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About FalloutGod

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  1. Mutt finds things for you but he's really easy to lose track of in dense woods. So when he's barking to let you know to follow him you can end up missing out on discovering a point of interest because you have no idea where he is. So if anyone can give him a marker on the compass UI. That'd be great.
  2. Idk why they didn't do this because trying to find what you need with the D-Pad mid combat is annoying. It's bad enough Henry takes an eternity just getting his weapon out, it's made worse when a wolf is chewing your leg and a bandit is beating on your head. These game developers fail at the most basic things but admittedly it's not as bad as KCD1 was. Still, a weapon selection window that pauses combat would be great. Don't know how moddable the UI is but if anyone know's how do it you'd be very loved for the effort.
  3. I too want a new game plus option at menu. My game bugged at a certain location in the unmoored world and I can't progress until it's patched, if it ever gets patched at the rate they work on it.
  4. Anyone, please, it's awful. In the lower ashzone, at night, and with the ash, I can't see anything except a tiny little circle of light that doesn't illuminate anything!
  5. I've done an extensive search and it's not helping me figure out what needs to be done to compile the options into a working script. If it was easy enough to find this mod I would have done so by now and probably just used it instead of bothering to edit anything myself. Necessity is, as they say, the mother of invention. Though sometimes I think rotten food is... but maybe that's just for penicillin
  6. I tried looking for said mod and was trying to figure out the script because said mod doesn't exist far as I know.
  7. Trying to add a new option to Helios Terminal that would compile the results of the first 4 options. VHeliosMainframeTerminalSub1 <-- this is what I think must be edited Option 1 set VMS03.nPowerConfiguration to 1 ForceTerminalBack ; SetObjectiveDisplayed VMS03 60 1 SetObjectiveCompleted VMS03 60 1 if(GetObjectiveCompleted VMS03 20 && GetObjectiveCompleted VMS03 30) SetObjectiveDisplayed VMS03 70 1 endif if (VNPCFollowers.ArcadeHired) ArcadeREF.SayTo player ArcadePowerStrip endif Option 2 set VMS03.nPowerConfiguration to 2 ForceTerminalBack ;SetObjectiveDisplayed VMS03 60 1 SetObjectiveCompleted VMS03 60 1 if(GetObjectiveCompleted VMS03 20 && GetObjectiveCompleted VMS03 30) SetObjectiveDisplayed VMS03 70 1 endif if (GetObjectiveDisplayed VMS49 30) SetObjectiveDisplayed VMS49 70 0 SetObjectiveDisplayed VMS49 200 1 endif if (VNPCFollowers.ArcadeHired) ArcadeREF.SayTo player ArcadePowerFreeside endif Option 3 set VMS03.nPowerConfiguration to 3 ForceTerminalBack ;SetObjectiveDisplayed VMS03 60 1 SetObjectiveCompleted VMS03 60 1 if(GetObjectiveCompleted VMS03 20 && GetObjectiveCompleted VMS03 30) SetObjectiveDisplayed VMS03 70 1 endif if (GetObjectiveDisplayed VMS49 30) SetObjectiveDisplayed VMS49 70 0 SetObjectiveDisplayed VMS49 200 1 endif if (VNPCFollowers.ArcadeHired) ArcadeREF.SayTo player ArcadePowerEven endif Option 4 set VMS03.nPowerConfiguration to 4 ForceTerminalBack ;SetObjectiveDisplayed VMS03 60 1 SetObjectiveCompleted VMS03 60 1 if(GetObjectiveCompleted VMS03 20 && GetObjectiveCompleted VMS03 30) SetObjectiveDisplayed VMS03 70 1 endif The confusion I attempted to compile the little scripts into one, eliminating redundancy of things such as ForceTerminalBack Yet the effect I'm trying to have isn't working out. I was going for an option to please everyone but it ends up only working out for one faction... kinda. I'd show you the script I had going but I got mad and deleted it. I can attempt to recreate it if that helps. I'm hoping that isn't needed and someone who understands this scripting method better can help figure this out. It did occur to me that I should do something with "VMS03.nPowerConfiguration" but I can't find this anywhere. I'm stuck because I have no experience in scripting and little in editing with the GECK.
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