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About kenchixp

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    United States
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    Ghost Recon, Splinter Cell
  1. After some meticulous digging, I found a fix for my issue. It turns out this is an LOD loading issue, try adding this under [Maps] in your Skyrim.ini and have it set up like so [Maps] uLockedObjectMapLOD=8 uLockedTerrainLOD=16 Adding this fixed my problem instantly. If you don't have a [Maps] just add it at the bottom
  2. My CPU never really goes up much either, but I have process explorer open to monitor RAM and CPU usage when diagnosing issues with Skyrim. I've never had an issue like this before in Skyrim, as it partially loads for about 2-4 seconds then locks up, with the RAM staying steady instead of increasing like it normally would. Then the Papyrus log serves no use as there's no issue logged aside from Wet and Cold things that I've determined is not the issue. Posting another thread would just divide up any solutions we might find, and other people would post their mod list on one of them and not the other, so we couldn't compare mods.
  3. I'm having this EXACT issue as well as of yesterday. I've done everything they've done to troubleshoot, plus used Apipino's Optimized Textures to see if that would fix it, but to no avail. The CPU will load Skyrim and the current RAM usage will go up about 100 MB while leaving Markarth, but it'll freeze up and stay there with a CPU usage sub 5.0 while showing the loading screen indefinitely.There's been another person with this issue as well, so it's likely all three of us have a mod doing this. Sorting it out should be easier. BOSS log
  4. Hello, I bought and downloaded Dead Money on steam earlier, and I have just got around to beating the quest "heist of the century", as I go to leave back to the bunker, the music plays for 5 seconds, then immediately crashes. I've disabled NVSE, ran a completely clean/no mod run, and made sure my drivers were fine and I'm still crashing at the same exact moment 3-4 seconds after the music plays.
  5. If you crash on auto save or quick save, a temporary fix is killing yourself and then saving directly after. Problem is, you need to do this every time you start the game. That was the only thing that worked for me aside from starting a new game.
  6. I had this same issue after installing the unofficial Fallout 3 patch a couple months back. No one responded and the only fix I found was reinstalling the data folder and replacing the older textures. Thread here http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=110830&hl=
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