https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Rislav_The_Righteous Colo-nordic are a ethnic group of colovians, thy have Nordic ancestry (thus the name colo-NORDIC) and make up much of the colovian nobility and generals of the legion ( i imagine general Tullius from skyrim is a Colo-nordic) I imagine maybe their armor would also have a Nordic influence. eras like Bruma come to mind. These a just a few armors for colovia their armor should look utilitarian, Functional. With very little unnecessary Detail.
  7. no could you link it to me? Never mind I found and I remembered and no offense but no thats not what im looking for. It looks like something a breton would make rather then a colovian. Im not saying thy wouldnt make something like that. but its still not what i was thinking.
  8. the armor in oblivion (like the rest of the game) is very generic. the imperials are split into two main cultural groups. Colovians and Nibenese. I was wondering if someone could make a mod that adds colovain and Nibenese styled armors into the game (like colovian iron,Nibenese iron, colovian bronze,leather Nibenese,leather,copper you get the idea) I recommend using inspiration from Project tamriel morrowind mod province cyrodill https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/44537 heres the data files https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/44922 heres the mod
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