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Everything posted by thefourwings

  1. Hi Prensa, thanks for the response. The room marker seems to be the issue - the bear is on a shelf in the game's starting area when the player is still a baby. Any idea what I can do about this? I don't need the player to be able to interact with the bear at this point just have it be part of the scene, so is there an easy way I can turn it into a static/non-havoc object in it's current placed position and would that resolve the issue? Thanks, thefourwings
  2. I made a custom texture for a unique teddybear that for god-know-what-reason is invisible until I actually INTERACT with the object. In the GECK is shows up just fine, and if I use the texture as a replacer for all teddybears then there's no problem either, but on my custom bear placed in world, he's invisible until you either use 'z' to grab him or else pick him up and then drop him. Anyone run into an issue like this before...? I've made unique world objects before with custom textures and had no problems, so I'm really struggling for a reason why this one is behaving differently... :(
  3. Yes that's effectively it, using a sayto player, I just know there's got to be a way of doing it without adding my own GameMode script, because none of the vanilla followers have anything like that attached to them, so they've got to be utilizing something more universal, which is probably part of why there exists a unique IdleChatter conversation topic and the GlobalVariable that goes with it. My workaround is getting the job done, it's just good practice to avoid using GameMode scripts that fire continuously ad infinitum.
  4. Haven't figured out why this isn't working and would still really like to know, but I did at least come up with a workaround, so thought I'd share. As best I could understand it from looking at how the Vanilla followers were setup, the IdleChatter topic has a list of random one-liners with a non-random line at the top that has no text or voice data and has the condition GetRandomPercent <= Global Variable FollowerChatterPercentage. Then there is SOMETHING (can't find what) that is telling the NPC to speak their IdleChatter line. When that happens, it first hits the non-random empty line, which basically rolls the dice and 75% of the time will speak the empty line, which has the effect of seemingly nothing happening in the game. The other 25% of the time when the non-random line's condition is NOT met, it gets passed down to the random lines, one spits out and it has the effect of the NPC spouting a one-liner. What I couldn't find anywhere was WHAT was calling the line, but I got around this by adding a GameMode script to my dialogue quest that effectively does this: continuously fires the IdleChatter line with a success rate of 25%. Rather than having the empty line of dialogue, I just built the whole "if GetRandomPercent > FollowerChatterPercentage" into my quest script because it seemed more efficient, but I'd still like to know the proper way of doing it, because I would think the vanilla followers are setup in a more efficient manner than a "sayto" line that is constantly firing...
  5. That seems to be related to a glitch with Skyrim, not Fallout 3 / GECK. That said, I gave it a try in case it was the issue here as well and doesn't seem to be...
  6. Seems like it's something basic but I can't get any of my follower's idle chatter to work, and there seems to be little to no explanation out there on the wikis for how these lines execute and what you need to do in order to create your own... Have a few lines of dialogue created under the IdleChatter conversation item for the NPC, each set to random with the only conditions being the standard GetIsID... she says nothing no matter how long I stand around. Confirmed the follow AI package she's on allows IdleChatter and added the blank, non-random line at the top that I found in all Vanilla followers' IdleChatter, with the added condition of GetRandomPercent <= global variable FollowerChatterPercentage. As far as I can tell, I've got some basic idle chatter setup for her exactly as it is for Vanilla NPCs but... no lines fire no matter how long I wait. Anyone run into this problem / gotten it to work / know what I'm missing?? Thanks in advance, TheFourWings "Ties that Bind" (yes, it's still alive)
  7. I'm trying to make a perk that's conditional on having crafted a recipe a certain number of times. Hoping there's a new function/condition that's part of the NV GECK relevant to item crafting that will help do this, but so far here's what I've tried in vain: I thought I'd be able to do this by including a script effect in the output list for the recipe, but apparently the output is limited to actual items. Then I figured I'd add a script to the output item itself, which would fire when the item is added to the player's inventory, but realized that would make it fire every time the player dropped/picked up the item. Lastly, I thought to create a crafting version of the item that would handle the script effect when added, but then immediately remove itself from the inventory and replace it w/ an identical version w/o the script effect, so as to resolve the latter problem. This was also in vain, because I learned that when an item is added to the player's inventory via campfire/workbench it doesn't trigger the "onadd" Any ideas...?
  8. That's exactly what the issue was! Thank you SO much!
  9. Really? I'd heard the opposite: that dialogue had to be stereo and radio files had to be mono. Will try converting the conversational greeting lines to mono and see if that fixes it...
  10. I'm only a few days from release and this is the only bug I haven't been able to fix. Would REALLY appreciate any ideas as to the cause and/or solution
  11. Scratch that - Even w/ the player set as required target I still hear the custom greeting clear as day even when I'm nowhere near the NPC. Any ideas?! Is there some way to modify the trigger radius of conversational greetings? Or is it possible that something else is somehow responsible for the line being played? So confused...
  12. Think I've figured out the issue comes from the NPCs using the custom lines to converse w/ one another. I set the player as the target and the issue no longer occurs. So the question becomes, why when conversing w/ these lines, one NPC to another, can I hear them from four rooms away?
  13. Could really use some help with this - anyone have any ideas? I don't want to have to cut all conversational greeting lines from the mod in order to resolve the issue...
  14. I'm beta testing my quest mod, which features a lot of custom dialogue, and one of the problems I haven't been able to solve is NPC conversational greetings coming out of nowhere. I'll be inside their interior cell, but nowhere remotely near them and I'll hear their "Hello" greeting line, clear as if I was standing in front of them. My guesses as to the cause is that either the distance trigger for their line is way too big (though I don't know how to control that) or that the line is being triggered by one NPC talking to another and for some reason it comes through clear, even though I'm nowhere near them. Open to any suggestions...
  15. Thank you SO much!! I'm so glad to learn that it's easily fixed, and not even caused by me doing something wrong. This was one of my biggest known issues in testing, so THANK YOU again!
  16. Thanks for the info, Mechine - hasn't fixed it yet, but still trying. In the meantime, I've done a fresh install and confirmed it does have something to do with my own content, not a leftover effect of some past mod. Also, not sure why I thought otherwise at some point (or maybe something changed) but the issue IS PRESENT in the GECK as well as in-game, which leads me to think whatever I screwed up, I probably screwed it up when I was making the NPCs in there to begin with. http://littleimg.com/pfiles/1809/GECK%202010-04-08%2002-02-22-19.jpg *sigh* I'm six days from beta testing and just figured out this issue is definitely caused by my own content
  17. Your problem with the DLC content likely has more to do with your fallout setup than how you've used it in your mod. Make sure in the fallout launcher / mod manager that both the DLC and your mod are enabled and make sure your mod loads after the dlc. If that's not the issue, try reinstalling the mod content, or at least confirm that the object (punga fruit) is working in its original form (within the DLC). Also worth mentioning, unless you intend for your mod to REQUIRE that users have the Point Lookout DLC, you cannot (legally) add DLC content to your mod. It's okay for your mod to reference the content (by including the DLC in your active data files in GECK) but not if you extract the resources (ie. punga mesh/texture/sounds) and rebuild them to be standalone in your mod.
  18. Another (hopefully) quick question: what script function do I use to cancel/fail a quest objective?
  19. Cipscis, thanks for the follow-up. I saw GetDeadCount in the wiki and wondered if that might do what I wanted. Does it return the number of specified creature dead within that interior cell? If my creature in question is only used in this particular cell, would I populate the cell with them and then attach an onDeath script to the base creature that checks to see if getdeadcount equals the total number I've created in the cell?
  20. Kay, confirmed that the only custom files in the data folder are my own. Also discovered that the problem is only in my cell. Even with my mod loaded, if I go visit megaton, the NPCs there are fine. Does that mean I did something wrong when I created the NPCs in the first place...?
  21. I may have had a body mod installed at one point when I was playing the game instead of modding it, but I've since uninstalled/deleted all other mods and toggle archive invalidation. Is it possible that something like that is still the cause...?
  22. I'm writing a script that checks to see if an NPC is in a particular room of my interior cell and if so, teleports him to a marker. I thought this would be as simple has making cubic activator in the room and scripting a conditional statement to check if the NPC is within that space and if so use a moveto command, but I can't find anyway for the script to detect whether the NPC is in that space. He should be able to walk around in the room anytime except when this script executes, so I don't think an ontrigger/onenter script attached to the cubic activator will work. Is there some way of doing a check just like GetInCell, but applied to either a cubic activator or static collection rather than the entire cell?
  23. It's harder to distinguish with the Caucasian ones, but it appears to be affecting all NPCs Here's an example: http://needlesslylongwinded.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Fallout3-2010-02-13-13-36-18-86.jpg
  24. Having a weird problem where my NPCs face colors don't match the skin on their chest, arms, legs, etc. My black NPC for example has practically albino arms. Confirmed that his race is set to african american, and weird still, in the GECK he appears as expected - the problem is only apparent in-game. Any ideas? Note: not using any mods apart from the one I'm working on, so there shouldn't be a conflict in that sense. Also, not armor related - issue occurs regardless of what the NPC is wearing, or even in their underwear.
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