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Everything posted by robot3200

  1. Ive found the reason and aparently Bethesta hate japanese. My language setting for non-Unicode programs was set to japansese since ive installed some japanese games that required it set to japanese in order to run and gives a fatal error when using english as non-unicode. I guess that i'll have to keep changing between japanese and english in order to play both games. When the language setting for non-Unicode programs is set to english it works perfectly, when set to japanese it doesnt work. Thank you for your time and support, kudos was given, ill send an email to Bethesta about this issue
  2. NMM can change the files, activating and deactivating the plugin in the NMM, places and removes the plugin from the plugins.txt list (working as intended). It isnt in SteamModList.txt, it appears on DLCList.txt if you open the normal launcher (when not running SKSE), otherwise it only appears on the plugins.txt. I did all the steps you told at your description, created a duplicated item from a barrel, unticked the respawn thing. Placed at the world from dragging from the objects list to the Render window. Saved with no errors. Reloading the .esp on CK this new barrel is still placed on Riverwood entrance. The mod was active when the game started, it remained activated during and still was activated after closing. Have you tried actually downloading that .rar i just posted? It contains the .esp with a barrel in front of Riverwood, if it works on your end it means its not a problem on the mod itself, instead is my game that inst loading the mod.
  3. Ok then, i know im using NMM and BOSS and they are able to organize my plugins load order, but what if the files that control the order are write-only? Anyone knows where is the file that tell the game the plugins load order? If its the plugin.txt or the DLCList.txt on the appdata, both of them where already checked as a not write-only and inside it display the Skyrim.esm on top of the 2 .esp ive created for testing.
  4. On Skyrim launcher does the "Data Files" is greyed out? After enabling the mod and running Skyrim, when you open the manager does the plugin appears unticked? These 2 are the most common problems with people trying to get mods to work and they both have solutions.
  5. Ok then, entered CK, placed a random barrel in front of Riverwood, saved it, enabled it at NMM, checked on Data Files, mod is in the /data folder. Started via SKSE, created a new game, went to the place where there should be the barrel, no barrel. Means the .esp wasn't loaded. I dont want to create a mod that changes the tutorial in any way, changing that box is just the fastest way to test if the mod was being loaded or not. In that case it wasnt, on this new case it also isnt being loaded. If i can get 1 mod to load correctly i can then make all modifications on that mod, but first at least 1 must work. I bet that anyone else that can already run mods could get this simple mod i made working, so ill post it here and if someone can test if they work, then i could at least know if the CK has some problem or my game that have some. Barrel.esp is the barrel at the Riverwood entrance when you go there by walking the road after the tutorial. plug test.esp is a modified starting box that i mentioned at the first post, in this version i removed the armor and placed a katana in the box. If your afraid of a virus, here is the scan: http://virusscan.jotti.org/en/scanresult/e40419285bedd78dd2c0ec964938da6faebc26d3/ca7e25e6ec90468e1e54b8b1bf7e3784dc5221b2
  6. Im running it on WinXP, Steam updated to 1.4.21, Creation Kit also from steam and updated. Using SKSE, NMM and BOSS, all without any problem. Only downloaded modification is SkyUi and it is working. The first time Skyrim was installed I downloaded a lot of mods via NMM and realised that some or all of them weren't actually working (except for SkyUi since it isnt a esp/esm). Then I decided to uninstall, including SKSE, NMM and BOSS, delete all files and start again. After Steam finished downloading Skyrim and running it once, ive instaled SKSE, NMM and BOSS. Installed SkyUi via NMM. For now everything is working fine. Now is where the problem starts. Ive used the Creation Kit to change one simple container, MQ101WardenChest (the chest where you get your very first armor after getting your handcuff cut loose if you entered with the imperial), and placed some gold in it. Loaded the game and it didnt have any effect. Used Google to search for possible solutions to the "mods don't load" problem and I've found the following problems that occur most often: P1.The "Data Files" grayed out at launcher. R1.That button isn't grayed out and I've checked both SkyrimPref.ini (at steam folder and the mygames folder) for the bEnableFileSelection=1, both had it. I can enable/disable the plugin in the Data Files section but it doesn't work in game. P2.Can enable mod at Data Files but it becomes disabled after entering game, also disables at NMM if installed. R2.Never had this problem to begin with, but went to check if plugins.txt was checked as read-only, it wasn't. Usually related to UAC problems on vista/7, i'm on XP. Setting it to read-only after enabling it on NMM also didn't had any result. Both didn't work in my case. On each try I've created a new game and went from the cart ride to that chest to check if the changes where made. Also changed the place of some barrels on Whiterun and saved it to another .esp file, but it also didn't work. Launching for NMM or the normal launcher makes no difference, on both the plugin stays checked, on the plugins.txt it show the Skyrim.esp and my Testplugin.esp. Running without SKSE, from NMM and launcher, don't make the mods work. (SkyUi display the warning message, so working as intended) Uploaded the mod to the workshop, subscribed, downloaded via the launcher, didnt work, lauched via NMM, didnt work, it was showing correctly at all times, just not working in game. Downloaded a random texture pack using NMM and it worked fine on the first try. My conclusion would be that texture mods can work, but for some reason it cant load any custom esm/esp files.
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