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Posts posted by NexusComa2

  1. "Honestly, I'm pretty sure it's easier than it looks." I agree, there should be an angle this would work out. Wish I had more time to work on it to be honest. That angel could be as easy as a reference. Some of the people here are much better help than me on that stuff. It's also hard to know what to say when you're not sure of the persons Creation Kit knowledge. "I'm lost", sounded scary knowing you're going to have to really dig to figure this one out ... I was just offering a compromised pretty easy solution.

  2. You do know how to script and edit quests and link things to triggers with the Creation Kit right ? If this was easy you would see 100s of bard followers. You're going to have to get creative and have a good knowledge of how to mod Skyrim. Even with that considering you're not seeing this already done I'm sure this will take a while to develop. You keep saying "you're lost" not sure how to take that ... are you looking for a few probable directions while you're trying to develop this or a step by step guide from a beginners point of view? If you're just starting to mod I'd be happy with that video version data added to your follower now and live with the release to get to bard menu thing. Maybe you could find a way to skip most of this and straight script it out. Or pop in the needed markers to trigger it with the package set up right to do that. It would be a fun project. Try asking ReDragon2013 seems to be very skilled at custom scripts and knowledge of how the quests and packages work. Looking at Talsgar it seems a cut down version of that NPC would work. The Bard and Follower on the surface seems to be separated on purpose however.

  3. Ya, looks like creating a bard would be easy and then make it a follower. It's just both at the same time may have an issue. You may have to release as follower to get to the bard menu.

    That video in the comments the author state he is going to make a sing anyplace version ... but, he also said in the video females could already do that. Considering he didn't go for that in the video
    I assume that is a bit tricky. He definitely knows about this pretty deeply and has a refined knowledge of it.

  4. Let me take a look ... (never did this to any of my followers)


    Lisette ...
    Factions tab: BardSingerFaction, Job BardFaction
    SolitudeWinkingSkeever ...
    LisetteREF Linked from Keyword BardPlaySpot Referenced to XmarkerHeading
    XmarkerHeading(00000034): Linked from Keyword BardPlaySpot Referenced to LisetteREF
    Cell Packages ...
    Looks like the whole thing triggers of when she move to that spot (XMarker) and is idle. There is a chance she begins to sing.
    It is also her job at the WinkingSkeever to be a bard (Cell Packages) the rest is handled within the them packages, faction and AI for them.
    [ She is tied to that area and spot to be a bard. ]

    I do remember a traveling bard ... if I can find him again (was on the road by the ability stones at the start) I wonder how that bard is set up.
    Seems like that would be a better fit here. look into in more when I got time ...

    This is a good project for sure. Little more to it than just a follower and may need some custom tricks to get it to work. I have a few ideals.
    Looked around a bit and found some things that may help ... The create a bard looks really good and seems like he knows all the pitfalls ...
    Joy Aileen - Bardfollower with Unique Songs - LINK
    Creation Kit (Create a Bard) - LINK

    I think that inn thing in the video has something to do with that sandbox used in the cell package. Also tried AFT (Amazing follower tweak)

    to mess around with a game bard and was able to do everything as a follower with it. But, had to dismiss to get the bard dialog and be within an inn to get the full dialog ...

  5. The ()'s logic looks wrong ???? ...
    A few clips covering the harder part of that. Source

    To properly check whether ((A AND B) OR (C AND D)) is true, one would use:
    To properly check whether ((A AND B) OR (C AND D) OR (E AND F)) is true, one would use:
  6. BSA Browser Load the .bsa up, highlight everything, save to a folder ...

    However ... (lol)
    If these are resources from other packs that's commonly (the rule) just stated as what packs were used in the credits and dependences.

    Not including them in the mod itself. Unless they are custom made of course. You can display the companion as you wish ...
    A few of the pack state you can use them as you wish. You could included them. Or you could contact the creator and ask permission.

    As far as using the original folder locations that will work out when you state them as a dependence pack (mod).

  7. Not being harsh at all. Just giving you some test options to narrow down your problem.

    How to edit with a clean save: Without your mod in the load order. Move to the spot your mod is located in game and save. You can use coc but, I like a "total test" every time as if I did just enter the area game wise. Now that save will be your "clean save". Add your mod to the load order and test all you like as many times as you like until the mod is completed. Just never save while testing in game. Sometime when creating a large mod I will add a temporary portal system to where I'm testing currently and still always keep using the original "clean save". This isn't just a preference this is a editing testing must. As you will for sure some crazy things without doing this ... :tongue: You may even end up thinking you don't know how to program at all question the very logic of reality. (not that that's happen to me or anything)

  8. If you have darkface problems it's the data in facegendata. Look up how to export faces from the CK. This type of mod when crashing have one of two mistakes or both ... Data is a duplicate of an existing NPC or Data isn't set up correctly (this includes mesh and texture errors). If you have made it this far then it should be easy to deconstruct a known working follower and compare it to yours. As far as the data you're talking about it sounds to me like including spouse is that error. Why would you even need that with the other two. You can make them a spouse from that in game.


  9. When adding the dagger select the box "Don't Havok Settle". It should stay put until interacted with. You might also try some default scripts like DefaultDisableHavokOnLoad. Possibly on the dagger or on the wall it's stuck in.

    Until you go out and come back in ... then it will just fall. The way I did things like this was to make them static. It's as simple as grabbing something static (easy enough). Place it down then rename the base. Yes, to make a new item. Now you have your own custom static item. Edit the item you want to be there and copy it's .nif path to the mesh used with Ctrrl+C. Then with Ctrl+V paste that in the new static item you just made. Now you have a custom static item with a custom mesh. Place that anywhere you wish and it will never move. You will need to add a .bsa to your mod after this. But that is super easy and this is more than powerful mojo!

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