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  1. Hey, is this still connected to the database issues regarding the download history? Since May 26th there is no update on all of my download counts - it's very hard/impossible to track anything. Only endorsements seem to work, downloads and views are kind of frozen. The stats page has also not updated properly. Doesn't make a difference if I look at the overall count or individual files. My personal download history itself is working and updating fine.
  2. I think I solved it, had to build it with "SKSE 2_00_17" Source. It compiled correctly and as far as I can see it works as intended ingame.
  3. Hey fellas, I need help to compile 'the newest build' of Alternate Conversation Camera, because I can't get it, although I am using the 'Build Instructions' I am speaking of this fork, because derickso fixed some erros, which are still present in the current version on nexus and the author is a long time absent now Here is the current build on github: https://github.com/derickso/AlternateConversationCamera Hope somone could help with this.
  4. It's a personal edited version of 'Ghost Can't Drop Items You Silly Goose' https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10485 (.esp version), to fit into my loadorder. I managed to kill a few ghost some time ago and they had never dropped any weapons. A few savegame hours before the same ghosts had dropped weapons, but I haven't changed anything since than. So maybe the mod is working right now and there had to be a cell reset or anything like this, I don't know. I would they to give it a try as it seems to work right now. I installed the mod midgame, on a new game it will maybe work immediately.
  5. Hey, I am bothered with the fact, that ghosts drop their weapons when defeated. I wonder if it is possible for someone to make a mod, so that they only use a bound weapon which will disappear as soon as a ghost is defeated. I edited the dropped loot/leveled lists so that you just get ectoplasm from them, but I am not good enough to get rid of the 'real' weapons they use, which will be dropped to the ground.
  6. Still need help of someone. The Quest/Dialoge starts with a Trigger, which refers to 'xmarkerheadings'. I really don't know how to edit all these quest/dialoge things. The characters are always spawned at xmarkerheading location...I don't get how to do it. Building the room and all was easy, but this 'script coding' is nothing what I can do, I need somone who could help me with that. Give me an explenation or an example on how to edit scripts / quests / characters / markes, etc. This is now about my level of experience and I alone won't come along with this. Edit: Give it a try so far: Vault81SecretRealOberservationRooms.rar 'Hydroponics Lab' and 'Depot' are "done" (scripting is still needed)
  7. Ok, thanks for your informations. Never the less I tried out a bit and this is the "prealpha" result of it (first try ever to get to use with the creation kit) and I think it shows quite good the idea of what I mean with "real observation windows": As you can see there are many problems left: - angle of the observation window a bit off (should be easy fixed) -> yep, fixed - from near distance some textures aren't shown and I don't know why (from far distance - I was ingame and clipped through the level to have a look - everything looks alright) -> fixed, I had to link the two rooms (room bounds and a portal) reading / looking tutorials helps a lot, slowly getting used to the creation kit - when you first come close to the window the char will spawn from nowhere - a bit above the ground (I don't know how to fix this) - after they finished talking they just stand there and do nothing I just don't know the Creation Kit good enough to get rid of some of these issues. For the future I think there should be scripts? for the characters, so that they will move (Katy moves out and Dr. Penske will do random stuff in her room) This is why I need the help of a creation kit expert. And this is only the first room...there are some more to come...
  8. Don't know if anyone did this before, but I haven't found anything about it. This would be âlittleâ mod with the intention to add a bit of immersion. There are a few ovservation windows in the secret vault 81, but all you get is a bit of audio, but you only looking on dark glass. Why is there no possibility to look through the othersite, which should be the thing of an observation?! I tried a bit to do it myself, but I can't use the creation kit, it's too complicated for myself. Imgame there is only an empty room with the characters in it, to simplifie, that you are able to look on the other side and not onto a black wall. So there could be enough room to duplicate the original rooms from vault 81. Maybe this is hell of a work for just a little thing, but I love those mods, which add a bit of immersion, so I hope there is someone out there who is willing to make these mod. PS: englisch is not my native language, but I hope you all understand what's the meaning of my post.
  9. Hey guys, my problem ist a missing texture near "bleakwind basin" http://www.pic-upload.de/view-18356860/skyrim_missing_texture.jpg.html . does anybody know, which texture ist missing?
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