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Posts posted by dimmu1313

  1. Not that I've heard of. From what I can tell it's a physics settling problem. It isn't really a "bug", per se, but this happens all the time in games that have physics. The problem is that the "object", in this case the tail, has a complex shape with no "clear" center of gravity, and the physics calculation is getting screwed up because the game can't find a center of weight, when you factor in other aspects that change the shape of the object on the fly, such as wind and other outside forces. The "flapping" effect comes from the game rapidly recalculating the center of gravity as the object is being deformed when it impacts or is impacted by the other forces.


    TL;DR: This is more a symptom of physics calculations on deformable objects. The only way to mod around it would be to either mod the object to make it more rigid, or to mod the physics engine (if thats even possible) to allow for more "settling time" when calculating external forces besides gravity on deformable objects.




    **EDIT: It occurs to me that you may simply be talking about the fact that the Khajiit is actually performing the "wagging" animation that it would normally do while still alive. In that case, what you're seeing is definitely a bug, probably a race condition occurred in which the wagging animation was fired just prior to it being flagged as dead, and then it continues on, never checking to see if still alive. I'm not really sure how that particular animation is triggered.

  2. Looks like ppl are maybe blowing this out of proportion. I just got finished cleaning these up in my own mod. If I recall correctly, this has to do with the number of shadow-casting lights within a certain area, possibly the whole cell is counted. To fix it, you find the offending light and replace it with a non-shadow version. The easiest way I found is to just look at the list of all lights and sort by count and pick one of the "NS" (no shadow) lights thats used commonly.


    The reason I say it's no shadow lights is because -- to the best of my recollection -- the problem lights were always the ones with the purple cross in the middle, which I'm fairly certain means it's a shadow caster.

  3. One idea that comes to mind is that you can programmatically change faction and agressiveness. I think you can also change the "combat mode" of the npc as well on the fly.


    You'd probably want to the code to fire in the OnHit event (can't remember if there's an event for *being* hit or taking damage, but that's easy enough to lookup).


    Essentially the NPC needs to become "friendly" and drop out of combat.


    I've never done cinematics, but my understanding is you would simply change the camera position, disable controller input, and force NPC actor model animations, though i don't know if there is a "beg" animation. you may have to look into creating one. As far as the triggering on health level, though, that should be easy. I've done health-value-based code before, and I think it was almost always using the OnHit event to then check to see if the health is below a certain point. The caveat there is that you'd want to check if the damage *before it's applied* would cause the desired threshold to be crossed, because it's possible the landed hit would kill the npc before your new code fires.

  4. What shonuv said. I do it all the time. I didn't really read what the other posters said but it all looked rather complicated. From what I've seen you can use pretty much any .nif texture file on anything that calls for a .nif. I am constantly making moveables, containers, activators, sellable items, etc. using the method shonuv described.

  5. Am I correct in understanding that you want items to be removed from the shelf when something is removed from the chest?


    What is the purpose of the xmarker? Why are you disabling it? I'm guessing it's the Enable Parent for the items you want to remove? It sounds like you are "removing" items simply by disabling them.


    Also, is the Ingredient type correct in the getitemcount? I'm guessing you are doing that to "filter" for the item types added to the container.


    Another thought, have you considered just using a GlobalVariable? I'm thinking that plus the use of a keyword might help as well.

  6. I had no end of problems with my quest markers, I got them back by loading up a save that had never had the mod on it. They magically returned along with other stuff not working such as aliases. You don't need to complex scripting for a "vanilla" type follower, even if they are custom voiced. It is in fact quite a simple process. Check out Deck16's tutorial here


    Thanks! I'll take a look at that. Not sure where or how I'll add one, but if it adds to mod appeal, I'll definitely consider it :)

  7. Ok thanks all for the tips and info. I guess an idea I had back when I started it was to make it a "serial" mod. I had hoped, and maybe this was asking too much of the community, to make the main quest and series of dungeon cells, an ongoing adventure. It takes literally *forever* to complete a cell, at least for me. My turnaround time is anywhere from 2-3 weeks, unless I have extra time off from work. I have friends and family members asking why the heck I've fallen out of touch lol. So that's why I thought I would roll it out in pieces and use player feedback to see where it would go. Things like "can't wait to see what happens to such-and-such" or "It would be great if 'this' happens to that NPC" or "I would like to see this unique item be used in the story 'this' way". Basically player-driven content. I enjoy writing and I do enjoy the development process but I thought it would be cool to defer to actual player input, not just spend weeks or months developing a dungeon then rolling it out all at once, hoping people notice it, and move on.


    Maybe that was a bad idea, I guess. Kinda deflating, actually :/


    As far as quest markers, unfortunately they just don't want to cooperate. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't and I can't really do anything about it. I have been placing them though. There is one treasure hunting side quest that is entirely optional and largely the items are found just from normal movement about the dungeon. I wanted people to actually spend time in the dungeon and not blaze through it, but made it optional, which is why it is somewhat hidden, and not story-driving.


    I kind of thought screenshots would be an issue and I will be working on that directly.


    I thought about having one of the NPCs be a potential follower, depending on the outcome of the quest, but that just seemed like it would add a level of scripting complexity that is beyond me. I spend a large amount of my dev time debugging and troubleshooting papyrus enough as it is already :/


    I'm not a graphics designer by any means. The red font on the picture looked eerie or creepy to me, and I thought it gave a sense of what the dungeon and overall writing would be like. Guess I'll get rid of it :/



    Thanks again for the input, and certainly continue giving feedback as it is much appreciated :)

  8. So I have another thread going, to which I gotten a few replies, and a few comments on the file page, mostly positive. What I'm looking for is feedback and reviews, and general input. I can't tell if the problem is me, if my mod sucks, I don't know. But it shows me almost 4000 views, and only a couple hundred downloads. 5 endorsements so far, and all I can think is "what am I doing wrong?"


    By my estimates, I have over 300 hours put into my mod, which is a series of dungeons and quests. I realize the content isn't for everyone, and the way some of the quests work (in part due to the way I set them up and in part the bugginess of skyrim/CK) are found to be rather difficult. Personally I enjoy having to look a little and think a little, and I don't really like quest markers, but it seems like some people want to race through content and not "stop and smell the roses" so to speak. That's fine, but feedback that tells me that would be nice, because I can certainly tone down the difficulty or just make the dungeons/quests last all of 5 minutes if that's what people want.


    Regardless of the issues, I need actual feedback in order to make the mod more appealing overall. Do people like it and they just don't know or understand the endorsement function? Is there something about the file page that are making the majority of 4000 page views pass over the file and not download.


    I would very much appreciate it if some seasoned reviewers could take a look at not only the file page but actually install and run the mod and send me a PM or leave feedback on the file page. If it is particularly scathing or bad, probably a PM would be better as I would like people to judge for themselves, but either way let me know. Right now I feel like hundreds of hours have largely been wasted as it seems like not many people are running and/or liking what they are seeing :/


    PS - it is the mod linked in my signature.

  9. Ooh pick me! PM me with details. Writing is what I love most, be it dialog, books, etc. etc. It was the main driving force behind my mod (see signature) but considering the overall lack of attention/feedback on my mod (given weeks and hundreds of hours of dev time spent), I've started looking to other modders who may want help with theirs.


    In the meantime, check out my mod (a series of dungeons and quests) to see the writing I have done. There are a few NPCs that have dialogue with various branches based on player choice, as well as responses to various quest outcomes, etc. I have around a hundred pages of book/journal/notes written as well in the mod.


    Send me a note and lets see if we can work something out.

  10. Thanks for the info. I knew someone would say something about the lack of code :p I don't actually have any code, I just have what i gave, which is simply different functions I tried.


    What was really strange was the fact that events were definitely triggering, because i would put stuff in like notifications to show when the event triggered, and at least in what order. From everything I could see, the cast() function simply wasn't firing. Part of the issue seems to revolve around the fact that the placeactoratme function creates a leveled version of the actor base, and not the actor itself. I never created a leveled actor, i just made my actor. i set stats, etc. by hand right on the actor settings. i don't know if that messes things up. anyway i'll keep playing with it. in the mean time i just ran with a cheaper, less exciting method, which is simply to have the actor pop into existence at the correct moment with the placeactoratme, and i had the aggression on the actor set for the highest, so that the actor immediately attacks the player. kinda lacklustre though because you hit an object and then this npc just "pops" in, which looks wierd, but i guess it gets the job done :/

  11. Part 3 beta has been released! Latest version is 2.5.0 and ready for download. Pending player feedback, it will be considered full post-beta and rev bumped to 3.0.0 hopefully by this weekend, but don't let that stop you from downloading and running now! The mod is fully playable and you can pick up where you left off at the end of part 2 if you saved your game before exiting. As always, stay tuned for further updates and leave a comment here or in the forum if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc. :)

  12. Ok so I think I've gotten on the wrong side of something and I just can't figure this out. I think what I'm running into what we call in the electronics world a "race condition".


    I'm instantiating an actor by using the placeactoratme() function. I want the actor to be dead, then resurrect. I'm doing this by having the player destroy a certain object with a certain spell, and in the script on that object, it runs placeactoratme(player) then kills the actor. That works fine. The actor appears and drops dead almost instantly. Then what I want is that actor to cast dunReanimateSelf on herself so that the resurrection visual effect etc happens and she comes alive and starts attacking. The problem is that the actor just plain won't cast the spell. What's strange is i've used this tactic of having a dead actor cast reanimate on itself in other places and it works fine, but it was always within the OnActivate event, like the player walks through an activator primitive that is the actor's activating parent, then i call the cast function to cast the reanimation spell. no problem.


    here, the only events i have to choose from are things like, onload, oninit, oncelllattach, etc., and none of them work. i put debug.notification in all the events on the base actor script, and they all fire, but i think what seems to be happening is that the placeactoratme fires the oninit and onload events right away and then the kill function fires and it's too late to call the cast function inside the onload, etc events. I also tried the OnDeath event, and that did nothing. I'm thinking it didn't work there because the ondeath event triggers at the beginning of the death sequence, and the reanimate spells maybe doesnt recognize the actor as dead yet since the ondeath event hasnt completed yet.


    anyway, bottom line, the actor isn't casting the reanimate spell, and i'm not sure when or how i can trigger it to cast. by the way, to further add complications, the player would have the object they are supposed to destroy in their inventory, so this process could take place anywhere, therefore i can't just have a disabled instance of the actor. they could trigger this whole sequence anywhere at all, so the placeactoratme function is required from what i can tell. i think there are ways to move pre-loaded actor and object instances within the same cell, but i don't know if that can be done from anywhere in the game to and from any cell.



  13. Latest update info: Part 3 is nearly complete! I fully expect to be done with it by this weekend, if not sooner. Keep your eye on this page for the official release announcement of Part 3. Similar to previous releases, I will roll it out as update 2.5.0 Part 3 beta. Once I get a few people to give it a full run and test it independently, I'll bump the revision to 3.0.0, unless other changes are required. As always, stay tuned and leave a comment here, in the file comments or file forum if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc. :)


    Note: keep in mind this is a fully-playable WIP. At the end of whichever is the latest dungeon part, the final exit simply leads back outside instead of the next part. So when Part 3 comes out, the end of Part 2 will teleport to the start of Part 3 instead of outside, so be sure to save your game before exiting Part 2! otherwise you cannot get back to the end of part 2 (and subsequently into part 3) without running through from the very beginning otherwise! I don't mean quests will be reset I mean physically you'll have to traverse the whole thing again instead of starting right at the end of Part 2 ready to go.

  14. Current Progress: Part 3 80% complete.


    Status: I have added another side quest in Part 3 and decided to move the "final" dungeon portion into an upcoming Part 4. Based on feedback from some players, I decided a little more immersion was in order for Part 3, so I'm spending a little more time on it. My hope is to be done by this weekend with Part 3.


    Additionally, I've had some helpful players point out some needed stitching in a few places in Part 2, and also based on player feedback I'm going to be throttling the quest difficulty in Part 2 a bit. My intent was to make a certain side quest challenging in terms of exploration and discovery, but I agree that there is such a thing as "too challenging" :p I'll roll out those changes with the update 2.5.0 Part 3, again hopefully this weekend.


    Thanks to the endorsers and everyone who's already downloaded the mod, and as always if you haven't downloaded it yet, I encourage you not to wait for Parts 3 and 4; there is plenty to do in the meantime :)

  15. Part 3 is about 60% done. I don't anticipate finishing this weekend, but there is plenty to do if anyone wants to download the mod as-is. Other than the main quest, each main dungeon portion is completely separate.


    Others may have thought that, but I certainly didn't. I don't have any other dungeon mods installed so from my perspective, this is the only dungeon in the area. I wasn't thinking along the lines of getting noticed in-game, because to me it wouldn't make sense to install a dungeon mod without the specific intent to run it. In other words, if I install a mod, I would immediately open the game, find it, and run it. The location would make no difference; I would simply go to wherever it's located. So this idea of "high traffic" just doesn't make sense to me.


    I will, however, take your advice and relocate it as soon as my next part comes out, which is fairly soon I hope. Unfortunately, Riften doesn't make sense due to the story content in this mod, but I'll try to think of an area that at least "feels" out of the way. Then again, as I said, I'll simply have no way of knowing whether it causes a conflict. I'll just have to cross my fingers I guess :/

  16. I don't think most people would hold such a question against you. Everyone was new to this at one point, and I'm still fairly new myself.


    I guess my question is: what is it about the map marker that makes you think it should advance the quest? Did you attach a script or something? I can't recall if map markers have an OnActivate or OnTriggerEnter event that fires or not, but some kind of triggering even needs to happen in order for some kind of quest-progression code to happen.


    The easiest way to do what you are talking about, and I've done it a lot and it's rather convenient, is to place a trigger primitive (the "T" button that has the cube shape on it) in the spot where you want the quest to be advanced. you would then simply create a small script on the trigger primitive instance with a property for the quest you want to advance, call it something like myquest, and then use the function myquest.setobjectivecompleted (num1) myquest.setobjectivedisplayed(num2) inside an OnTriggerEnter event wrapper.


    in fact, here's the code i would put. If you set a property called "objcomp" it will complete the given objective number, and/or if you set a number on the property called objdisp, it will display the new objective (some times you want to have a new objective pop up but not have the other one go away, which is why i put both as optional. Let me know if you have any other questions.

    ScriptName AdvQuest Extends ObjectReference
    Property Quest myquest auto ; on the script properties, set the quest name
    Property Int objcomp = 0 auto  ; set the objective you want to complete
    Property Int objdisp = 0 auto ; set the new objective you want to display 
    Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
       If akActionRef == PlayerREF ; makes sure only the player will trigger this code
          If objcomp > 0
          If objdisp > 0
  17. yes. that's pretty much the long and short of it. but would it be easy? in my opinion, no. i'm not really very well versed on actor creation, but i do know that, unlike various other game assets, like items, statics, etc., i don't think you can simply take a horse creature and make it into an actor. With objects, you can simply point an object to any mesh file or whatever it's called (the nif file), which allows you to make, say, a loot item from a static object like a bone or rock or something.


    Just glancing at the actor mesh/3d object info tab (cant remember where it's called) i wouldn't even begin to know how find the pieces and parts you'd need to put onto that tab, nor would i even know how to get them onto it in the first place.


    I'm sure someone has a better idea, but the extent of my experience is: unless it's already setup as an actor, you can't make an actor out of it, whatever it is. Not inside CK as far as i know :/

  18. I am constantly dealing with this exact same problem. When it does work, and i mean after it was previously not working, is when I made some correction to the aliases somehow. My understanding is that, more often than not, when something doesn't work in a quest -- code not firing, no quest markers, etc. -- it's because there's some foul-up with the aliases. That's the main reason I avoid aliases. I don't know if it's a bad practice, but if i need to, say, move items around between containers, i'll just create properties right on the stage script and make a reference to the item asset itself. Aliases are just a real pain in the butt and they've never made sense to me and I am constantly having problems with them. Also, I've actually had to recreate quests from scratch because something got screwed up with an alias. Not that I did something to the alias, it just starts causing errors for no apparant reason; and from what I've seen you can' delete aliases without really messing up the quest, even if you don't use the alias anywhere; so i had to resort to recreating the quest.


    Crashes, etc. aside, quests and quest creation is by far the buggiest aspect of the CK imo.


    anyway, I see now that you say you aliases are all correct, so not sure what else to tell you :/

  19. this is my first mod. i had no idea other people were using that area. i know now that the reason this is happening is because the tutorial for exterior placement of the entrance has you use a spot near riverwood. like others have done apparantly, i simply recycled my entrance. if you have a suggestion as to where to place the mod, i'd be happy to consider it, but i just moved it today at someone else's request that it not be placed on top of some other mod's location, but i certainly don't want to alienate anyone, such as yourself. it wasn't my intention to upset you. like i said, this was my first mod and i had no way of knowing there'd be others in that area :/

  20. I've had to deal with this issue myself. Sorry I can't be of any help, but as far as I know, static is static. Unfortunately, you want to use a door, and I wait how about this! pick any movable static object, copy it, reskin it with one of the static "door" objects (the ones that aren't really doors, they simply are static objects, like furniture), put it on the boat, then put an activator on it. I haven't used activator primitives, but there is a way to essentially make any object an activator by putting an activator primitive on it. if you put the boundaries of the primitive sufficiently close to what you want them to click on, it will "appear" as though they are getting the mouseover option to activate from the object itself, but really it's the invisible box that they are really hovering over. Then, just put an "onactivate" event script on the box, and bam! teleport to the inside :)


    i have no idea whether the movable static will cooperate, but at least it will move with the aha! another idea could you put collision boxes around the movable static door? i can't remember if collision boxes are movable. hmm. maybe not. oh well, there are some other ideas for you though. hope it helps :)

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