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Posts posted by xumpipe

  1. From the legendary Illuminated Order to you; I really hope you manage to release this mod. Both the concepts and ideas you describe and the screenshots all look spot on.


    Third person "monsters" is just the way Skyrim is, I usually play in 1st person, but I for one can easily accept 3rd person when it's werewolf or vamp lord time. In fact, I find playing in 3rd person harder, but these monsters are a little more powerful so you have some leeway there.


    Slow but powerful casting is an intersting idea, and seems like it would require good timing on the players part. I think it's interesting because it would on one hand it would make the lich gameplay stand out a bit, and on the other hand, coveys a sense of ritual and power. Y'know, like when there is a boss battle in a game, they're always charging massive attacks and you have to dodge them etc, it would be cool to BE that boss XDD.



    EDIT: I see many voice actors offering their skills in this forum. Skyrim's voice acting community is vibrant, you shouldn't have trouble voicing your mod.

  2. A massive questline. Akavir would be awesome, like another poster said, or a foray back into Vvardenfell to see how things are 200 years later. I dunno, something to DO with all these awesome mechanics and stuff we have, built-in or modded. Some way to explore a bit of Tamriel. Maybe a questline where we can choose whether we want to be the good guy or the bad guy.

    Failing that, fleshing out some factions would be nice as well. Just my 2c.

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