Im running it on WinXP, Steam updated to 1.4.21, Creation Kit also from steam and updated. Using SKSE, NMM and BOSS, all without any problem. Only downloaded modification is SkyUi and it is working. The first time Skyrim was installed I downloaded a lot of mods via NMM and realised that some or all of them weren't actually working (except for SkyUi since it isnt a esp/esm). Then I decided to uninstall, including SKSE, NMM and BOSS, delete all files and start again. After Steam finished downloading Skyrim and running it once, ive instaled SKSE, NMM and BOSS. Installed SkyUi via NMM. For now everything is working fine. Now is where the problem starts. Ive used the Creation Kit to change one simple container, MQ101WardenChest (the chest where you get your very first armor after getting your handcuff cut loose if you entered with the imperial), and placed some gold in it. Loaded the game and it didnt have any effect. Used Google to search for possible solutions to the "mods don't load" problem and I've found the following problems that occur most often: P1.The "Data Files" grayed out at launcher. R1.That button isn't grayed out and I've checked both SkyrimPref.ini (at steam folder and the mygames folder) for the bEnableFileSelection=1, both had it. I can enable/disable the plugin in the Data Files section but it doesn't work in game. P2.Can enable mod at Data Files but it becomes disabled after entering game, also disables at NMM if installed. R2.Never had this problem to begin with, but went to check if plugins.txt was checked as read-only, it wasn't. Usually related to UAC problems on vista/7, i'm on XP. Setting it to read-only after enabling it on NMM also didn't had any result. Both didn't work in my case. On each try I've created a new game and went from the cart ride to that chest to check if the changes where made. Also changed the place of some barrels on Whiterun and saved it to another .esp file, but it also didn't work. Launching for NMM or the normal launcher makes no difference, on both the plugin stays checked, on the plugins.txt it show the Skyrim.esp and my Testplugin.esp. Running without SKSE, from NMM and launcher, don't make the mods work. (SkyUi display the warning message, so working as intended) Uploaded the mod to the workshop, subscribed, downloaded via the launcher, didnt work, lauched via NMM, didnt work, it was showing correctly at all times, just not working in game. Downloaded a random texture pack using NMM and it worked fine on the first try. My conclusion would be that texture mods can work, but for some reason it cant load any custom esm/esp files.