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Everything posted by NexusComa2

  1. I created a random dungeon years ago and ran into this same problem. After working with it for a bit I found placing a large flat preset pre-navmesh plain worked well enough. Once that was set up I removed the object plain leaving just the navmesh. I then made the code randomly created the dungeon level. Each level had it's own pre-navmesh plain. Also did some steps (for each side) and navmshed them out fully. Basically everything was done as far a navmeshing leaving a huge area in the middle to be filled randomly with 8 levels. Outcome ... At times the mobs would try to walk through a wall (and sometimes make it). I made it so their attack/notice you distance was closer and that helped. I was happy with what I got done but it did limit me to a flat levels. Mine was more of a maze also.
  2. May have to turn off collision on that static object. You can do that from options on the static object itself.
  3. After looking around a bit and re-reading what you were asking for ... There are many mods that do this in many different ways. The one I use lets you sleep as long as you like ... even for months. But, they all let you pick how long you wish to sleep when you click on the bed roll. Just pick one ...
  4. If it was me I'd figure out a way the save wouldn't matter. If you don't want them to save then progress in your mini game must not be dependent on saving ... That said this should also make it resettable. As in it self resets to the start every time it's entered.
  5. After you set you esp as the active file did you also set skyrim.esp as a plug in (it also has a X in the box). Right click the one you want as active and left click the mod(s) your mod will need data from as a plugin(s). Load up your mod with Skyrim and the way you did that worked together. Then save the mod as a esp. Now that esp is dependent on the Skyrim.esp and maybe the defualt.esp also. Or any other esp that data was used from when you created you esp (mod). They should have all listed them self's on the far right column of the esp you saved itself. This should auto load all the plugins ... so whatever shows up when you reload your mod (esp) as X's (a plugin used) leave that ...
  6. Was going to say other than that some type of reference alias could do this. If you did it like how you do other blind alias's. It would appear bill knows his alias's better than Bethesda. Nice work.
  7. Idk what you're doing but I'm assuming you have a book that will change what it is saying off some trigger. If that is the case you could make multiple books then swap them with each other. That should be very easy to do.
  8. Interesting. How would you handle the games auto saves ... Nothing you make should ever interfere with the game itself. Should be easy to do considering you can duplicate anything and create your own areas. You would have to disable save on wait, rest and travel. Maybe you could create a menu that covers the current menu or maybe just covers it. However you would still have hot key save/loads. You'll need to figure out a way this will work without killing Skyrim.
  9. Hi, looks like that is actually part of the hair. The textures it's looking for is: textures\ks hairdo's\hairline\hairline01.dds textures\ks hairdo's\hairline\hairline01_n.dds Kind of looks like a head band to me.
  10. I'm guessing ... DDTeleportPoint.MoveTo(Game.GetPlayer()) Never actually set the marker in the right spot. Here is one of mine that works well.
  11. Autohotkey / .au3 / Autoit ... work well for this kind of stuff.
  12. "I know what I'm going to try to do but it would require me to run a script constantly" -- Be more helpful if you told us what that is. Chances are there are 99 work arounds to your problem.
  13. Did you actually manually create the global in the Creation Kit 1st? ... Is the global set to an INT then being called as a float? If you're looking for a 1 or 0 set the global to an INT. exp: GlobalVariable Property v1 Auto <- set to my premade INT global made in the CK.If(v1.GetValueInt()==(1)) v1.SetValueInt(0)EndIf There is also a problem with calling a global over and over. They don't always update as fast as you would wish. For some odd reason this works better. Especially if you have a lot of globals. Int v0 = 0 GlobalVariable Property v1 Auto v0=(v1.GetValueInt()) If(v0==(1)) v1.SetValueInt(0)EndIf Also ... if IsActorUnderwater(akCaster) == 1 ... False = 0, True = -1 I may be wrong here but normally true = -1 If ( Self.IsActorUnderwater() == True ) and extends activemagiceffect ... looks like you're asking if the effect is underwater. Idk ... maybe change the reference to who it is vs self.
  14. This is an odd thread ... The guys question never got answered. Yes you can change a global via script. In fact that how it's generally done. If you're looking to create a global via script that isn't how you set them up. You need to set up a global in the Creation Kit. There are many clever scripting tricks used with a generic global(s). Presetting generics is common.
  15. I meant to replace the actual port script with the same script with just a few lines added to put the player in swim state. That script would be the same script and the only script used for them portals just with them added lines ... making it a custom script for them portals only. Anyways back to my 1st comment for the NPCs ... you may have to redesign the portals (as in not ending up underwater).
  16. Are you sure you're testing this on a clean save that has never seen the mod. As in you are always going back to a save pre-mod when you test. From the errors you described It sounds like you may be saving while the mod is installed and continuing to edit and test after that. For me, when I create a mod all game play/saving stops until the mod is completed. I never save while my mod is installed until it is done. I actually start a new game, try to avoid quests, head to the spot my mod is (mostly do home mods) and save. After all that I add my mod to the load order then use that save for all my testing. Never saving again until the mod is complete. You could also use a different save ... but, that never seems to work out :wallbash: Saving once the mod is installed in the load order will "bake" the mods current state into the save. Any test to edited changes after that is void. Yielding false positive and false negatives ...
  17. Nice ... My point was you didn't need any type of test if you had a script that just did the .playerIdle(swimstart) on only the portals that lead to a spot they needed to be swimming. Glad you figured out a way around this.
  18. Whatever the variable is that triggers the portal the one that aims at the actor .. just state that with a .PlayIdle(SwimStart) added. right after where the script is porting them. 1st copy the script and rename it. So you are using a custom script for just them portals that need them to end up swimming.
  19. Actor.PlayIdle(SwimStart) was what I was looking for. Add that to the portal script on them portals. No need to check state if you know where they are going. Just going to need a custom portal script for that portal. As in copy the portal script as it is and for them portals add the set state creating a custom script with just that added to it.
  20. Sounds like one of them go with the flow things. May have to redesign a few teleport locations. Looked around a bit wasn't able to find what I was looking for. I'm sure there is a command to set state.
  21. Creating mods is an art. You will have to learn a lot. I'd subject building a few home mods by following a few tutorials. If you work at it hard in a few years you may be ready to create what you're looking to do. There is an absolute wealth of tutorials online. A motivated individual can self learn very complicated ways of programing and creating mods. There are no shortcuts ...
  22. Could figure this off a Global bool for "is the recall set or not". or a first time flag set up ... Bool property FTF = true auto hidden If FTF == true FTF = false ;1st time ran codeElse ; ...EndIf Many things you could test for that really ...Considering you're porting to towns you may want to also have it check if you're even in the map world space too.There is way more to this than just moving and/or fast traveling when it comes to, should I even be able to do it right now ... ObjectReference Property RecallMarker AutoObjectReference Property LoC01 Auto ... this is a marker too You could set up one in each town and do what you wanted with a menu without the distance check or you could check them all for closest. Event OnEffectStart (Actor Target, Actor Caster) Float Distance = Game.GetPlayer().GetDistance(Loc01) If Distance > 7000 ;---------- how to move to a loc marker ... this part could be ElseIf 'd out loc2 loc3 figured off distance. RecallMarker.MoveTo(Caster) Caster.MoveTo(Loc01) Game.EnableFastTravel() Game.FastTravel(Loc01);---------- Else ;---------- how to move back Caster.Moveto(RecallMarker) Game.EnableFastTravel() Game.FastTravel(RecallMarker);---------- EndIfEndEvent This is a fun code to do but in the end a headache filled with hidden errors. If you were to really do this right I'd start with following how the carriage ride npc script works.You could add in your Recall Marker when the menu opens in real time.
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